Social Mentions -

Social Media Mentions

🌟 Coming Soon: The Ultimate Platform for Social Media Influencer Mentions 🌟

Get ready to supercharge your brand's online presence and skyrocket your industry-leading brand awareness through the power of social media influencer mentions! Introducing Searcheye, your all-in-one platform for leveraging the reach of top influencers on platforms like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more.


I’m a Business

Sign up below to collaborate with influencers.

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    Congratulations! You have successfully joined the waitlist. Thank you for your interest and we will get in touch once we launch this new feature.


    I’m an Influencer

    Fund content creation with brand partnerships.

      Success Icon

      Congratulations! You have successfully joined the waitlist. Thank you for your interest and we will get in touch once we launch this new feature.

      Trusted by teams at

      • Logo
      • PrestaShop Logo
      • Blackberry Logo
      • Logo
      • GoDaddy Logo
      • Contrastly Logo
      • Career Foundry Logo
      • Vimeo Logo
      • Hubspot Logo
      • AT&T Logo

      🌟 Features and Benefits


      Influencer Mentions

      Be mentioned by creators with millions of followers on leading social media profiles


      AI-driven Recommendations

      AI-powered recommendations to connect you with the most relevant social media opportunities



      Build trust and credibility without relying on high acquisition costs on walled gardens


      Grow your Network

      Access to our network of carefully sourced, vetted, and secured exclusive influencers


      Drive Traffic

      Drive thousands of new users, visitors, and buyers to your brand



      Enjoy transparency and communication throughout the process



      Gain media mentions, quotes, and valuable information about you or your product


      Become an Industry Expert

      Position yourself as a go-to expert in your industry


      Exclusive Opportunities

      Secure exclusive podcast interviews with our hands-free solution

      Did you know? Mentions from social media influencers can have a significant impact on your brand and business. Check out these impressive stats and sources:

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Everything you need to know about SearchEye’s Writer Program. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat with our team.

      But… I have an in-house team. Can I still use Searcheye?
      I already build links for myself, why do I need you?
      What types of sites do you offer?
      Who writes the content?
      What if you’re unable to deliver on an order?