Best Link-Building Tools: A Comprehensive Review and Comparison

Today’s search engine optimization (SEO) landscape has undergone various changes, with many new optimizations and ranking factors available. Gone are the days of manipulative strategies like keyword stuffing and duplicate content. Search engines have become more intelligent and intricate. For instance, Google now considers mobile optimization one of the critical features websites must possess before they can be ranked in search results pages. 

Meanwhile, as SEO goes through various transformations, the significance of links continues to intensify. Search engines have become increasingly aware of the importance of high-quality links to enhance user experience, making link-building more crucial than ever. 

Link building is an SEO strategy encompassing multiple practices for businesses to acquire quality links and rank higher on Google’s results pages and other search engine sites. Read below to learn more about link building and discover all the best tools available to help improve your website’s backlink opportunities.

Key Takeaways
  • Link building is one of the most crucial practices in search engine optimization (SEO).
  • Various platforms are available to help businesses boost their link-building campaigns through different helpful solutions and functionalities.
  • Some of the best link-building tool features include backlink checkers, competitor analysis, content idea generators, and site explorers. These tools enable businesses to determine new link-building opportunities, among others.

Understanding Link Building 

Generally, link building is acquiring hyperlinks or backlinks from one website to another. Often, these backlinks are used as resource links that websites use to back up the authenticity or credibility of their content. 

Think of them as citations in research, only in the form of links over related anchor texts. That means if other publishers backlink to your web pages, the referring domains view your site as a reliable source of information. When that happens, you boost your authority in the niche and your ranking in the search engine results pages (SERPs). 

Gaining high-quality backlinks is among the best ranking factors that Google and other search engine platforms consider. They look at them as votes of confidence from one website to another. As mentioned, publishers view a website they link to as a trustworthy source of information. So the higher the number of backlinks, the better sites rank high in search engine results and improve their organic traffic, provided these links are from quality sites, too.

Best Link-Building Tools To Try

Gathering backlinks requires various link-building efforts, including creating original content, guest posting, and requesting links from credible sites. The good news is that multiple tools are available to complement your link-building strategies. These tools offer a diverse range of solutions that help businesses achieve success during the link-building process. 

The following are some of the best link-building tools available today. Read below to learn more about them and the most notable features they offer.


Ahrefs is one of the best SEO tools and backlink authority checkers available today. It offers multiple valuable features, including site explorer, rank tracker, keywords explorer, site audit, and content explorer. 

This link-building tool offers extensive web crawling capabilities that enable it to scour different search engine platforms and websites for better results, making it an effective tool for keyword research and competitor backlinks analysis. 

Ahrefs also features possibly the largest link-building database among its competitors. Plus, it enables businesses to use it as a research tool to develop content marketing strategies for building authority. 

This platform’s pricing starts at $99 a month with its Lite plan, complete with an SEO dashboard, site explorer, keywords explorer, SERP comparison, site audit, rank tracker, and email alerts. 


Semrush is an all-in-one platform that provides businesses with various digital marketing solutions to help them improve online visibility and discover different marketing insights. Aside from link building, Semrush allows marketers to run various SEO, pay-per-click (PPC), social media, and content marketing campaigns. 

Some of the best features that Semrush offers include social campaign management, competitor analysis, and keyword research and tracking. With this platform, businesses can determine link-building opportunities, identify trends in their niche, locate improvement points in their websites, and gather valuable insights to compete in their field.

Prices for Semrush start at $199.95 a month with its Pro plan. It features various SEO, PPC, and social media tools, including competitor analysis, keyword research, website audit, and multiple online advertising solutions.

SearchEye is a powerful marketing and link-building platform that allows businesses to connect with relevant publishers while building an authoritative online image through quality content. 

Among the most notable services that SearchEye offers is their ‘3 PM Links Email‘ feature, where the platform provides personalized link-building opportunities relevant to businesses. The best part about this feature is that clients don’t have to pay for every email. They can only pay when they find a quality opportunity. 

Another critical service SearchEye offers is helping businesses build organic brand mentions and backlinks from notable publishers. The platform does this by establishing its client’s credibility through quality content from its team of creators. 

SearchEye offers a free membership for their ‘3 PM Links Email’ feature. They also have a paid membership plan, which starts at $199 per month.


BuzzStream is an online tool specializing in email outreach. Email outreach is the practice of sending targeted, personalized emails to people or organizations to promote a piece of content, request a backlink, or attempt a partnership or collaboration with influencers. 

This email marketing platform reduces the amount of legwork involved in a link-building outreach campaign. These include researching prospects, finding email addresses, blasting follow-up emails, and tracking reply rates. 

The best part about BuzzStream is how it infuses outreach management and link-building into one platform. BuzzStream offers four different plans. Prices start with the Starter plan at $24 a month, featuring various outreach tools, including contact information discovery, email templates, open, click, and reply tracking, follow-up automation, and link monitoring.


HARO (Help a Reporter Out) is one of the best platforms bloggers have used for years to get media coverage and increase their site’s backlinks. It provides journalists with an extensive database of sources for their upcoming content, typically sent through email. 

The best thing about HARO is that it helps websites get links from high-quality sources, build relationships with other writers and influencers, and establish authority.


Majestic is a powerful tool that generates reliable data, particularly when analyzing a site’s backlink performance. Unlike some of the SEO tools presented in this list, Majestic focuses solely on backlinks. Because of that, Majestic claims to have the best backlink analysis tool and backlink profile checker available today. 

With Majestic’s data, businesses can make the necessary adjustments to bring more traffic from search engines. Aside from that, they can track their competitors’ link-building performance and find sites to partner with or avoid. 

This platform provides three main SEO metrics. These are citation flows (the score of the number of backlinks), trust flows (the quality of backlinks), and topical trust flows {the significance of a site by industry). 

Majestic’s plans start at $49 per month with Lite. It offers site explorer, fresh index, keyword generator, link context, and related site identifiers. 


BuzzSumo is a content marketing platform that offers the best tools for content marketers and SEO experts. With BuzzSumo, they can discover and brainstorm new topic ideas, conduct in-depth content analysis, and identify industry trends. BuzzSumo also allows businesses to conduct competitor analysis, identify backlink opportunities, and more. 

Moreover, BuzzSumo enables marketers to sharpen their influencer strategies. It allows them to uncover influencer partnership opportunities on various platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and blogger sites. Plus, the platform helps marketers track their brand mentions online. 

BuzzSumo’s packages start at $119 with the Basic plan. It includes many helpful features, including a content ideas generator, performance monitoring, and a Chrome extension. is one of the best email outreach tools available today, allowing businesses to connect with the right professionals relevant to their niche. It focuses on helping marketers build their database of contact information that they can partner with or convert, making it an excellent tool for link-building. 

This platform provides valuable features like domain search, email finder, and email verification. The latter ensures that outreach campaigns reach the right people and you avoid sending them to fake email addresses.

Additionally, enables businesses to send personalized emails and reach inboxes instead of spam folders, guaranteeing that campaigns don’t go to waste. The best part is that this platform works with all known email providers, including Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, and Yahoo Mail.’s paid plans start at $49 with its Starter package. This plan features 500 monthly searches, 1,000 monthly verifications, and more.


Linkody is a powerful link-building tool that analyzes link profiles, providing various tools that help businesses determine their best link-building opportunities. Experts can monitor new and lost backlinks with features like Linkody’s backlink tracker. The best part is that this platform offers one of the best user-friendly layouts among the tools mentioned on this list, enabling users to track links quickly and easily.

Some of the best features that Linkody offers include the disavow tool, instant link locator, and email notifications. Linkody’s package pricing starts at $14.90 per month with their Webmaster plan, featuring up to two domains and 500 monitored links. At such rates, this platform provides a cost-efficient solution for businesses.


Moz is famous for its domain authority feature that allows marketers to determine the quality of a particular link. Aside from that, Moz is also known as one of the best all-in-one SEO platforms that help businesses improve their search engine visibility, drive traffic, and convert potential customers. Generally, it allows companies to optimize their website by measuring, evaluating, and monitoring various on-site and off-site factors. 

Today, Moz offers two different platforms with different solutions. The Moz Pro is an all-in-one tool that helps businesses manage various factors in their SEO campaign. It includes features like audience analysis, site rankings, and site auditing or crawling.

Meanwhile, Moz Local is a platform that focuses on helping local businesses optimize their listings on Google, Facebook, and other sites that connect consumers with brands. It provides companies with different features, including ongoing listing sync, automated duplicate listing deletion, reputation management, Google and Facebook integration, and social posts. 

Prices for Moz Pro start at $99 per month with its Standard plan. Meanwhile, Moz Local starts at $14 per month with the Lite plan.


Pitchbox is a link outreach platform designed to help marketing teams with link prospecting, campaign management, and relationship building. This platform enables businesses to find influencers in, as the platform claims, seconds through multiple prospecting profiles and thorough keyword searches. Their integration with top SEO tools like Ahrefs, SEMRush, Moz, and Majestic ensures they only provide a list of the best and most authoritative publishers. 

Moreover, Pitchbox allows businesses to customize each outreach email without manual input. Plus, they enable you to automatically follow up with prospects who have yet to reply to your outreach campaign. 

Pitchbox plans start at $495  a month with the Professional package. This plan features 5,000 outreach emails, unlimited campaigns, and more.

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Boost Your Link-Building Game With SearchEye

Link-building platforms, like the ones mentioned above, can help you create authoritative content, partner with trusted publishers, and acquire quality backlinks. The best part about this list of tools is that most of them are not competing. That means you can use these platforms side by side. You can leverage one or five as long as they fit and elevate your link-building efforts. 

Check out SearchEye for a platform that leverages various solutions to help boost your link-building strategy. With revolutionary technology and a team of SEO and content experts, we provide businesses with all the vital components for a successful campaign. 

SearchEye utilizes the latest technology and a team of talented professionals to help businesses with their link-building needs. Check out our website for more. 

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