How we source opportunities for 3pm Links


When we created the Searcheye platform, our central goal was to empower businesses to elevate their brand and enhance their online presence. Recognizing the importance of brand signals and search improvements, we designed solutions for a stronger digital footprint in the industry.

Before diving in, it’s important to recognize the difference between our 2 main products: Active Opportunities (Articles in Progress) and our Entire Inventory.

Comparing Guest Post Opportunities and Shop the List

Searcheye presently provides two link-building products, namely:

  1. Open Guest Post Opportunities: These are articles that we are presently collaborating on with the publisher.
  2. Shop the List: This is a comprehensive list of all available opportunities in our database that you can choose from, and we will take care of the entire fulfillment process.
Active Opportunities Entire Inventory*
  • 20-50% cheaper
  • Quicker turnaround (article topic already approved by publisher, content in progress)
  • Higher standard of site quality
  • Near unlimited inventory (10k+ sites, Link Inserts, Guest Posts and Digital PR available)
  • Can approve content & strategy
  • More flexibility in supplying anchor text / pages
  • Limited inventory (150-200 sites available at any given time)
  • Can’t approve content
  • Limited choice in anchor text / pages
  • Typically more expensive
  • Slower turnaround time

>> Learn more about the differences between Guest Posts vs Link Inserts

* Entire Inventory is available to Pro, Enterprise and Agency Members Only

Our Criteria for ⏰ 3pm Links

At Searcheye, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality when it comes to offering link-building opportunities. We have an unwavering obsession with quality and have painstakingly built and refined each aspect of our process. To select opportunities that meet the requirements for our “Open Guest Post Opportunities” available on 3pm Links, we meticulously evaluate each opportunity based on the following criteria through manual vetting:


Does the site meet the minimum threshold requirements:

Domain Rating – 50+

Traffic – Minimum of 2,500 search visitors / month

Trending Traffic – Upward traffic over the past 12 months

Keyword Rankings

Analyze the sites’ keyword rankings, looking at both difficulty and trend of keywords ranked in the top 3 and top 10 over the past 2 years.

Traffic Value

Review the sites’ traffic value, and select only those that have a minimum of $5k per month in traffic value.

Industry Focus

Evaluate the sites’ niche focus, and select only those that have a specific, non-general focus. We also evaluate site content to make sure nothing is considered spammy or written for “SEO purposes”.


Assess the sites’ authenticity and avoid “cookie cutter” sites. This can be done by looking at the design, the content, and the overall user experience on the site.

In addition to the above, we also look at 10+ other metrics to ensure each site meets our threshold requirements. The above procedure serves as a universal recommendation and is, often, customized to cater to the distinct requirements of specific publishers. 

Questions & Feedback?

At Searcheye, we are of the opinion that the entire industry should strive to maintain higher standards of quality and accountability. We welcome any questions or feedback you may have regarding our evaluation criteria. Please feel free to contact us here if you have any queries or comments.

See For Yourself

Discovering the most valuable backlinks for your business has never been simpler. By signing up for 3pm Links, you can receive the internet’s top link-building opportunities delivered straight to your inbox every day at 3pm.


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