Introducing the “Suggest a Topic” Feature

At SearchEye, we’re constantly exploring ways to provide more personalized and hands-on experiences. We’re thrilled to announce the addition of an exciting feature that amplifies your involvement in shaping your brand’s narrative: the ability to suggest your own topic requests.

Here’s a demo of the feature in action:


This new development puts you in the driving seat, empowering you to actively contribute to your brand’s visibility and exposure online.

How it Works

You’ll find a new widget labeled “Suggest Topic” at the bottom of your ordering dashboard. By clicking on this button, you’ll be able to provide detailed information on:

  1. Ideal Article Topic / Title: Guide your brand’s narrative by suggesting what your story should be about.
  2. Target Keywords: Identify key words or phrases that are crucial to your brand and that you aim to rank for on your website. Save these to refine future recommendations.
  3. Optional AI Keyword Generation: Our AI tool generates specific target keywords based on the article topic or title information you provide.
  4. Preferred Sites or Site Categories: Share your preferred websites or categories of websites (like tech news or lifestyle blogs) where you’d love your brand to be featured.
  5. Site Metrics or Criteria: Specify metrics like Domain Rating, Authority, traffic, or express interest in acquiring media mentions, links, etc.

We then utilize this information to reach out to our wide network of publisher partners and writers while strictly maintaining your privacy.

Once we secure a match that aligns with your requirements, we’ll notify you of the opportunity. The decision to proceed is always yours, with absolutely no obligation.

The Benefits

This new feature brings a slew of benefits, foremost of which is giving you control over your brand’s narrative.

  • Personalized Recommendations: By saving your target keywords, our system refines and personalizes the recommendations it sends your way.
  • Enhanced Visibility: By providing specific sites or categories, and metrics criteria, you can tailor your brand’s visibility to reach your ideal audience.
  • Increased Engagement: By being involved in the suggestion process, you can engage more actively in shaping your brand’s image
  • No Commitments: Remember, there’s no obligation on your part to proceed with an opportunity. You’re in control at all times.

The “Suggest a Topic” feature takes brand customization to the next level. Don’t wait to take advantage of this unique chance to drive your brand’s narrative. Start suggesting a topic today and catapult your brand visibility to unparalleled heights!

Get Started

Elevating your brand visibility and search presence has never been easier with SearchEye. From acquiring expert quotes to securing brand mentions, it all begins with just a few clicks. Here’s how you can get started and scale up your brand today:

  1. Sign Up or Log In: If you’re new to SearchEye, create an account—it’s simple and quick! If you’re a returning user, just log into your account.
  2. Navigate to the Dashboard: Access your personalized dashboard, which serves as your command center for all SearchEye functions.
  3. Use ‘Suggest a Topic’: Find the “Suggest Topic” widget at the bottom of the dashboard. Click on it to provide your preferred article topic or title, target keywords, preferred sites, and any specific metrics or criteria.
  4. Build Your Brand: Use SearchEye to get links, secure expert quotes, and acquire brand mentions that elevate your online presence and authority.
  5. Monitor the Progress: After submitting your topic suggestion, our team begins connecting with our network of publisher partners and writers to find the best match for your brand. We’ll notify you when there’s a match, putting you in control of the next steps.

Remember, SearchEye is designed to provide you with a seamless and efficient process to build your brand and increase search visibility. With no obligation or commitments, you have the flexibility to shape your brand’s narrative as you see fit.

It’s time to supercharge your brand visibility and authority. Start with SearchEye today!

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