Mastering SEO: How To Get Backlinks for Your Website

Global SEO professionals’ fifth focus for search engine optimization (SEO) in 2023 is link-building. This focus means that links have become more significant in boosting online presence.

Link-building involves acquiring websites to link you to your site. It is a crucial marketing strategy that builds your site’s credibility, trustworthiness, and authority.

Among the types of links obtained in link-building are backlinks. Without high-quality backlinks, you are missing one of the most critical criteria for search engine rankings.

However, earning backlinks is a complex process. You can’t just insert links on your content and call it a day.

So, why build backlinks, and how can you earn high-quality ones?

Key TakeawaysBacklinks are links from other websites that point to your site.Your backlinks must be high-quality to ensure higher search rankings.High-quality backlinks should be authoritative, relevant, natural, and labeled do follow Some ways to get backlinks are publisher outreach, link reclamation, and broken link-building.

Understanding Backlinks

Backlinks—also referred to as one-way links, inbound links, or incoming links—are links with anchor texts from one website pointing to yours. Besides content, you can place these links on images and navigation buttons.

Backlinks are “votes” of quality used by search engines to assess web pages. These votes indicate your site’s authority, quality, and relevance. When your web page has many relevant and high-quality backlinks, you have a better chance of getting higher search rankings that boost organic traffic.

The Importance of High-Quality Backlinks in SEO

Although backlink building is time-consuming, the results are rewarding. Here are the benefits you can reap from high-quality backlinks:

Boosts your search rankings

High-quality backlinks indicate that your web page is relevant, valuable, credible, and authoritative. These aspects strengthen your site’s trustworthiness, resulting in higher search rankings.

When your site ranks highly on search engine results pages or SERPs, it appears on the first page or at the top of search results. With higher search visibility, more users can see and become interested in your content.

Directs more traffic to your site

Since more users see your content, you can direct more traffic to your site.

Traffic refers to website visitors and you measure it by “sessions.” Sessions are groups of user interactions within specific time frames. For example, a single session can have multiple transactions, page views, click-through rates, adding items to a cart, and browsing web pages. They determine your site’s effectiveness in engaging visitors.

The more traffic your website has, the more it can gain conversions. However, website traffic must be organic.

Organic traffic involves users who visit your website naturally, known as free traffic. Free traffic means you’ve generated visitors from unpaid search results. In contrast, paid traffic is generated through pay-per-click advertising (PPC), which pays publishers each time a user clicks your website.

While both types of traffic have their fair share of pros and cons, organic traffic is generally more credible. Sure, it takes time, but it is cost-efficient. It can continue driving visitors even after months or years of publishing your content.

Enhances user experience

High-quality backlinks help users navigate relevant pages better, improving user experience. For example, when users click your backlink, they won’t encounter issues regarding loading time, navigation, and accessibility.

User experience encompasses your visitors’ experiences while interacting with your website. A positive user experience meets the visitors’ needs without interruptions. If visitors are unsatisfied, you might need to refine certain web page features, such as backlinks.

Moreover, relevant, authoritative, high-quality backlinks provide additional resources and references that help users understand topics more deeply. They support the information you present in your content.

Suppose a user reads a digital marketing article mentioning artificial intelligence (AI), which links to your web page. When interested in learning more, this user will click your backlink for an in-depth understanding of AI. With relevant and valuable content, they won’t need additional research to clarify specific points, enhancing the user experience.

Characteristics of High-Quality Backlinks

Not all backlinks are identical. One quality backlink can outweigh a thousand low-quality ones, so you must focus on acquiring authoritative backlink opportunities. 

But what makes a high-quality backlink? Let’s find out below.

They have high domain authority

Backlinks should come from reputable websites to ensure high domain authority.

Domain authority, or DA, is the metric score developed by Moz that predicts how likely your website would rank in search engines. This score ranges from one to 100, and higher scores lead to greater chances of ranking on SERPs.

Besides Moz, SEO tools like Ahrefs and Semrush have developed their own metric. You can access their domain checkers for free. Although free, it has limitations, so you’ll pay for advanced domain analysis tools.

Remember that domain authority isn’t a ranking factor. Google and other search engines don’t use it to determine your website’s ranking. But while it won’t boost your ranking, it will still help you assess your site’s performance amongst competitors.

They include target keywords in anchor text links

An anchor text is the clickable, highlighted text that directs one page to another. It is also called a link label, title, or text.

Ideally, anchor text links should reference information related to the topic from the source page, as they provide context to users and search engines. Users are informed about what they’ll see on the linked pages, while search engines use them to rank and index web pages. Thus, anchor texts should have target keywords.

Target keywords are the keywords you want to rank for. They are niche-related phrases that most users use in search engines when finding information relevant to your business. They also enable search engines to understand the connection of the source page’s content to your linked pages.

However, you shouldn’t use similar target keywords for every anchor text. Anchor text diversity is necessary to attract organic traffic. You should build backlinks with keyword variations—a combination of target, long-tail, and topic-specific keywords. This way, you have natural anchors that boost free traffic.

They are dofollow links

Search engines ignore nofollow links. Nofollow links have “nofollow” HTML tags that don’t impact search rankings. These tags signal the search engines not to count them to your backlink profile.

Thus, your backlinks should be do-follow links.

Dofollow links, or follow links, are links without “sponsored” or “nofollow” attributes. Search engines can index and crawl them as quality votes, influencing your website’s rankings.

Dofollow links are generally the default backlinks that distribute website authority—also known as link juice. Meanwhile, nofollow links suggest that referring domains don’t recommend the destination websites, which won’t contribute to your website’s authority. These off-page SEO metrics are objective assessments that prevent cheating with rankings.

Suppose you find great content that mentions your brand, such as customer reviews and case studies. This content is an opportunity to link to your site to familiarize users with your business. In this case, you want to earn a do-follow backlink from the source page so search engines recognize another vote of quality for your website.

They are natural

Backlinks should be natural—website owners should link to your site because the content provides value, not because you paid them. This means you earned them through high-quality content and genuine partnerships.

Other characteristics of natural backlinks include:

  • Referring domains voluntarily place them
  • They have diverse referring domains
  • You acquire them over time, not within short periods
  • They are earned ethically, not through link buying or link farms

Conversely, unnatural links attempt to manipulate the SERPs. Rather than being organic, they mislead search engines into ranking your website higher.

Google strictly provides the most relevant and high-quality content, so they have regulations against these unethical practices. When Google detects unnatural links from your website, it will issue a warning that violates the webmaster guidelines.

Unnatural links can also harm your SEO in the following ways:

  • Decreases reputation, making Google and users perceive your site as untrustworthy
  • Reduces traffic due to less visibility, temporary search result blocking, or complete search result removal
  • Getting flagged as spammy

The referring domains are relevant to your website

Referring domains are websites where your backlinks come from. You can have backlinks on multiple referring domains simultaneously.

Search engines assess whether your referring domains are relevant to your website. For instance, if your content focuses on coffee, backlinks from coffee websites are more relevant than unrelated ones. The more related your referring domains are, the higher your ranking can be.

How To Get Backlinks

Acquiring high-quality backlinks requires hard work. Moreover, it involves robust link-building strategies.

SEO strategies are also unique for each business. One tactic may apply to you but not others, and vice versa. Still, there are practices applicable to all.

Here’s how you can earn high-quality backlinks:

Create and publish skyscraper content

The skyscraper technique involves finding link-worthy content as a reference to publish skyscraper content—which is the better version of the reference article. Then, you’ll identify the competitor’s referring domains and ask their site owners to link to you instead. These referring domains are your link prospects.

A skyscraper content possesses the following features:

  • More relevant and up-to-date
  • Contains more credible information and sources
  • More comprehensive
  • Presented more efficiently

Let’s say you sell a content marketing tool, and your target keywords are “content marketing best practices” and “best content marketing practices 2023.”

You’ll find the top related content pieces for these terms when you enter them in Google’s search bar. Run these pieces of content in a backlink analysis tool to identify their backlinks and referring domains. Then, put them in a spreadsheet to scale down your best link prospects and content references.

Afterward, create content based on your scaled-down list. Reach out to your chosen prospects once your skyscraper content is live.

Reclaim unlinked brand mentions

Reclaiming unliked mentions, or link reclamation, involves keeping tabs on your brand mentions on blogs or news.

For example, a publisher mentioned your brand but didn’t link to your site. Link reclamation allows you to ask them to provide proper link attributions. You can do this for every web page with unlinked mentions, including employee features, case studies, event features, interviews, podcasts, and statistics.

The great thing about link reclamation is that it produces a win-win situation—you earn high-quality backlinks. At the same time, publishers provide a better user experience. This way, both sides obtain better chances of getting higher search rankings.

You can monitor your brand mentions with a simple platform like Google Alerts. However, if you want more comprehensive insights, use SEO tools with advanced features and data analytics.

Get other publishers to cite you as one of their sources

Your knowledge and expertise allow publishers—like bloggers and journalists—to cite you as their source.

With credible information and reputable domain authority, bloggers and journalists will likely quote you, helping you earn backlinks. Additionally, becoming their trusted source helps increase brand awareness and drive more referral traffic.

To get bloggers and journalists to cite you as one of their sources, subscribe to Help A Reporter Out (HARO).

HARO is a free service where expert sources like you connect with bloggers and journalists looking for contributors. Here’s how to join this service:

  • Go to the homepage and click the three horizontal lines at the upper right corner
  • Scroll down a bit and choose Sign Up for the Basic Subscription Package
  • Fill out the necessary details and verify the captcha
  • Confirm your email address and set up your profile
  • Monitor your email for source requests
  • Submit pitches to source requests that match your niche and expertise
  • Subscribe with the premiums to get advanced features. HARO’s packages have three tiers with reasonable pricing

HARO, however, announced that the service is moving to a new app called Connectively. More details are yet to be released, so keep an eye out on its website.

Acquire contextual links

Many websites feature additional resources called the Read More sections. These sections contain helpful contextual links that provide in-depth discussions of specific topics. You can embed them throughout the content or dedicate a standalone section.

For example, a web page about creator marketing will link to additional resources about influencer outreach.

Here’s another example from

The key to getting quality contextual links is choosing the best link prospects. You can find them by researching articles with existing Read More sections and content relevant to your promoted web page.

If you have a new social media case study, you can look for articles discussing social media marketing trends that recommend additional resources.

Search these articles by entering the following query prompts in the Google search bar:

  • social media marketing trends inurl:blog intext:” Read more”
  • social media marketing trends inurl:blog intext:” Recommended articles”
  • social media marketing trends inurl:blog intext:” Recommended reading”

Conduct outreach to bloggers and journalists

Another way to get backlinks is through publisher outreach. It involves connecting with bloggers and journalists and sending outreach emails to ask them to link to your site.

However, publishers are often bombarded with excessively promotional outreach emails that won’t provide value. For this reason, you must ensure your pitches stand out.

Here’s how to write a winning outreach email:

  • Create a straightforward but enticing subject line
  • Write an engaging introduction, preferably praising the site owner’s work
  • Emphasize why it’s beneficial for the site owner to link to your site
  • Keep the pitch simple and clear
  • End the email with an encouraging message that says you’ll provide more details when they reply with interest

Don’t be discouraged when you don’t receive a response immediately. Your email could’ve been buried, or the publishers may still be busy. Send a follow-up email within two to three business days to bring your email to the top of their inboxes.

Obtain “Best X” link mentions

Consumers search for available options before purchasing products or services. For example, they browse comparison articles like the “Best Budget” for their desired items to see what expert sources recommend. These articles are called Best X articles.

Best X articles are popular formats in content marketing and guest blogging. They are informative pieces of content that recommend top-rated products or services under specific categories. Consumers use these articles as buying guides to make informed purchasing decisions based on tests, reviews, and expert opinions.

The X refers to the specific products or services being ranked. For example, a “Best Smartphones of 2023: An Honest Roundup” article lists the top smartphone choices for consumers in 2023. It includes numerous options, and each review is based on consumer needs, average budget, durability, reviews, and brand reputation.

Getting featured in Best X articles is a great way to earn backlinks that promote your brand and entice consumers to buy your products or services.

Like acquiring contextual links, you’ll need to search for high-ranking websites that publish roundups. Then, curate a spreadsheet list of your link prospects and scale it down based on domain authority. Use a backlink analysis tool for comprehensive insights.

Once done with your best link prospects list, write a persuasive pitch in preparation for outreach. Ensure your pitches stand out so the website owners find your offers valuable.

Revamp your old content

Google stores, crawls, indexes, and ranks hundreds of billions of web pages. As such, old content gets buried in the search engine due to saturation.

For this reason, revamping old content is a worthwhile way of getting backlinks.

To revamp old content, find old articles that haven’t been touched in a while. You may use a content management system (CMS) solution to ease manual work. Afterward, create a list and run each web page in a backlink analysis tool.

Check the number of backlinks on each web page. If one has numerous authoritative backlinks, refresh it with new and more relevant data. Once the updated content is live, inform the referring domains about the new version to update your backlinks.

Publish Ultimate Guide articles

Ultimate Guide articles are pieces of content that provide the most comprehensive explanation of different topics. They cover sufficient information, reducing the need for users to do additional research.

Ultimate Guide articles attract backlinks by providing comprehensive resources that bloggers and journalists can use to reference information. For example, when authors briefly mention SEO in their content, they can link an Ultimate Guide about SEO.

Here’s a step-by-step guide for writing and publishing an Ultimate Guide content:

  1. Find and choose a topic that doesn’t have too many ultimate guides
  2. Outline the headings and sub-headings of your article
  3. Write your Ultimate Guide and cover all the necessary details
  4. Publish your article and wait for referring domains to link to your web page
  5. Alternatively, you can find articles briefly mentioning the topic of your ultimate guide and reach them out

Find and fix broken links

Finding and fixing broken links is commonly known as broken link-building. It involves reaching out to other websites with broken links and suggesting they update with links to your web pages. 

Naturally, your page should have good content, so it’s valuable for publishers to swap their broken links with yours.

Broken link-building is another win-win situation for you and the publishers. While you earn quality links, your links help the publishers fix a website error, adding value to webmasters and improving their readers’ user experience.

Here are two ways to replace broken links:

  • Find similar or relevant web pages on your website to replace the broken links
  • Search for dead pages (404 errors) that used to have many links. Recreate better versions and reach out to the referring domains

Whichever route you choose involves a comprehensive SEO tool to identify broken links and outreach to pitch your unique selling proposition.

Search for backlink opportunities from referral sources

Another way to gain backlinks is through referral sources. They are platforms that help clients discover your brand, products, or services. Referral sources include LinkedIn, social media channels, and Google searches. Many website owners might have been offering you backlinks through these platforms.

Curate a list of the websites providing backlink opportunities. Narrow it down based on domain authority, and study your top choices’ content. Afterward, understand their preferred content. Find relevant existing articles within your site or create content related to their published articles.

Leverage outbound links to establish partnerships

Outbound links are other excellent sources of backlink opportunities. These links point from your site to other websites. All you need to do is search for your outbound links and send outreach emails to establish partnerships.

You can identify your outbound links through SEO tools. These platforms will show your top outbound links that get the most clicks. But this doesn’t mean you’ll automatically reach out to all of them.

You should scale down your top outbound links based on domain authority and relevance by creating a comprehensive spreadsheet. Then, understand their content preferences, create relevant content, and publish your articles.

Once your articles are live, conduct outreach. You can also contact the website owners directly and ask if they’re willing to collaborate with you. For example, ask the site owner if they want to partner for a case study. If the prospect accepts, you’ll earn new backlinks that drive organic traffic while forming a valuable relationship.

Use infographics

Infographics are among the most common ways to earn backlinks. These images visualize data using charts and graphs, breaking down complex concepts into more straightforward visual explanations.

Infographics contain relevant data—facts or statistics—about specific topics. When yours possesses valuable information, you can earn multiple backlinks and referring domains in a single infographic. Visuals like diagrams and one-page templates are ideal if infographics don’t match your brand.

You can also provide free online photo galleries. These galleries let you share free high-resolution images for content creators, bloggers, and journalists. You can upload photos and build galleries on sites like Unsplash, Pexels, Pixabay, and Freepik.

Go for guest posting

Guest posting, or guest blogging, involves writing articles for other websites. Guest bloggers generally write blogs for websites within their industry.

Many websites offer guest blogging through contributor accounts or Write For Us sections that allow everyone to write articles and get featured. They can also link to your site in the author section or within the content.

You can find websites that accept guest posting through a simple Google search. Enter your target keyword with a “contributor” or “write for us” tag. For example, enter “digital marketing + write for us” and “digital marketing + contributor.”

Google then generates filtered results that show websites that allow guest blogging. Here are the steps for choosing the best link prospects for guest posting:

  • Choose the top-ranking sites with high domain authority
  • Check the types of content published on these websites
  • Brainstorm relevant topics these websites haven’t published yet
  • Write topic pitches that contain abstracts of what you’ll cover
  • Send an outreach email, attach the pitch document, and wait for the response

Build valuable and free tools

If you’re a tech-based company, building free and handy tools—like calculators and template generators—is ideal for earning backlinks.

Here’s how to get backlinks through free tools:

  • Conduct keyword research to see what comes up under “tools,” “generators,” and “templates” within your niche
  • Check the top 10 tools in the search results
  • Identify which tools receive the most backlinks in a backlink analysis software
  • Build a better version of the tool, something that enhances the user experience (e.g., a better interface and more customizations)

Use online directories

While directories are traditionally known as yellow pages, many online directories are now available for businesses. Directories are also helpful for local SEO.

Here’s how to build backlinks for online directories:

  • Choose directories with high domain authority and a good reputation
  • Set up your business profile and highlight the necessary information
  • Include relevant keywords in your submission
  • Regularly update your directory information

High-quality directories are directories most consumers use—TripAdvisor, Google Business Profile, and Yelp. Moreover, leveraging local and niche directories strengthens your SEO. Local directories aim to boost your local search visibility, while niche directories are industry-specific lists that focus on enticing consumers who show genuine interest in your products or services.

Leverage top-performing content formats

Specific types of content perform well on search engines. These content formats include the following:

  • What and Why Posts: “What” posts are informative, descriptive, and educational. Meanwhile, “why” posts are persuasive and analytical
  • Videos: This format is ideal for consumers who prefer actual demonstrations of products or services
  • How-Tos: Articles that explain how to do something in a step-by-step format
  • Listicles: Articles that present information through detailed and formatted lists

Remember that you shouldn’t just publish these formats carelessly—your content must be high-quality to get other websites to link to your site.

Get listed on resource pages

Resource pages are websites that curate links to valuable tools, resources, apps, services, or products. Getting listed on these sites can help you build high-quality backlinks.

Here’s how to get backlinks from resource pages:

  • Enter your target keywords with “resources,” “resource pages,” or “resource lists” tags
  • Run the sites in your backlink analysis tool
  • List the top-performing resource pages
  • Send outreach emails

Study your competitors’ backlinks

Stay informed about the marketing landscape by studying the competition. You should look into your competitors’ backlinks and assess their strategies.

Use your backlink analysis tools to identify your competitors’ referring domains. Scale down the list, then reach out to the website owners to get them to link to your site instead.

Provide testimonials

Most websites showcase testimonials as social proof of their products, tools, or services. They typically display these statements on their homepage.

So if you’re a regular user of certain services, provide testimonials in exchange for backlinks. You can also find top-performing websites. Use their products or services for a few months and write testimonials.

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Get High-Quality Backlinks Through SearchEye

Backlink building and acquisition is an intricate process that requires attention to detail. You should provide high-quality content that brings value to get other websites to link to your page. Concurrently, outreach is a crucial step that should pique publishers’ interest in the first few sentences.

Finding link-building opportunities can be a hassle if you don’t have the right resources. Thus, partner with SEO experts like SearchEye to gain access to advanced deliverables, backlink analysis, and other link-building services. We can help you maximize your SEO strategies and save time by streamlining the link-building process.

Earn high-quality backlinks that bring success to your business. Partner with SearchEye today to elevate your link-building and SEO strategies.

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Asked Questions

Being featured by media agencies or professionals on outlets like television, radio, newspapers, and websites is still one of the best ways for brands to garner exposure. It helps you build credibility and increase your reach. 

Media attention isn’t just for the big players either. It’s within reach for all ventures (even startups), adding an exciting challenge to the mix.

In this guide, we’ll discuss essential information about media coverage. Learn about the different types of media coverage and their benefits. Plus, we’ll provide all the best practices for attracting journalists, bloggers, media agencies, and other similar parties.

Key Takeaways
  • For years, being featured in a media outlet has remained an effective way for brands to boost credibility, reach, and conversion.
  • Despite emerging digital marketing channels, classic outlets like TV, radio, and print remain excellent media coverage options, especially when earned as free press. Otherwise, they’re costly if brands choose to pay for exposure.
  • There are many ways to attract media mentions, including building relationships with journalists, publishing authoritative content, and developing compelling press releases.

Understanding Media Coverage

Media coverage or mention is a practice when media outlets or professionals feature a person, company, or organization in a story. These come in various forms, including news articles, reviews, and recommendations on different offline and online platforms. 

Getting media attention and coverage is vital because they help shape public opinion. People often turn to media entities for relevant stories, whether positive or negative. Gaining more positive mentions could boost your brand awareness and build credibility, among other benefits.

Today, various media coverage types are available to help brands in many ways. These are the following. 

Earned media

Earned media is a type of free press an individual or organization receives from journalists, bloggers, and media agencies. Brands consider this the best media coverage because they earn it organically, meaning media professionals see a potential story within the business they want to cover. 

It’s worth noting that this type of media doesn’t come from a partnership or sponsorship. As the name suggests, brands earn them because they possess something compelling that the audience must know about. When that happens to a company, its credibility and reputation elevate, helping them convert more people. 

The best example of earned media is when journalists make a feature article about how a company provides game-changing solutions to the market. Another example is when a blogger provides an in-depth product review of a brand on their platform. 

Owned media

Owned media is any content an organization or individual develops and controls. These include blogs, social media posts, and press releases. 

Generally, owned media refers to digital outlets like company websites, social media accounts, and mobile apps because most businesses today have them. Through these outlets, brands can publish any stories without editorial guidelines or restrictions media agencies have. 

If done correctly, they can create relatable content and showcase themselves as industry leaders, increasing their chances of attracting media professionals. 

Moreover, owned media provides long-term value to brands in all industries. Companies regularly producing quality content can boost their search engine performance, making it easier for potential customers and media partners to find them. 

The best part is that, like earned media, this type of coverage is cost-effective. For instance, brands can launch a social media page and publish content for free. 

Paid media

Paid media is any advertising or promotional content displayed in a media outlet paid by an organization or individual. Various traditional and digital marketing channels allow brands to invest in ad placements or sponsored content to reach their target audience. The most famous examples are TV and radio ads, social media ads, and website banner ads. 

While paid media doesn’t have the same organic effect as earned media, it still has many benefits. To start, it allows brands to reach a broad and specific audience, significantly boosting brand awareness and visibility. These targeted ads, especially those conducted online, also provide detailed analytics and reporting, helping marketers track and measure their performance based on concrete data. 

It’s also worth noting that paid media ads on traditional outlets like broadcast and print help elevate a brand’s credibility. For instance, people still view TV ads as one of the best signs of a company’s success compared to website banner ads. Many online users are even reluctant to trust the latter because they often associate it with malware attacks. 

Benefits of Gaining Media Coverage

As briefly discussed above, getting media coverage or mentions benefits brands in many ways. We’re diving deeper into the most notable advantages of gaining media attention and leveraging other types of coverage below. 

Boost brand awareness

Gaining media mentions online and offline is an excellent way to increase your visibility in various channels. When media outlets or professionals feature your business on their platforms, they expose it to a larger, potentially untapped market.

Many brands, especially small businesses, don’t have access to all media outlets. Being mentioned on channels without prior exposure will help them expand their reach and convert potential customers.

Aside from that, media coverage can open doors for new opportunities like collaborations, partnerships, and sponsorships. By improving exposure in various media outlets, brands can increase their chances of tapping potential investors and suppliers, helping them expand their network immensely.

Build credibility and trust

As discussed, gaining media mentions from trusted journalists and similar entities is an excellent way to elevate brand image and reputation. Being featured by reputable third-party individuals or organizations is always better than talking about yourself on your own platforms. 

However, it’s not to say that owned and paid media can’t boost credibility and trust. Publishing quality content online through owned media helps showcase a brand’s expertise, making it a reliable source of information in the industry. 

When that happens, they increase their chances of boosting their search engine optimization (SEO) ranking and getting recognized or featured by various media outlets. 

As mentioned above, using paid media also helps elevate brand credibility because people often associate ads, particularly on broadcast and print outlets, as a sign of a successful company. When you invest in these channels, you position yourself as the better option in your industry, providing you with a competitive advantage in your field. 

Generate more conversion

Lastly, the best thing about having positive media coverage or mentions is that it helps brands generate more leads and sales for their business. Media appearances will allow you to tell compelling stories that attract your audience.

Combine that with all the benefits mentioned above, and you significantly retain your existing customers and convert new ones.

Types of Media Channels

Today, brands can acquire media mentions from online and offline outlets. The following are all the media types where you can get effective coverage.

Broadcast media

Broadcast media refers to video or audio content transmitted to a mass audience through electronic mediums, particularly television and radio. Generally, these outlets help simultaneously communicate a message to the public at a given time, ranging from insightful, promotional, or entertaining. 

Despite the emergence of streaming platforms and various digital marketing channels, broadcast media still has a powerful influence on people, primarily because of its unparalleled capability to reach a broad audience. 

Millions of people worldwide still rely on broadcast media for news, entertainment, and information on current events. It’s why people find brands featured on these channels appealing and trustworthy. 

Unfortunately, effective as they are, broadcast media remains a costly option for brands. Unless your company gets featured organically by a news outlet or similar agencies, paying for an ad placement will be expensive. Plus, exposure doesn’t always guarantee the best results. To benefit from a TV and radio ad, you must create a campaign that will resonate well with the target audience. 

It’s also worth noting that broadcast media is a one-way communication. That means brands can send a message through these channels but can’t receive one from their audience.

Print media

Contrary to what many think, print remains an important medium in today’s highly digital world. For instance, many studies confirm that the younger generation, particularly the phone-obsessed Gen Z, is surprisingly becoming more invested in printed books than online ones. 

Print media outlets like newspapers, magazines, billboards, and flyers are popular and effective brand advertising channels. Aside from its broad reach, many consider these outlets more credible than broadcast and digital because print media publications often conduct rigorous fact-checking and quality control before green-lighting a project.

Print media allows brands to reach people depending on geographic location, interest, or language. For example, if your brand wants to attract interior designers or architects overseas, you can buy ad placements in home decor magazines abroad to reach them. 

Meanwhile, like broadcast media, print provides one-way communication only. They could help boost brand reputation and increase reach but will not guarantee better engagement. Plus, ad placements in newspapers, magazines, and billboards are expensive. The best option to benefit from print media without costing too much is to get featured in newspapers and magazines. 

Digital media

Digital media are the most popular option for businesses of all sizes today. Channels like websites, social media, and email provide brands with incredible reach, inexpensive solutions, and, most importantly, engagement with potential customers. 

With digital media, the target audience can leave comments and send feedback to a brand’s online campaign. Through these channels, brands can attain a high engagement rate, which can help increase their conversion. 

The best part is that many outlets offer concise targeting, allowing brands to reach their target audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviours. Plus, these channels provide valuable metrics that brands can use to boost their campaigns.

Digital media also allows brands to launch campaigns easily and to scale them depending on your budget or any significant changes. Unfortunately, with so many accessible tools and platforms, falling behind on high-performing campaigns is easy. To stand out in your field, you must regularly produce relatable and authoritative content relevant to the target audience.

Moreover, finding success in various digital media outlets might take time. Ads on broadcast or print media immediately appeal to the target audience. With digital media, brands need continuous efforts to boost their visibility and reputation in the industry.

Key Steps To Gaining Media Coverage or Mentions

As mentioned above, utilizing all media coverage benefits brands of all sizes. The following are the best ways to use or gain media coverage for your brand. 

1. Establish your goals

Before conducting media outreach or the steps mentioned below, having a goal is best to ensure you effectively attract journalists or media agencies. This step requires intensive research because it involves various factors to create a concrete objective. 

First, you must develop a story idea you want to pursue and want media professionals to notice. You must be able to share who you are, what you do, and your brand’s values. At the same time, your story must provide a solution to your field for it to stand out. 

Next, identify your desired journalists or similar entities. Note that not all media outlets fit your target audience, meaning you must look for media contacts that are relevant to your field. Start by looking at industry publications to create a media list. Then, narrow this list by looking at your competitors and see which ones they’re targeting or using. 

Finally, you must craft a timeline for the subsequent steps in this list. 

2. Create compelling press releases

A press release is an authorized statement or communication piece issued by a company, organization, or individual to any media outlet. This content often aims to publicize newsworthy information, including new products, mergers and acquisitions, events, grand openings, rebranding, and special offers.

Publishing a press release is an excellent way to improve brand awareness by sharing company news, achievements, and developments. Because of these updates, existing and potential customers will understand your brand better and become more inclined to trust it. 

Aside from that, a press release is an effective way to communicate with investors, shareholders, and ideal partners, like journalists and media agencies. 

When drafting a press release, you should consider various factors to ensure success. For one, you should write it in a news-style format. It must have a concise headline, dateline, introductory paragraph summarizing the whole piece, and supporting paragraphs for added information. 

It’s also worth noting that a press release must be concise and packed with all the essential information relevant to the story. 

There are many ways to deliver a press release. Generally, brands send it to journalists, news outlets, and other media agencies. However, brands can also publish it on their websites. Third-party platforms allow brands to distribute press releases on news sites and similar platforms.

3. Build rapport with journalists and bloggers

Creating a solid rapport with journalists, media outlets, and other similar entities is crucial in getting regular press coverage. It’s also an excellent way to enhance brand credibility, especially if you build relationships with reputable journalists and media agencies.  

Moreover, building an excellent connection with these professionals is a perfect way to ensure better storytelling for your business. Creating a relationship helps them understand your brand better, allowing them to craft stories that best represent your company and its products and services. 

There are many ways to build relationships with relevant journalists, bloggers, or media agencies for your brand. First, follow their work online and show appreciation by sharing or promoting them on different platforms. 

Another way is to stay in touch by engaging with them regularly online and in person. It’s also ideal to send them tokens of appreciation, like gift baskets, discounts, and other valuable items.  

4. Develop a creative media kit

A media or press kit is an official package or collection of various promotional and informational materials a company provides to journalists, media outlets, and other similar parties. These materials boost media coverage or public relations efforts by providing relevant information, resources, and assets. 

In addition, these materials are often provided in an organized manner. Typically, these items are arranged in a digital folder and sent to media entities. Brands also have the option to send physical copies of their media kits, but they’re often limited to vital documents and other printed information. 

Media kits consist of various components. Some of the most crucial ones are company background, press releases, key facts and statistics, product and service details, and contact information. It’s also essential to include high-resolution images, logos, and graphics that media outlets can use when covering your brand’s story. You can also add some awards and recognitions to boost your company’s image.

Lastly, there are many reasons for brands to send out media kits. They can send them before announcing a new product or service, responding to media inquiries, participating in events, and organizing a press conference. 

5. Use your social media pages

Building an incredible social media presence is an excellent way to stand out and get noticed by journalists, media outlets, and other similar entities. Popular channels like Facebook, LinkedIn, and X (formerly Twitter) are some of the best platforms for brands to showcase authority by sharing valuable content relevant to your industry and target audience. 

Use these social media channels to offer insights and solutions backed by relevant research and data through various content forms. Doing so provides additional sources or potential story ideas to help journalists, media outlets, and other similar entities. 

If they turn to your social networks for valuable information, you increase your chances of being featured on different channels, ultimately elevating your brand’s credibility in the industry. 

Social media also allows brands to follow and engage with such professionals. You can use various platforms to communicate with them and share their work with your audience. Doing so will help you build an excellent relationship with media entities.

6. Publish authoritative content

As discussed earlier, becoming a thought leader is an excellent way to gain media attention. The best way to do that is to publish authoritative content relevant to your industry. Doing so will help increase your chances of being noticed by media professionals looking for helpful industry sources and story ideas.

Brands can leverage various content forms to showcase their expertise. Aside from blog posts, they can publish creative visuals, videos, and podcasts. The key is to utilize relevant data, conduct thorough research, and provide in-depth content that’s easy to understand to avoid alienating people who have yet to learn about the industry.

7. Participate in industry events

Joining, hosting, or presenting at events provides an excellent opportunity for brands to attract journalists and media agencies. For one, launching an event or giving a presentation in one allows you to share your insights, knowledge, and solutions. When you do that, you position your company as an industry expert, increasing your chances of getting more media coverage.

Being present at relevant industry events is also an excellent way to get media mentions. Even if you aren’t giving lectures or demonstrations, attending these gatherings will help journalists and media outlets see you as an aspiring industry leader, fostering a humble and relatable image. 

Moreover, attending events allows you to build your network of journalists, bloggers, influencers, and media agencies. You can engage with them at an event, appreciate their work, and pitch stories for their platforms. 

8. Leverage search engine optimization

SEO remains one of the most significant players in digital marketing. Online users continue using search engines like Google and Bing to acquire information. That includes journalists and media outlets looking for additional sources or story ideas online. 

Aiming for an excellent SEO ranking is a perfect way to be a top choice in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Doing so will allow you to attract potential customers, journalists, and media agencies. Today, SEO encompasses various practices to ensure excellent ranking, including keywords, content, responsiveness, and site speed. It’s crucial to know that SEO is an aggressive and evolving process. To stand out in this channel, brands must watch out for various SEO trends and optimize their websites accordingly.

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Get More Media Attention

Whether you’re aiming for broadcast, print, or online exposure, getting media coverage or mentions is a powerful tool for brands wanting to build their reputation, increase reach, and drive growth more effectively. 

The key to gaining media attention for your brand is to develop intriguing stories, build relationships with journalists and bloggers, publish authoritative content across various online platforms, and more. It might be a stretch today, but if you make such a good impression and create excellent pitches, you could attract more prominent outlets like Forbes and the Wall Street Journal. 

One of the many online platforms that can help brands elevate their credibility is Searcheye.

Through Searcheye’s various services, brands can craft authoritative content and reach many online publishers, allowing them to stand out and gain media attention. Visit Searcheye today and see how we can help out. 

Searcheye offers a wide range of SEO and digital PR services that can elevate your brand’s brand awareness and authority. Visit us for more information.

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Asked Questions

Maintaining a good reputation is essential not only for individuals but also for brands. Businesses and organizations must understand the value of positive public perception, as it affects many business areas.

A brand’s reputation is crucial as it affects how audiences and industry peers perceive it. It can also directly impact the company’s profitability and overall performance.

Consumers are deeply aware of the significance of a brand’s online presence. A recent survey found 98 percent of consumers used the Internet to learn about businesses in 2022. What they discover online subsequently shapes their opinions and purchasing decisions.

For this reason, managing your brand’s online reputation is essential. Depending on your industry, business practices, and available resources, this task can be easy or difficult. 

Keep reading to learn about online reputation management and how to apply it to your business.

Key Takeaways
  • Online reputation management (ORM) refers to maintaining and managing the public’s perception of a specific brand.
  • ORM covers four main media channels: owned, paid, earned, and shared.
  • Brands must establish an ORM strategy to help them navigate online interactions and maintain a positive reputation.

What is online reputation management?

Online reputation management (ORM) covers practices that help manage and maintain an individual or organization’s reputation. Its purpose is to control the public perception of a particular brand online.

ORM can include monitoring brand mentions, review management, responding to negative feedback, and gaining positive reviews to maintain a good brand image. Maintaining this positive image is essential, as it can affect your industry authority, customer trust, and profitability, among other performance indicators.

These practices offer several advantages to brands that decide to adopt them. A good reputation establishes respect and authority from your peers, competitors, and audiences. 

Companies should consistently stay abreast of the online conversations surrounding their brand. This way, they can quickly become aware of positive or negative content and respond accordingly.

Online Reputation Management Media Channels

The Internet hosts different types of media that brands and audiences can use to publish content. These media channels have different characteristics businesses can use to manage their online reputation.

Here are the four main media channels you can use when developing your ORM strategies.

Owned media

Owned media refers to content and platforms your brand or business owns and controls. Examples of owned media include your brand’s website content, social media accounts, research papers, and webinars.

One of the best ways to leverage your owned media is by performing well on search engine results pages (SERPs). 

Some ways to improve the performance of your owned media on search engines include the following:

Many people use search engines to find relevant brands and businesses that address their needs and interests. SEO can help your owned content reach more audiences, improve your reputation, and attract more people to your brand.

Paid media

As the name suggests, paid media covers content you pay other entities to publish. The most common example of paid media is advertisements on various channels, online or offline.

Online reputation management of paid media will cover online advertisements, such as social media ads, sponsored posts, banner ads, and influencer sponsorships.

The biggest benefit of earned media is that you have significant control over your image while gaining exposure to bigger audiences. However, buying advertising slots can be expensive, especially from prominent advertisers with a significant audience reach.

Earned media

Earned media covers content you did not create or control. Other individuals and publishers make and publish this content for you, whether positive or negative. 

Examples of earned media include the following:

Earned media often presents a relatively objective and unbiased image compared to paid ads and owned media. Gaining positive earned media can significantly boost your reputation and build trust among audiences.

Earned media requires you to utilize other forms of media to gain enough attention and earn other people’s organic contributions. However, you can also contact media outlets and influencers to receive press coverage.

Shared media

Shared media covers content shared on third-party platforms. Its most distinctive characteristic is engagement and interaction between multiple parties. 

Common examples include social media posts, comments, and shared content, whether they come from your brand’s social media profiles or external sources.

Performing well on social media offers significant advantages to your online reputation. These posts often reach your target audience and influence their opinions and purchasing decisions. 

Responding to social media comments and posts about your brand, whether positive or negative, can help you control your image on shared media channels.

Why Reputation Management Matters in Business

Reputation management takes a lot of time, effort, and resources for businesses. However, it remains a significant undertaking due to its advantages in protecting your reputation and promoting a positive image.

Here are some main reasons businesses should consider adopting an ORM strategy.

Impacts consumer decisions

People want to know they’re spending their money on quality products and services. For this reason, many consumers prefer to do online research or read reviews before buying a product or booking a service.

In 2021, around 70 percent of consumers read one to six customer reviews before committing to a purchase.

Building an excellent online reputation and collecting positive product and service reviews can help sway consumers’ decisions in your favour.

Helps manage negative reviews

Your brand can’t please everyone. No matter how hard you try, you will make mistakes or provide defective products or services. As a result, customers might get dissatisfied and leave bad reviews.

While you can’t make people remove negative comments, you can respond to them and offer prompt solutions. Customers can react positively to brands that exert effort in addressing issues and putting customers first.

Collects valuable feedback

ORM requires brands to monitor what customers and external parties say about their products and practices. While the content you find might not always be positive, every comment can give you valuable insights into what your brand might be doing right or wrong.

This practice helps you understand your customers better. As a result, you can make relevant changes to improve your products and services, which boosts your online reputation. 

Controls the narrative

Neglecting to perform reputation management tasks could leave you unaware or unable to control the narrative surrounding your brand. In times of crisis, negative comments could take over public opinion and negatively affect your business.

ORM helps you keep up with the conversations surrounding your business and exercise more control over how people interact with and perceive you online.

Managing Your Brand’s Online Reputation

Managing your online reputation isn’t as easy as responding to online comments. You must be strategic, no matter the vastness of your brand’s reach. Every interaction you have or piece of media you publish could affect public perception differently.

If you’re new to ORM, the steps below can help you manage your online reputation. You can also adjust these strategies to suit your needs and resources better.

1. Perform a brand audit

It’s good to establish a baseline before changing how you present yourself or interact with customers. A brand audit can help you know what you’re currently working with and what you still need to do.

Perform online media monitoring and reputation monitoring to learn how audiences and other parties talk about your brand. This step will give you a better understanding of people’s perceptions of your business and identify challenges you may need to address.

Look for different types of conversations about your brand. Some platforms and content you may need to seek out include the following:

When Googling your brand, it’s best to do it on a fresh device or using incognito mode on your browser. Divide your findings into channels you can and cannot control. 

After conducting your brand audit, you can get a more objective view of your brand’s appearance to the average customer. 

2. Create an online reputation management strategy

The audit gives you a good overview of the current state of your brand’s reputation. With this knowledge, you can formulate your ORM strategy.

ORM involves a lot of tasks, such as responding to comments and reviews or addressing favourable or unfavourable press coverage. Ordering and prioritizing necessary tasks will help you organize your efforts and make sure you get all urgent items that need attention.

Let’s say your online reputation is pretty neutral, with a few negative reviews on various platforms. In this case, you’d only need to respond to these comments and appease the displeased customers.

However, you should postpone these smaller tasks and prioritize crisis management strategies if you’re facing a reputation crisis.

Once things quiet down, you can prioritize your ORM tasks into easier tasks with smaller impacts and more challenging yet significant undertakings.

Document your guidelines and workflows and assign monitoring and response tasks clearly. Proper delegation of tasks avoids confusion and ensures consistency and timeliness.

3. Develop a tone guide

Consistency is essential in ORM and every interaction you make with your audience. Creating a tone guide can help multi-person teams communicate with audiences and develop an online presence consistent with company values and branding.

Your tone guide can include response templates, communication guidelines, and the type of language you plan to use. 

Depending on your audience, you may opt for more casual language or adopt more formal communication. No matter your choice, staying consistent and using precise language is vital to avoid miscommunication and misunderstandings.

4. Monitor brand mentions

You’ve likely researched your brand mentions during your brand audit. However, consistent media and brand monitoring are essential when adopting an ORM strategy. 

To do this, you can create alerts for your brand name and other related keywords to see what people say about your brand. Google Alerts is one way to do this, though other reputation management software also offers brand monitoring features.

This step helps you stay up-to-date with changing conversations and trends surrounding your brand, competitors, and the overall industry. The information you get from monitoring your brand mentions can help you implement and improve your strategies.

5. Take appropriate action

Take the policies and guidelines you formulated during the strategizing step and apply them to your different platforms. 

For example, if you notice a slew of negative reviews coming in for one of your product or service offerings, respond appropriately. Determine whether the error was a one-time thing or indicative of a larger operational problem. Reassure your customers and provide refunds or appropriate compensation.

Steps four and five are vital, and you must perform these steps repeatedly throughout your business’s lifetime.

6. Monitor your progress

Monitoring and analyzing different metrics will help determine whether your ORM strategies work. Schedule assessments and follow-ups over regular periods to ensure consistent data. 

You can set key performance indicators (KPIs) before implementing your strategies and assess them regularly. Common KPIs for ORM can include the following:

Tips and Best Practices for Better Online Reputation Management

Companies can improve their ORM strategies in many ways. The best way to do so is through practice, which can teach you what approaches work best for your company. You can also apply the following tips when you’re just starting.

Invest in SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) practices can significantly improve your brand’s online reputation. Getting on the first page of search results helps establish your brand as a leader and attracts more people.

On-page and off-page SEO tactics help you target various keywords to reach your target audiences. A well-optimized website alongside reputable brand mentions helps you cover your bases on all relevant media channels.

Leverage public relations

Good public relations practices help generate positive press and conversations around your brand. Here are some ways you can use PR to create positive discussions:

Be responsive

Social media, review sites, and other interactive platforms have allowed consumers to communicate directly with brands to express their opinions and experiences. Take advantage of these platforms by responding to comments and reviews and engaging with your audience.

Promptly addressing negative comments in a positive manner can help minimize possible damage to your reputation. Engaging with your audience in general also helps build better relationships and establish trust with your audience.

Offer good customer service

Providing good customer service helps generate genuine positive feedback from customers. It will also improve the customer experience and overall satisfaction.

Focus on the customer’s concerns. While customer service interactions can be an excellent platform to upsell or cross-sell, make sure to prioritize providing concrete solutions to their issues. Maintain courtesy and genuine concern during these interactions.

Encourage feedback

Feedback is an essential element of your online reputation. Whether positive or negative, reviews help you read the temperature of how people perceive your brand. 

Encourage your customers to leave feedback through incentives or reminders. Positive reviews can help boost your SEO rankings and influence others to support your brand.

Highlight positive content

Online reviews and user-generated content (UGC) are excellent sources of marketing material. If you find positive reviews and content through your brand monitoring efforts, consider highlighting them on your website or social media platforms. 

Some sources of positive content include reviews, press mentions, UGC, endorsements, and influencer posts.

Reputation Management Tools

Reputation management involves a lot of tasks and processes. While teams can perform these tasks manually, they can be time-consuming. 

Reputation management software tools help companies streamline their processes and become more efficient. Here are some ORM tools you can use and incorporate into your company strategy:

Google Alerts

Google Alerts is an online tool that helps you set alerts for specific keywords like your brand, competitors, or industry terms. Each time these keywords get mentioned, you receive links to them in your inbox.

This app is an excellent tool for ORM, especially as you’re starting. It’s completely free and easy to use.


BrandMentions allows you to monitor social media channels, blogs, news sites, and review sites for mentions of your business or related keywords. 

You can also use this app to keep track of your competitors, which allows you to gain insights into their strategies.

BrandMentions offers a free 7-day trial, and their paid plans start at $75 a month. You can also request customized pricing and services if your business needs them.


SearchEye offers bespoke content marketing and brand mention services to businesses that want to improve their online reputation. Their user-friendly platform allows brands to order brand mentions and custom content to help their ORM strategies come to fruition.

They have a free daily newsletter called 3PM Links, where you can receive brand mention opportunities directly to your inbox. You only need to pay for links once you get them.

They also offer Links Pro at $289/month, giving access to various types of content to strengthen your online reputation. If you want specific services, your company can also get custom pricing.

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Take Charge of Your Brand’s Online Reputation

Several factors will affect your brand’s online reputation, some of which are out of your control. However, a well-planned and executed ORM strategy can help you maximize the factors within your control.

SearchEye can help your brand build a positive online reputation through brand mentions and other content marketing strategies. Our team of journalists and consultants can help you generate positive media that attracts potential customers and helps you achieve company goals.

Create and maintain a positive company reputation through brand mentions and quality content. Contact SearchEye today.

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Asked Questions

The digital landscape has grown increasingly competitive in recent years. Nowadays, staying ahead of your competitors is critical to achieving better online visibility and rankings. One of the most effective strategies for surpassing your competitors is through thorough competitive research.

Understanding your competitors’ search engine optimization tactics enables you to gain valuable insights for enhancing your SEO strategies. However, this endeavour may require the proper SEO competitor research tools to provide you with a competitive edge.

Competitor research tools can assist website owners or webmasters in uncovering their competitors’ backlinks, content strategies, and top keywords. This allows them to refine their SEO methods and boost their rankings.

Key Takeaways
  • SEO competitor research is critical for any SEO marketing strategy since it assists you in understanding your competitors and their successful strategies.
  • Some of the most popular SEO competitor research tools include SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz, Google Keyword Planner, and SpyFu.
  • SEO competitor research tools are essential for optimizing website relevance, authority, and visibility by discovering keyword opportunities, analyzing backlinks, and boosting on-page optimization and content.

1. SEMrush

SEMrush is a comprehensive search engine optimization tool with various competitor research features. Its domain overview lets users analyze their competitor’s paid and organic search strategies in-depth.

SEMrush also gathers information on top organic keywords, traffic sources, and backlinks while allowing users to compare their domain with their competitors to identify opportunities and gaps.

Extensive domain overview

SEMrush is popular due to its domain overview feature. It’s a powerful tool enabling users to conduct competitor research by entering their domain. Entering the competitor’s domain gives users access to valuable and exploitable information.

As mentioned, SEMrush offers an in-depth analysis of the target competitor’s paid and organic search strategies. This feature allows users to discover their backlink profile, traffic sources, estimated traffic, and top organic keywords.  

The information obtained enables users to identify the keywords their competitors target and assess their overall presence in the online environment.

Keyword research

When it comes to understanding the keyword strategies of your organic competitors, SEMrush’s keyword research tools are an indispensable feature. Its keyword magic tool enables users to unearth the keywords driving traffic to their competitors’ websites.

SEMrush provides invaluable information on keyword difficulty, the competitive landscape for each keyword, and search volume. Users can recognize high-value keywords for targeting and optimizing their content by analyzing the data provided.

Backlink analysis

Backlinks play a critical role in any search engine optimization strategy. SEMrush excels in supplying comprehensive backlink analysis by exploring the backlink profiles of users’ competitors.

By exploring their competitor’s backlink profiles, users can find their most authoritative sources and replicate their successful link-building strategies. SEMrush offers insights into anchor text distribution, the quality of backlinks, and referring domains.

This information assists users in understanding the backlink landscape in their niche and establishing a solid link-building strategy to boost their website’s authority.

Content gap analysis

SEMrush’s content gap feature enables users to recognize gaps in their content strategy compared to their competitors. By comparing their domain with their competitor’s, users can discover which keywords their competitors are ranking for that they are not.

This information allows users to develop new content that focuses on these keywords, improving their visibility in search results. Additionally, SEMrush offers insights into the type of content that performs optimally for their competitors, enabling them to generate relevant and engaging content that resonates with their audience.

Competitor advertising research

SEMrush provides valuable insights into the paid advertising strategies of users’ competitors. Through thorough analysis of their competitors’ paid search campaigns, users can gain valuable insights into the ad copies they are utilizing, the keywords they are bidding on, and their estimated budget.

This information enables users to refine their PPC campaigns, identify opportunities to outperform competitors and optimize their ad copy.

Position tracking

SEMrush’s position tracking feature lets users monitor their competitor’s ranking positions for specific keywords. By tracking their performance over time, users can identify any changes in rankings and adjust their search engine optimization strategies as needed.

Additionally, this tool provides valuable information like keyword difficulty, SERP features, and search volume, assisting users in making informed decisions about their SEO campaigns.

2. Ahrefs

One of the most powerful and popular search engine optimization tools that excels in backlink analysis is Ahrefs. Its competitor research tool analyzes the backlink profiles of users’ competitors, enabling them to identify the most authoritative sources and replicate successful link-building strategies.

Additionally, Ahrefs provides detailed information on ranking positions, content gaps, and organic search keywords. With its wide range of functionalities and features, Ahrefs can provide invaluable insights into the tactics of users’ competitors.

Backlink analysis

One of Ahrefs standout features is its extensive backlink analysis capabilities. As mentioned, backlinks play a pivotal role in search engine rankings, and Ahrefs offers a comprehensive view of the backlink profiles of users’ competitors.

Analyzing these backlinks allows users to identify their competitor’s most authoritative sources and utilize successful link-building strategies for their websites. Ahrefs provides information on the quality of backlinks, anchor text distribution, and referring domains.

Users who obtain this data gain the ability to develop a solid link-building strategy to boost the authority of their website and outrank their competitors.

Keyword research

When attempting to understand your competitors’ keyword strategies, Ahref’s keyword research tools can be an invaluable asset. Ahref’s keyword explorer allows users to discover keywords that drive search traffic to their competitors’ websites.

Ahrefs also provides information on the competitive landscape for each keyword, search volume, and keyword difficulty. This data enables users to recognize high-priority keywords they must target to optimize their content.

Additionally, the “Clicks” metric of Ahrefs estimates the organic traffic potential of specific keywords, assisting users in prioritizing their search engine optimization efforts.

Content analysis

The content analysis features Ahrefs offers allow users to gain insights into the top-performing content of their competitors. Understanding the type of content that resonates with users’ target audience enables them to create relevant, engaging content that stands out.

Ahrefs provides information on specific articles’ estimated traffic, backlinks, and social shares. This data helps users recognize content gaps, enabling them to establish a content strategy that outperforms their competitors.

Competitive analysis

The SEO competitive analysis features of Ahrefs provide a comprehensive look into the SEO strategies of users’ competitors. With Ahref’s site explorer, users can analyze their ranking positions, estimated organic traffic, and top organic keywords.

This data enables users to identify their competitors’ target keywords and asses their online presence. Additionally, Ahrefs provides a comparison feature that allows users to benchmark their website against their competitors, which helps them uncover areas for improvement and opportunities.

Site audit

The site audit tool in Ahrefs enables a user to address and identify technical issues that may affect the performance of their website. Users can ensure they optimize their website for search engines by implementing regular site audits, which result in better rankings.

Ahref’s site audit also provides insights into indexing issues, broken links, and crawlability. Fixing these issues enables users to improve their website’s search engine visibility and overall user experience.

Rank tracking

Ahrefs’ rank tracker feature allows users to monitor the ranking positions of their competitors for specified keywords. Tracking their performance over time allows users to identify shifts in rankings and trends and adjust their SEO strategies based on that information.

Ahrefs also provides viable information on SERP features, search volume, and keyword difficulty, enabling users to make data-driven decisions regarding their SEO campaigns.

3. Moz

Moz provides a collection of SEO tools, including its competitive link research tool, that is particularly valuable for SEO competitor analysis. This tool enables users to explore their competitors’ anchor text distribution and backlinks to discover opportunities for building high-quality links.

Moz also offers insights into competitors’ page authority and domain authority, helping users understand the overall strength of their competitors’ websites.

Competitive link research

The competitive link research tool is one of the critical features of Moz that enables users to analyze the backlink profiles of their competitors. Examining their competitors’ anchor text distribution, link quality, and link sources allows users to find authoritative sources to replicate and incorporate into their link-building strategies.

This feature assists users in understanding the link landscape in their industry and establishing a solid plan to boost their website’s authority.

Domain authority and page authority analysis

Moz provides a domain authority and page authority metric that measures the quality and strength of a webpage or website. Utilizing Moz’s competitor research tools enables users to assess their competitor’s domain authority and page authority, providing them with insights into the overall strength of their competitors’ websites.

This information allows users to identify strong competitors and understand their positioning in search engine rankings. Analyzing their competitors’ domain authority and page authority enables users to develop strategies that boost their website’s authority and surpass their competitors.

Keyword research and analysis

Moz provides a plethora of tools designed for keyword analysis and research. Understanding competitor keywords enables users to find new opportunities to optimize their content.

Moz’s keyword research tools provide insights into organic click-through rate, keyword difficulty, and search volume. These metrics assist users in prioritizing keywords and optimizing their content to reach higher ranks in search results.

Moz’s Keyword Explorer also enables users to identify related keywords and locate invaluable long-tail keyword opportunities.

On-page optimization

The on-page optimization feature in Moz enables users to analyze the webpage elements of their competitors and find optimization opportunities. Examining their headings, content, and meta tags lets users gain insights into their on-page SEO strategies.

These tools emphasize improvement areas, including poorly optimized titles and missing meta descriptions. That enables users to boost their rankings and refine their on-page optimization.

SERP analysis

Moz provides search engine results page (SERP) analysis tools that assist users in understanding the search landscape for specific keywords. Examining the top-ranking pages for their target keywords enables them to gain insights into the formats, features, and content types that Google favours.

This information allows users to align their content strategy with their target audience’s search intent, giving them a competitive advantage in rankings. The SERP analysis tools also offer information on knowledge panels, featured snippets, and other SERP features that help users optimize their content to maximize exposure.

Content performance analysis

Moz enables users to analyze the performance of their competitor’s content. Understanding the content that resonates with their target audience facilitates the creation of valuable and engaging content that outperforms their competitors.

These tools provide data on engagement metrics, social shares, and backlinks for specific articles. This information helps users see content gaps and establish a content strategy to attract more traffic and earn higher rankings.

4. SpyFu

SpyFu is an SEO tool that specializes in competitor keyword analysis. Its competitor keyword spy tool allows users to discover the paid and organic keywords their competitors target.

Additionally, SpyFu provides information on competitors’ ad history, estimated budget, and ranking positions, giving users a comprehensive understanding of their competitors’ PPC strategies. With SpyFu, users can gain critical insights into their competitors’ tactics and find opportunities to boost their SEO efforts.

Competitor analysis

SpyFu’s in-depth competitor analysis allows users to understand the SEO strategies their competitors utilize. SpyFu facilitates the identification of top-paid keywords, ad copy variations, and organic keywords.

This information helps users identify their competitors’ most successful strategies, enabling them to refine their ad and keyword-targeting campaigns.

SpyFu’s competitor analysis also offers insights into competitors’ paid and organic search performance, enabling users to identify areas for improvement and benchmark their website against their competitors. 

Keyword research

SpyFu’s keyword research capabilities are crucial in improving organic search rankings and uncovering profitable keywords. With SpyFu, users can find the target keywords of their competitors and evaluate their cost-per-click (CPC), keyword difficulty, and search volume.  

Examining this data allows users to recognize high-value keywords with lower competition and optimize their content.

Additionally, SpyFu allows users to track keyword rankings over time, enabling them to monitor their progress and make informed decisions for their SEO campaigns.

Backlink analysis

SpyFu offers backlink analysis tools that assist users in gaining insights into their competitors’ link profiles. With SpyFu, users can analyze their competitors’ anchor text distribution, evaluate the quality of their backlink profiles, and reveal their most authoritative backlinks.

This information helps users develop a robust link-building strategy, improve their website’s authority, and identify potential link-building opportunities.

AdWords competitor research

SpyFu’s AdWords competitor research features can be invaluable for users running pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. SpyFu enables users to identify their competitors’ most successful ad campaigns, including ad spend, keywords, and ad copies.

By examining their competitors’ strategies, users can obtain insights into effective ad messaging, refine their ad campaigns, and recognize untapped keyword opportunities to accomplish better results and significantly higher click-through rates.

SEO ranking analysis

SpyFu’s SEO ranking analysis features offer critical data on the organic search performance of users’ websites, enabling them to track their rankings over time. SpyFu allows a user to monitor their progress, find fluctuations in rankings, and adjust their SEO strategies based on the given information.

SpyFu also provides insights into the top organic search competitors for users’ target keywords. This feature assists them in understanding the competitive landscape and identifying opportunities for improvement.

Competitor ad history

SpyFu also has a competitor ad history feature that enables users to explore their competitors’ historical PPC ad campaigns. Accessing archived landing pages and ad copies lets users obtain insights into their competitors’ optimization strategies for landing pages and messaging.

This information allows users to learn from the successes and failures of their competitors to create more effective and compelling Google ads and refine their ad campaigns.

5. SimilarWeb

SimilarWeb provides users with valuable insights into their competitors’ audience behaviour and website traffic. Analyzing their referral sites, user demographics, and traffic sources allows users to identify potential opportunities for targeting specific market segments and gain a deeper understanding of their audience.

SimilarWeb also provides information on top-performing engagement and content metrics.

Comprehensive competitor analysis

SimilarWeb offers a comprehensive competitor analysis feature that enables users to gain deep insights into the online performance of their competitors. This tool allows users to identify their top competitors according to traffic volume and engagement metrics.

It allows users to explore their backlink profiles, content marketing strategies and efforts, and paid and organic search strategies.

Traffic sources and channels

Understanding your competitors’ traffic sources is critical to organizing your SEO and marketing campaigns. SimilarWeb provides a detailed breakdown of the traffic sources and channels of users’ competitors. 

Users can identify which channels drive the most traffic to their competitors’ websites, which include social media, paid advertising, organic search, and referrals.

Keyword analysis and gap identification

Keywords serve as the backbone of any successful SEO campaign. SimilarWeb offers a comprehensive keyword analysis feature, allowing users to discover which keywords their competitors target to gain higher rankings.

By analyzing this information, users can identify the keyword opportunities and gaps to optimize their content and outrank their competitors. Additionally, SimilarWeb offers suggestions for long-tail and related keywords to expand users’ potential keyword pool.

Content analysis and strategy

Producing high-quality content is critical for SEO success. SimilarWeb helps users in analyzing the content strategies of their competitors. Users can evaluate their competitors’ most popular topics, content formats, and visited pages that generate engagement.

This information helps users understand the strengths and weaknesses of their competitors’ content, enabling them to refine their promotion strategies and content creation.

Benchmarking and goal setting

SimilarWeb allows users to benchmark their website’s performance against competitors’ sites. Users can obtain a clear picture of their position in the market by comparing metrics such as keyword rankings, traffic volume, and engagement.

This data-driven insight enables users to set realistic objectives and monitor their progress.

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6. Serpstat

Serpstat provides a wide array of competitor research features, including keyword research, backlink analysis, and domain analysis. These features allow users to explore their competitors’ top paid and organic keywords, find critical backlinks, and identify content gaps they can leverage to outrank them.

Serpstat’s competitive analysis reports provide users with comprehensive insights into the SEO strategies of their competitors.

Comprehensive competitor analysis

Serpstat provides a robust competitor analysis tool that allows users to obtain deep insights into the online performance of their competitors. This tool enables them to identify the top competitors based on various metrics, including keyword rankings, backlink profiles, and organic search visibility.

Serpstat enables users to analyze their competitors’ keyword usage, uncover opportunities, and explore their SEO strategies to outperform them.

Keyword research and analysis

Serpstat offers a keyword research and analysis feature that allows users to identify the industry’s most high-performing and relevant keywords. Users can identify their competitors’ search volumes, the level of completion for each keyword, and their target keywords.

Backlink analysis and building

Serpstat enables users to analyze their competitors’ backlink profiles to identify their most valuable backlinks. Understanding competitors’ linking strategies allows users to reverse engineer successful tactics and gain high-quality backlinks for their websites.

Serpstat also helps identify new link-building opportunities by recommending relevant websites that link to users’ competitors.

Content ideation and optimization

The content ideation feature in Serpstat provides users with topic suggestions based on competitor analysis and keyword research. Users can find popular topics in their niche, develop engaging content that resonates with their target audience, and identify content gaps.

Additionally, Serpstat assists in optimizing users’ existing content by providing insights on content length, keyword usage, and readability. 

Rank tracking and reporting

Monitoring keyword rankings and tracking progress is crucial for SEO success. Serpstat provides an extensive rank-tracking feature that allows users to monitor the performance of their website on search engine results pages.

You can keep tabs on your rankings for specific keywords over time, receive automated reports on your SEO progress, and compare your performance against competitors. This data-driven method helps users make informed decisions and optimize their strategies to reach better rankings.

7. BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo is a content-focused tool that enables users to analyze their competitors’ most popular content. Discovering their top-performing articles allows users to obtain insights into content types that resonate with their target audience.

Additionally, BuzzSumo provides information on backlinks and social media shares, helping users understand the content’s impact and reach.

Content analysis and performance

BuzzSumo offers a comprehensive content analysis, allowing users to evaluate their competitors’ content performance. Users can determine which content types and topics generate the most backlinks, shares, and social media engagement.

Understanding what content resonates with the target audience enables users to produce similar, high-quality content with a better chance of generating backlinks and attracting organic traffic.

Influencer identification and outreach

Collaborating with influencers in the niche can significantly boost users’ rankings and amplify their content reach. BuzzSumo can assist users in identifying influential individuals who have engaged with or shared their competitors’ content.

Reaching out to these influencers enables users to build relationships, leverage their audience, and gain valuable backlinks to drive more search traffic to their websites.

Topic research and trend identification

Keeping updated with your industry’s latest trends and topics is critical for producing engaging and relevant content. BuzzSumo allows users to research popular topics and identify trending content.

With BuzzSumo, users can find out what content connects with their target audience, which influencers drive engagement in specific topics, and which social media platforms it’s performing well. Aligning content with the latest trends allows users to boost their chances of ranking higher in search engine results and grabbing the attention of their target audience.

Backlink analysis and outreach

BuzzSumo’s backlink analysis feature lets users find which websites frequently link to their competitors’ content. Analyzing these backlinks helps users reach out to relevant websites, secure valuable backlinks for their content, and discover new link-building opportunities.

BuzzSumo offers insights into the quality and authority of these backlinks, enabling users to prioritize their outreach efforts.

Social media monitoring and engagement

Social media plays a critical role in improving brand visibility and driving traffic. BuzzSumo enables users to monitor competitors’ social media engagement and performance metrics.

This information gives a user insights into the content that produces the most engagement, the influencers driving social media discussions, and the platforms competitors find the most success.

Analyzing this data allows users to engage with their audience more effectively, refine their social media strategies, and increase their chances of achieving better rankings.  

8. Majestic

Majestic is well-known for its backlink analysis capabilities that provide users with a detailed exploration of their competitors’ backlink profiles, including the number of referring domains, citation flow, and trust flow. Majestic’s tools allow users to evaluate the quality of their backlinks and recognize potential opportunities for link-building campaigns.

Extensive backlink analysis

Majestic provides users with in-depth backlink analysis, allowing them to discover valuable insights into the link profiles of their competitors. Users can analyze the quality and number of backlinks pointing to their competitors’ websites and their anchor text distribution.

Majestic has citation flow and trust flow metrics that help users evaluate their backlink profiles’ overall trustworthiness and authority. Understanding competitors’ link-building strategies enables users to recognize new opportunities for gaining high-quality backlinks and boosting the authority of their websites.

Competitor link gap analysis

Recognizing the gaps in backlink profiles compared to competitors’ is critical to establishing an effective link-building strategy. Majestic’s competitor link gap analysis feature enables users to compare their backlink profiles with those of their competitors.

This feature enables users to identify specific backlinks and domains their competitors have that they lack. This information helps users comprehend which websites to target for link acquisition, bridging the gap and boosting their website’s authority.

Anchor text analysis and link text strategy

Anchor text plays a pivotal role in link building and search engine optimization. Majestic enables users to analyze the anchor text distribution of their competitors, allowing them to identify strategies and patterns employed in link-building campaigns.

Understanding the anchor text landscape within their niche allows users to develop a more effective link text strategy for their website. It also enables them to find opportunities to diversify anchor texts, ensuring a natural and organic link profile.

Historical link data and tracking

Understanding competitors’ historical link data provides valuable insights into their link acquisition strategies over time. Majestic provides historical link data allowing users to track changes in their competitors’ link profiles and recognize link-building trends.

Analyzing historical link data helps users gain insights into successful campaigns and find strategies that have stood the test of time. This information assists users in adapting their link-building efforts for long-term success.

Backlink outreach and relationship building

Building relationships with influencers and website owners is critical for successful link-building. Majestic helps users identify potential link-building opportunities by providing the contact information of website owners.

Users can reach out to the relevant influencers and websites to suggest content or propose collaborations that benefit both parties’ audiences. Users can enhance their relationship-building efforts and secure valuable backlinks for their website by leveraging Majestic’s outreach capabilities.

9. Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a free competitor research tool that assists users in identifying relevant keywords and their search volumes. Simply entering their competitors’ website URLs enables a user to discover the keywords their competitors target and obtain insights into their content strategy.

Extensive keyword research

Google keyword planner offers extensive keyword research capabilities, allowing users to discover keywords relevant to their target audience and industry. Entering a competitor’s site or a seed keyword enables a user to produce a list of related keywords and their average monthly search volumes.

This information helps users understand the demand and popularity of specific keywords, enabling them to optimize their content and target the appropriate keywords to drive organic traffic.

Competitor keyword analysis

Knowing which keywords your competitors target is critical for outperforming them in search engine rankings. Google Keyword Planner enables users to analyze their competitors’ sites to identify the keywords they are bidding on and prioritizing.

Search volume trends and seasonality

Seasonality and search volume trends are pivotal in developing effective SEO strategies. Google Keyword Planner offers insights into the search volume trends for specific keywords in real time.

Analyzing these trends allows users to find peak search periods and adjust their content and digital marketing campaigns accordingly.

Cost-per-click or CPC and competition analysis

Google Keyword Planner provides valuable information on the average cost-per-click or CPC for keywords and the level of completion related to each keyword. Understanding the CPC allows users to gauge the commercial value of specific keywords and focus on those that provide better conversion potential.

Additionally, analyzing the competition level helps users decide which keywords to target and assess the difficulty of ranking for specific keywords in their best SEO campaigns.

Keyword grouping and organization

Organizing keywords into relevant groups is crucial for producing targeted content and optimizing a website’s structure. Google Keyword Planner enables users to create keyword groups based on their shared topics or themes.

This feature helps users categorize and structure content to ensure a comprehensive keyword strategy. Organizing keywords helps users improve their websites’ relevance, search engine rankings, and user experience.

Bonus Tool: Screaming Frog SEO Spider

Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a popular website crawler providing users with in-depth insights into their competitors’ on-page SEO. Analyzing their competitors’ headings, meta tags, and other on-page elements enables users to discover optimization opportunities.

This tool also helps users recognize any technical issues on their website, allowing them to address them accordingly.

Comprehensive website crawling

Screaming Frog SEO Spider conducts comprehensive website crawls, allowing users to analyze various aspects of their competitors’ websites. It identifies and reports on vital elements like metadata, URLs, internal and external links, images, and headings.

Analyzing this information allows users to uncover technical issues, optimize their website’s structure, and identify areas for improvement to ensure search engines can efficiently crawl and index their content.

On-page optimization analysis

Screaming Frog SEO Spider offers valuable insights into competitors’ on-page optimization by analyzing key factors, including meta descriptions, keyword usage, title tags, and header tags.

Users can examine their competitors’ on-page optimization techniques to identify areas where their content can improve.

Broken link identification

Broken links can have a massively negative impact on a website’s user experience and search engine rankings. Screaming Frog SEO spider helps users identify broken links on their competitors’ websites, providing them with opportunities to capitalize on those links.

Finding broken links allows users to reach out to the website owner and offer their content as a replacement, enhancing their chances of acquiring valuable backlinks.

Page speed analysis

Page speed significantly affects the overall user experience and search engine rankings. Screaming Frog SEO Spider enables you to analyze your competitors’ page speed and identify potential areas for improvement. 

By understanding the factors that impact page speed, such as image sizes, server response times, and caching settings, you can optimize your website for faster load times. Improved page speed enhances user experience and positively influences search engine rankings.

XML sitemap generation

XML sitemaps play a crucial role in assisting search engines in discovering and indexing web pages. Screaming Frog SEO Spider can create XML sitemaps for competitors’ websites, allowing users to analyze their sitemap structure and identify any optimization opportunities or gaps.

Analyzing competitor sitemaps enables users to optimize their XML sitemaps to ensure they include all relevant pages and are easily detectable by search engines.

Competitive analysis tools and reporting

Screaming Frog SEO Spider lets users compare their website’s performance and optimization with their competitors. By implementing a comprehensive competitive analysis, users can identify aspects their competitors excel at and leverage their strategies for improvement.

Get Ahead of Your Competitors With These Competitor Research Tools

Effective competitor research is a critical component of any successful SEO strategy. These nine competitor research tools offer valuable insights that can give you a competitive advantage.

If you require assistance navigating these competitor research tools, it is ideal to consult SEO experts like SearchEye to maximize their potential. You can find your competitors’ keywords, content strategies, backlinks, and more with these tools.

Need more help staying ahead of your competitors? SearchEye is your one-stop shop for SEO essentials such as advanced deliverables, keyword research, and link-building services.

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Asked Questions

The digital realm is constantly changing, and businesses must stay at the forefront of search engine optimization (SEO) to succeed. Unfortunately, SEO can be costly. In a 2021 survey, SEO specialists worldwide asked participants to identify the biggest obstacle to their success in the field. Notably, 37.6 percent cited implementing budget cuts as the top barrier.

Aside from that, anyone in digital marketing knows that SEO takes time. You can’t expect results overnight. However, if you give it time, you can witness astonishing results. If you’re a business owner needing the services of an SEO specialist or an SEO expert, know that you can overcome this obstacle with SEO Chrome extensions. These tools are primarily free and can make your SEO work more efficient. Read on to learn how they can boost your website’s ranking.

Key Takeaways
  • Google Chrome extensions are essential for boosting your website’s rankings and optimizing your SEO strategy.
  • These extensions provide various functionalities, including on-page SEO, keyword research, competitor analysis, and technical SEO.
  • Using the right SEO Chrome extensions saves you time, improves your website’s performance, and drives more traffic to your site.

What are SEO tools for Chrome and their benefits?

Chrome Extensions are compact software that seamlessly integrates with your web browser, enhancing its functionality and allowing for greater customization. As add-ons, these extensions let you customize your browser, giving you easy access to essential features that can simplify your tasks. The features of this software run on various web languages like HTML and CSS. 

There are countless extensions available on the Chrome Web Store. You can find leisure tools such as Note Anywhere, which lets you mark web pages with your thoughts and notes. It also has the Hulu Random Episode button, which enables you to generate random show episodes. 

Users can utilize SEO Chrome extensions to access shortcuts to on-page SEO that works for keyword research, ranking checks, competitor analysis, and other relevant SEO activities.

If you’re an SEO specialist, consider adding Chrome extensions to your browser. Most provide quick snapshots of vital data and offer services that streamline your daily SEO tasks. They also give in-depth page speed insights and other essential information to optimize your SEO process. 

Various web languages support these software functions, including CSS, Javascript, and HTML. According to a recent study, 26.8 percent of SEO professionals employ Chrome extensions to enhance on-page SEO, while 18.3 percent utilize them for competitor analysis. Additionally, 19.8 percent rely on Chrome extensions for rank checking, 15.7 percent for link building, and 19.4 percent for technical SEO.

Advantages of using Chrome extensions for SEO

Let’s delve into the world of SEO Chrome extensions, which offer various functionalities serving multiple purposes. Chrome SEO plugins support all aspects of your business’s SEO efforts, including, but not limited to:

Competitor analysis

Business owners understand the need to keep an eye on their competitors. Chrome extensions for competitor analysis let you monitor your competitors’ pages to understand their SEO strategies. This strategy helps you identify gaps and areas where you can add value. 

Here are a few examples of Chrome extensions made for competitor analysis: 

Content optimization

You must optimize the content you publish or backlink to your landing page or website to get high-quality leads and transform them into paying customers. Optimization aims to curate appropriate meta descriptions and headings and ensure fresh, relevant, and unique content. 

Chrome extensions best suited for this type of content marketing and optimization functions include the following: 

Keyword research

Every sound SEO strategy starts with keyword research. You must know the keywords your target market uses when looking for products or services within your niche. You must also know the keyword ranking and pick those that yield high-volume searches. 

Here are a few of the best Chrome extensions for keyword research:

Link building and backlinks

One way to encourage your target audience to visit your website is by inserting internal and external links to content you post on different sites and pages. Here are examples of Chrome extensions that serve this purpose: 

Google Analytics troubleshooting

These plugins provide a comprehensive suite of tools to enhance your SEO strategy and improve your website’s performance. It’s important to note that some features may be present in multiple extensions, leading to overlapping functionalities. 

Therefore, when exploring the available SEO Chrome extensions, it’s crucial to consider your specific SEO requirements and find the best matches accordingly.

Besides these functionalities, SEO Chrome extensions can help with on-page SEO, rank checking, redirect analysis, SEO audits, SERP analysis, and technical SEO. You can use these functionalities with just a click of a button. 

The Best SEO Chrome Extensions for Your Business

Now that you understand the significance of these extensions in search engine optimization and how marketers utilize them to monitor outcomes, it’s time to explore the must-have Chrome extensions for SEO. Below are the top SEO Chrome Extensions you can use:

1. Ahrefs’ SEO Toolbar

Ahrefs can conveniently replace numerous other SEO extensions available for Chrome. It provides a range of functionalities, such as generating on-page SEO reports, tracing redirect paths, reading HTTP headers, checking and highlighting links, and simulating search locations.

Users of Ahrefs can also access valuable metrics related to pages, domains, and keywords for the URLs they browse and for search results. Moreover, this extension simplifies sending URLs to Link Intersect and Content Gap reports, offering additional assistance.

2. Moz

Moz introduced domain authority as a metric to determine rankings. MozBar, a Chrome extension by Moz, provides domain and page authority information. This extension lets you compare links and find opportunities for backlinks. Apart from these features, here are other functionalities you can enjoy using this extension: 

The extension helps research competitors and identify authoritative pages. Upgrading to a Moz Pro Subscription allows access to keyword difficulty, page optimization, and SERP analysis, with a free 30-day trial and subscriptions starting at $99 per month. You can use their free trial to get a feel for the premium-level tool. 

3. Hreflang Tag Checker

Unlike other extensions, the Hreflang Tag Checker goes beyond merely displaying a page’s hreflang information. Instead, it actively examines the links within hreflang tags to verify their connection to your browsing page.

This extension takes the hreflang tags of your URLs. Afterward, it crawls them to check whether or not they provide a back reference to your existing URL. This tool saves time in assessing your website’s hreflang and language-targeting architecture. It lets you get reliable and quick status impressions of your site’s international organic search optimization.

4. SEO Minion

It’s an indispensable tool for individuals engaged in data-intensive SEO tasks. This browser extension allows users to conduct on-page analysis, conveniently highlight all links on a specific webpage, identify broken links, preview search engine results pages (SERPs), and validate hreflang tags. 

Additionally, if you don’t like tracking down redirects, this tool can automatically detect them. With all its functionalities, this tool is highly suitable for busy SEO professionals handling various responsibilities for a small agency or business. It is also beneficial for marketing managers who occasionally require access to data. 

Being a free tool you can download via the Chrome Web Store, SEO Minion is an excellent option for budget-conscious SEO practitioners.

5. Keywords Everywhere

This Chrome extension offers a comprehensive overview of keywords across various websites. It currently provides value to over a million users. It is an excellent choice for those seeking a single tool for keyword research and keyword ideas.

To find related keywords, use Keywords Everywhere’s SEO Chrome extension tool on Google. It provides data from multiple websites, including Google Search Console, YouTube, and Amazon. 

The tool offers information on keyword search volume, competition, cost per click (CPC), trend data, link metrics, traffic, and backlinks. Some features may require purchasing credits, starting at $10 for 100,000 keywords (one credit per keyword).

6. Meta SEO Inspector

Even the tiniest mistakes can harm your website’s traffic. Optimizing meta tags is crucial for your rankings. With the Meta SEO inspector extension, you can inspect web pages’ metadata to find errors and insights on how to fix them. This tool is best for web developers to verify their website’s HTML and ensure it abides by the Webmasters’ Google Guidelines. Meta SEO Inspector is valuable for individuals curious about invisible yet significant site properties.  

It displays alerts when the metadata is not within specific ranges, for example, when the description tag is too short or too long. You can also use Meta SEO Inspector to check if your meta tags are set up correctly. It helps identify missing open graph meta tags, which can affect social media traffic. 

The tool also offers various features, including error detection for meta length, competitor metadata analysis, copying meta tag values, and exporting and printing reports.

7. Hunter

Regardless of your preferences, engaging in link-building necessitates conducting outreach. However, the challenge lies in obtaining the necessary information. Fortunately, the Hunter Chrome extension can assist you with this task. When you visit a webpage, the extension reveals contact details, confidence scores, and verification information, facilitating the process of building links.

Specifically, the Hunter Chrome extension allows you to complete the following tasks

8. Keyword Surfer

This browser extension offers valuable information without charge: It directly provides keyword search volumes, keyword suggestions, and traffic estimations at the domain level on Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs).

A recent update introduced a new capability called the “Outline Generator.” With just one click, this feature analyzes the highest-ranking search results and generates an outline for an article.

9. SEOquake

This plugin allows you to access all the essential SEO metrics you need at no cost. SEOquake provides a comprehensive analysis of search engine results pages (SERPs), enables you to assess the difficulty of valuable search terms, and empowers you to instantly conduct a site audit and check a site’s mobile-friendliness.

SEOquake offers marketers a quick overview of the site they’re visiting. If you have a Semrush account, you can integrate it with the plugin to obtain even more data points. This plugin is ideal for the following: 

10. Similarweb

By utilizing Similarweb for Chrome, you can examine approximate website traffic, traffic origins, visitor locations, and other significant metrics for any website. This browser extension proves valuable when assessing potential link prospects and conducting competitor analysis

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Elevate Your SEO Strategy With SearchEye

The message is clear. You need to capitalize on your SEO strategy to stay ahead of the game in this fiercely competitive digital space. Every business wants a fair share of the sales pie and refuses to concede to rival brands. You need to gather high-quality leads, provide them with value, and convert them into paying, repeat-buying customers. 

You can do this and more with well-thought and appropriate SEO strategies. SearchEye is the collaborator you need for a successful SEO strategy. We work differently than other SEO agencies, which is the reason for our success. We value collaboration, ensuring you have a voice during the brainstorming and implementation phases.

Talk to us today and get a free case evaluation

Optimize your SEO strategy, save time, and achieve efficiency by choosing the right tools. Sign up for SearchEye today!

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Asked Questions

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) has changed the way we do SEO. AI-driven tools have allowed businesses to optimize their websites for maximum visibility and search engine rankings. 

According to a report by Statista, the AI market size is currently at $207 million in 2023. It is projected to reach $1.8 billion by 2030, making it an essential tool for businesses and organizations rooting to stay ahead of the curve and outrank the competition.

With so many options available, how can you choose the right AI SEO tools? In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into some of the best ones available today, from keyword research tools to content optimization solutions. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about what works best for your needs. 

Read on to learn more about the AI-powered tools that can help your website reach the top of search engine rankings.

Key Takeaways
  • The advent of AI automation has revolutionized how tasks are executed. They streamline processes and predict outcomes. AI-powered SEO tools range from keyword research, content optimization, competitor analysis, content writing, backlink analysis, internal linking, SERP analysis, technical site audits, and more.
  • Choosing the right AI SEO software depends on multiple factors. These factors include understanding your SEO needs, the scalability and flexibility of the tool, budget constraints, and the overall user experience.
  • While artificial intelligence brings immense benefits, it’s vital to understand the risks and ethical aspects of using this groundbreaking technology. This includes questioning whether AI SEO tools can guarantee better rankings and how they align with business ethics while contributing to SEO strategy.

Understanding SEO: A Necessity, Not a Choice  

SEO is no longer a luxury or an afterthought for businesses in today’s digital age. It has become a necessity for companies looking to stay ahead of the competition and succeed online. A large chunk of all website traffic comes from search engines, making SEO a pivotal part of any online strategy.

Having a deep understanding of SEO is now an essential skill for any digital marketer. This includes having the knowledge to identify keywords, create optimized content for search engines, track competitor data, and more.

However, with the ever-growing complexity of SEO algorithms, staying on top of the latest changes and strategies can be overwhelming. This is where AI SEO tools come in. They allow marketers to automate tedious tasks, workflows and make more informed decisions about their website’s search engine optimization. With these tools, businesses can securely optimize their websites for maximum visibility and improved rankings. 

The Advent of AI in SEO

The advent of AI in SEO has revolutionized the way marketers optimize websites for maximum visibility and improved search engine rankings. Machine learning, natural language processing, and AI-driven tools can automate tedious and time-consuming tasks, provide more accurate insights into keyword effectiveness, and identify optimized content for search engines.

AI-powered SEO solutions also allow businesses to identify competitors’ SEO strategies, detect technical errors on a website, and analyze backlinks. Moreover, AI-driven tools can help marketers create content that resonates with users by understanding their preferences.

In addition, AI-powered software can predict outcomes and suggest keywords for search engine optimization based on past performance. This smart feature enables marketers to optimize their websites most efficiently, ensuring maximum visibility and better search engine rankings.

Why Use AI for SEO  

Using AI-powered SEO tools can benefit businesses looking to optimize their website for maximum visibility and improved rankings. Here are some compelling reasons to use AI for SEO:

Streamlining SEO tasks with AI  

AI-powered SEO tools make it easier to streamline SEO tasks, saving businesses time and resources. With AI, businesses can easily automate time-consuming and labour-intensive tasks like keyword research, content optimization, competitor analysis, and backlink analysis. 

AI algorithms analyze large amounts of data quickly and accurately to identify keywords that have a high potential for ranking better in search engine results pages. This ensures businesses get the most out of their SEO efforts with minimal effort and time spent.

Reduced human error 

AI-powered tools also reduce the risk of human error due to their accuracy and precision. By automating SEO tasks, they reduce the chances of errors in keyword research or content optimization and minimize the amount of time spent on manual processes. This means businesses can focus on more important activities, like creating content that resonates with their target audience.

Making more informed decisions  

AI-powered SEO tools can give businesses deeper insights into competitors’ strategies and identify keywords and content that resonates with users. With the help of machines and AI algorithms, businesses can make more informed decisions about keyword effectiveness and optimize their websites for maximum visibility. These tools allow them to stay ahead of the competition and improve their search engine rankings.

Improved SEO outcomes  

AI-powered SEO tools contribute to improved SEO outcomes in various ways. They can help businesses and marketers identify trends and patterns that may be unnoticed and spot emerging opportunities in the market. AI algorithms can also assess the effectiveness of existing keyword rankings, allowing businesses to make better decisions for website optimization.

The Different Types of AI SEO Tools  

With the rapid advancement of AI technology over the past few years, there is now a plethora of automation tools available for marketers to choose from. Here are some of the most popular AI SEO tools used today:

Keyword research and content optimization tools 

Keyword research and content optimization tools are essential for any digital marketer looking to maximize visibility and climb search engine rankings. Here are two tools in this category worth considering:


Clearscope is an AI-powered keyword research and content optimization tool designed to help businesses maximize their visibility and search engine rankings. It uses machine learning algorithms to rapidly analyze large amounts of data and identify keywords with the most search volume. It also evaluates keyword difficulty and its effectiveness for specific business needs like an e-commerce website.

Furthermore, Clearscope can suggest content ideas based on search intent, keyword trends, and user preferences. It also provides detailed competitive analysis, allowing businesses to stay ahead of their competition. Finally, Clearscope can optimize existing content with its automated writing assistant – ensuring all website content is SEO-friendly and engaging.

Pros of Clearscope:

Cons of Clearscope:

Pricing: Starts at $170 per month 


SurferSEO is another AI-powered keyword research and content optimization tool that businesses can use to maximize their visibility and climb search engine rankings. It utilizes natural language processing to understand user preferences, enabling businesses to create content that resonates with them. 

In addition, SurferSEO provides a detailed analysis of competitors’ strategies, allowing businesses to stay one step ahead. It also has an automated writing assistant that helps optimize existing content easily for better search engine rankings.

Pros of SurferSEO:

Cons of SurferSEO:

Pricing: Starts at $29 per month 

Content writing tools

Content writing tools are becoming increasingly popular among digital marketers as they automate the process of creating SEO-friendly content. AI-powered content writing tools leverage natural language processing (NLP) technology to generate high-quality, engaging content that resonates with readers. Additionally, these tools can analyze existing keyword rankings and suggest better alternatives for website optimization.

Here are two powerful AI content writers you can use:


Jasper is an AI-powered platform designed to revolutionize content writing. It uses natural language processing and advanced machine learning algorithms to produce creative content. With Jasper, writers can generate original, high-quality content quickly and accurately.

This AI writing tool understands the context of a sentence, allowing it to suggest better topics that users may find interesting. It can also recognize language patterns and create meaningful content based on the user’s input. Additionally, it allows users to easily customize their content according to their preferences or the style of writing they prefer.

This AI-powered tool offers a range of features that make it easier for bloggers and content writers to craft unique and engaging copywriting and SEO content. From autocomplete and spell check to thesaurus integration, Jasper provides an easy-to-use interface that streamlines content creation. It also has a built-in plagiarism detector that scans for any potential issues with copied content.

Pros of Jasper:

Cons of Jasper:

Pricing: Starts at $39 per month 

ChatGPT Plus 

ChatGPT is an innovative natural language processing (NLP) technology developed by OpenAI. It combines the power of machine learning with human-generated text to create exciting and engaging content. ChatGPT enables machines to generate human-like conversation and content. Its output can be used for content marketing, education, entertainment, or other purposes.

Its sophisticated algorithms allow it to analyze a given text and generate responses with a tone and style similar to the original. Additionally, ChatGPT allows for the personalization of content by allowing users to tailor conversations based on user preferences. Companies can create customized marketing strategies that are likely to resonate with customers.

Furthermore, ChatGPT is an open-source tool meaning it is free to use and customize. This tool’s user-friendly interface and user experience make it accessible to everyone. With its powerful capabilities, ChatGPT is revolutionizing the way content is created and used.

Pros of ChatGPT:

Cons of ChatGPT: 

Pricing: Starts at $20 per month 

Text-to-image content creation  tools

Text-to-image content creation tools allow users to create visuals from text. These tools utilize natural language processing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning algorithms to generate images from written words. They allow users to create high-quality images for their content easily.

Additionally, these tools offer a range of features that make it easier for users to customize their visuals. This includes adjusting colours, fonts, size, and other design elements to ensure the images produced reflect the desired look and feel.

Moreover, these tools also provide a library of free models that you can use as starting points for content creation. You can train these models, which gives users more control over their visuals and allows them to create truly unique pieces of content.

Here are two of the best you can use today:


MidJourney is a pioneering text-to-image conversion software. It enables users to easily and quickly convert text into realistic images with minimal effort. This groundbreaking technology can generate beautiful visuals from words, making it an invaluable tool for designers, illustrators, marketers, and more.

MidJourney uses artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze text and create visually appealing images quickly. With the help of AI, it can identify key elements from a passage of text and generate appropriate visuals to match them. This makes it easy for users to produce high-quality results with minimal effort.

The software also offers various options for customizing images, including changing colours, adding filters, and cropping photos. It even has a range of filters to choose from, making it easy for users to create unique visuals that fit their needs.

Pros of MidJourney:

Cons of MidJourney:

Pricing: Starts at $10 per month is another text-to-image software that makes content creation more accessible and efficient. It uses natural language processing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning algorithms to convert text into visuals quickly. It also offers users a variety of customization options to help them create the perfect visuals for their needs. offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it accessible for users of all experience levels. Through its library of templates, users can quickly generate visuals based on their text content. It also allows users to adjust colours, fonts, size, and other design elements to ensure the images produced match their desired aesthetic.

Finally, allows users to edit their visuals for precision and accuracy. It offers a range of editing tools that allow users to make changes without starting from scratch. This feature helps ensure high-quality visuals with minimal effort, making it an invaluable tool for designers, marketers, and more.

Pros of

Cons of

Pricing: Starts at $10 per month 

Technical SEO audit tools 

Technical SEO audit tools can help businesses optimize their websites for improved visibility and search engine rankings. These tools can identify areas of improvement in terms of website structure, code quality, content quality, and more. They also provide specific recommendations on correcting any SEO optimization issues, making them invaluable for companies looking to maximize their online presence.

Here are some of the tools you can use to audit:

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a powerful technical SEO audit tool that millions of businesses and websites use. It provides detailed insights into website performance and crawlability, enabling users to improve their search engine visibility. Its comprehensive reports and easy-to-use interface make it an essential resource for optimizing websites.

The tool offers keyword tracking, URL security tests, performance monitoring, rank tracker, and more. It can also provide detailed data on website errors so users can quickly address any issues. 

Additionally, it provides valuable insights from Google Analytics into Google’s crawling behaviour, which helps in understanding how search engines view a website. With these features and more, Google Search Console is an invaluable resource for any business wanting to boost their search engine rankings.

Finally, Google Search Console is a free tool that can be used by anyone looking to optimize their website. It’s also regularly updated with new features and functionality, making it an essential resource for businesses of all sizes. By leveraging this powerful tool, businesses can quickly identify areas of improvement and maximize their online visibility.

Pros of Google Search Console:

Cons of Google Search Console:

Pricing: Free 


Ahrefs is another popular and powerful SEO audit tool. It provides extensive features that enable businesses to thoroughly analyze their websites to identify improvement areas. It offers insights into website structure, content quality, links, keyword difficulty, and more – providing users with valuable data to optimize their sites for higher rankings.

This tool offers a range of valuable features, such as keyword tracking, link analysis, and content analysis. It can also detect broken links and other technical errors, allowing users to identify any issues that need addressing quickly. Additionally, it provides advanced metrics such as search engine rankings and search traffic data, which help understand website performance.

Ahref audit tool also offers a range of competitive analysis and reporting features. This allows users to compare their website performance against that of competitors, giving them valuable insights into how they’re performing in the marketplace. With all these features and more, Ahrefs is an invaluable tool for optimizing websites for better visibility and rankings.

Pros of Ahrefs:

Cons of Ahrefs:

Pricing: Starts at $99 per month 


SurferSEO is a powerful SEO audit tool that offers detailed insights into website performance and optimization. It comprehensively analyzes on-page SEO content, structure, and data on backlinks and keyword research. SurferSEO’s intuitive interface and easy-to-use features make it ideal for anyone looking to optimize their website for better visibility and rankings.

SurferSEO’s unique features include a content editor that provides recommendations on website structure, target keyword density, and SEO performance. Additionally, it offers an advanced backlink analysis tool that helps users identify opportunities for improvement or potential risks. This is particularly useful for businesses looking to boost their search engine rankings. 

SurferSEO also offers insights into competitors’ websites, allowing users to compare their own performance.

Pros of SurferSEO:

Cons of SurferSEO:

Pricing: Starts at $29 per month


SemRush is an all-in-one SEO platform that offers a comprehensive set of tools. These tools can help businesses optimize their websites for better visibility and rankings. With its intuitive interface and advanced features, SemRush makes it easy for users to improve their website’s ranking. It offers insights into keyword research, competitor analysis, content optimization, link-building strategies, and more – giving users valuable data to improve their sites’ search engine rankings.

Pros of SemRush:

Cons of SemRush: 

Pricing: Starts at $129 per month

Voice search SEO tools 

Voice search SEO is quickly becoming an essential component of digital marketing. As more people use voice-activated devices to find answers to their queries, businesses must optimize their websites for this technology to stay competitive. To do this, companies must ensure their content is optimized for natural language and conversational queries.

Additionally, they should use structured data formats such as Schema markup to enable voice search devices to understand their content better. This helps them appear in the search results for queries and provide relevant, accurate answers to users. 

Moreover, businesses should make sure that their websites are fast-loading, mobile-friendly, and secure, as these all factor into how they rank in voice search results.

Here are some of the tools you can use to optimize content for voice search:


Moz is a powerful voice search SEO platform that provides detailed insights and analytics to help businesses optimize their content for better visibility. It offers advanced tools such as keyword analysis, link building, and content optimization to help users maximize rankings in voice search results. Moz’s suite of products also includes Structured Data Markup Generator, which makes it easy to create Schema markup for voice search optimization.

Pros of Moz:

Cons of Moz:

Pricing: Starts at $99 per month


Clearscope is an innovative voice search optimization tool that automatically analyzes content to identify key phrases and words that will help optimize a website for higher rankings. It provides advanced AI-driven reports with comprehensive insights into content performance in organic searches, including organic traffic generation and more.

Furthermore, Clearscope allows users to customize their content to align with the latest voice search trends and adjust their content flow for an improved user experience. It also offers real-time tracking of keyword performance and advanced analytics tools.

Pros of Clearscope:

Cons of Clearscope:

Pricing: Starts at $170 per month 

Backlink analysis and link-building tools 

Backlink analysis is the process of examining incoming links to a website or webpage to identify their source, quality, and relevance. On the other hand, link-building involves strategically creating, acquiring, and optimizing links from external websites for the purpose of improving search engine rankings and driving traffic to one’s website. Combining both backlink analysis tools and link-building tactics is essential for any successful SEO strategy.

Here are two of the best tools you can use to increase your odds of higher rankings:


SearchEye is a powerful tool for backlink analysis and link-building. It provides extensive insights into competitor backlinks, allowing users to identify opportunities for improvement and create strategies for gaining higher rankings. Additionally, SearchEye enables users to track their progress in real-time with its interactive visualizations and comprehensive reports.

Pros of SearchEye:

Cons of SearchEye:

Pricing: Starts at $199 per month 


Ahrefs is an intuitive, powerful tool for backlink analysis and link-building. It provides an extensive database of over 20 billion links, enabling users to uncover their competitors’ backlinks and identify potential opportunities quickly. Moreover, Ahrefs allows users to track their progress in real-time and monitor how their backlinks are performing through its comprehensive dashboard.

It also offers detailed analytics and content optimization tools to help users fine-tune their link-building strategies. Additionally, Ahrefs provides automated reports which provide valuable insights into a website’s backlink profile. Its intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes it user-friendly, even for beginners.

Pros of Ahrefs:

Cons of Ahrefs:

Pricing: Starts at $199 per month 

Text-to-video content creation  

Text-to-video content creation is a powerful digital marketing tool, allowing companies to reach their target audiences more effectively. It involves converting text into an engaging video format, allowing businesses to capture viewers’ attention quickly and easily. 

By incorporating visuals, audio, motion graphics, and other multimedia elements into their content, businesses can create highly effective videos that can be used for a variety of purposes, such as ads, tutorials, promotional videos, and more.

AI video content creation provides users with the tools they need to transform text into videos quickly. They are equipped with intuitive drag-and-drop builders to facilitate the process and offer various templates and customization options to ensure that each video looks and sounds its best. Furthermore, text-to-video AI can optimize videos for different platforms and devices to ensure that everyone can access them easily.

In addition to creating text-to-video content, businesses can also make use of these platforms to create interactive stories, augmented reality experiences, and dynamic infographics. These AI tools offer a wide range of features to meet businesses’ different needs and can help them engage with their target audiences better.

Here are two of the best text-to-image tools you can use:


Synthesia is an AI video content creation tool enabling businesses to quickly and easily convert text into engaging videos. It features an intuitive drag-and-drop builder and a variety of customizable templates to ensure that each video looks and sounds its best. Additionally, Synthesia can optimize videos for different platforms and devices so that everyone can access them.

Pros of Synthesia:

Cons of Synthesia:

Pricing: Starts at $22.50 per month 


DeepBrain is an innovative AI-powered text-to-video platform that helps businesses create compelling video content quickly and easily. Leveraging advanced natural language processing and deep machine learning technologies, DeepBrain can automatically generate videos from any written text, transforming the world of video marketing. It enables organizations to customize their video content in real-time without the need for manual editing, saving them time and money.

Pros of DeepBrain:

Cons of DeepBrain:

Pricing: Starts at $30 per month 

How To Choose the Best AI SEO Tools

Finding the right AI SEO tool can be daunting, given the sheer number of available options. With so many features and pricing models to consider, it’s essential to understand your business needs and choose an AI SEO tool that will help you achieve your goals.

To make sure you select the best option for your organization, here’s a simple guide for choosing the best AI SEO tools from the top contenders.

Understanding your specific SEO needs 

Understanding your specific SEO needs is vital in finding the right AI SEO tool. Before selecting the most appropriate solution, reviewing both short-term and long-term goals for SEO success is essential. Assess factors such as website traffic, increasing visibility within search engine result pages (SERPs), and boosting click-through rates.

Additionally, it is crucial to understand the specific challenges faced in existing SEO implementations and the capabilities of potential tools. This ensures that any chosen tool can meet all needs and maximize the ROI in terms of time and budget.

Considering the scalability and flexibility of the tool 

Considering an AI SEO tool’s scalability and flexibility is essential when choosing the best option. When selecting a tool, it is crucial to understand its ability to accommodate changes in requirements or website updates. An ideal tool should be able to scale up or down according to website traffic or changing content needs.

Additionally, it should provide ways to integrate with other systems or services easily. This ensures that the tool can be adapted to fit specific website needs while providing users with enough flexibility and control. Finally, it should provide an intuitive interface that makes it easy for both novice and experienced SEO professionals to use.

Budget considerations 

Budget is an essential factor when selecting the best AI SEO tool. In order to maximize ROI, it is vital to consider the cost of implementation and ongoing subscription fees associated with the chosen AI SEO tool. 

Many tools offer a variety of pricing models, including subscription-based plans, one-time purchases, and services tailored to specific customer needs. Ability testing is recommended to ensure the chosen tool can meet all needs and requirements while staying within budget. 

Additionally, it is crucial to consider any additional costs for training, customization, and support from the vendor before deciding.

Usability and user experience 

Usability and user experience are crucial aspects of any AI SEO tool. Simple, intuitive designs that are easy to understand and navigate are essential for maximizing user engagement. The interface should be organized to encourage users to explore the full range of available features.

Additionally, various tools and options should be clearly labelled with short, descriptive titles. This helps guide users in understanding intended actions and preventing unintended ones. Preferably, they should incorporate confirmation dialogues to reduce accidental actions. Moreover, error messages should be concise and easily understood for a smooth user experience.

Furthermore, the tool’s performance should be tested to ensure it remains stable over time. Finally, it is crucial to consider accessibility features such as screen-reading compatibility for people with disabilities.

Understanding the Risks of AI SEO Tools

Using AI SEO tools comes with certain risks that need to be understood. Because the technology is relatively still in its infancy stage, it can sometimes lead to incorrect algorithms, resulting in inaccurate results and misleading information. Poorly implemented AI SEO tools can also create a negative user experience, reducing the effectiveness of campaigns.

In addition, unsecured systems are vulnerable to data breaches, putting sensitive customer information at risk. The automation of AI SEO tasks can also lead to job losses and other economic challenges. 

Lastly, privacy concerns related to using AI technology exist, as companies collecting customer data must adhere to laws such as GDPR and CCPA. Businesses need to understand these risks to make informed decisions when using AI SEO tools.

The Ethical Aspects of Using AI in SEO  

AI has become a powerful tool in SEO, with its ability to analyze large amounts of data and identify patterns quickly. However, it is vital to consider the ethical implications of using AI in SEO. For example, AI algorithms can be biased toward specific demographics or particular opinions, leading to inaccurate results that can negatively affect SEO performance.

Companies dealing with sensitive customer data must also adhere to relevant laws, such as GDPR and CCPA, while protecting their systems from potential data breaches. Finally, AI’s ability to automate specific tasks can lead to job losses, making it essential for businesses to consider how they use the technology carefully.

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The Convergence of AI and SEO — A Strategic Union  

The convergence of AI and SEO is an exciting development for marketers looking to optimize their website content, drive more traffic, and increase sales. However, it’s essential to understand the risks associated with using AI tools in SEO as well as the ethical implications. From understanding your needs to considering scalability and budget concerns, selecting the best tool can be complex.

At SearchEye, we pride ourselves on being leaders at leveraging advanced breakthrough technologies, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. Our aim is to help you achieve success in organic search engine rankings while staying compliant with all laws related to data privacy. Our team will work with you earnestly every step of the way to create a winning strategy that maximizes ROI from your digital marketing efforts.

Unleash your business’s full potential with SearchEye, your companion in the AI-driven SEO landscape. Contact us today and gain a competitive advantage with optimized content. 

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Asked Questions

Can you imagine life without good search engines? We would never be able to find relevant information, products, and services we need at any given moment. It’s no wonder that search engines have become one of the most powerful online tools, particularly for marketing. After all, how can you do business if people can’t find you?

Google is leading the pack at nearly 84 percent of the desktop market share. It has held the position for over a decade but isn’t true everywhere. Yandex and Baidu reign supreme in Russia and China, respectively. Yahoo finds favor in Japan and Mexico.

Security and privacy concerns are also chipping away at Google’s domination, as has AI-based chatbots. ChatGPT quickly gained many users after it launched in November 2022 because it provided detailed answers to questions. Microsoft and Google invested heavily in conversational chatbots to compete. Still, inaccuracies with ChatGPT AI proved to be a challenging problem to solve.

Nevertheless, conversational or otherwise, Google searches continue to be critical in the success of online marketing efforts. By extension, keywords that drive search engine rankings are equally important.

Search engines use different algorithms to detect search volume. However, they all reward an excellent understanding of what keywords mean in different contexts. In other words, you need to anticipate what users want to know. You can do that with good keyword research.

Keyword research helps you understand users’ needs and intent by identifying the keywords used in search queries. When you target the most searched keywords, you can increase your site’s ranking on various search engines.

This article will explore the most searched keywords and questions on Google. It will also discuss techniques for identifying them for your niche by using Google Trends and other tools.

Key Takeaways
  • Targeting top Google keywords drives organic traffic, improves rankings, and fuels business growth.
  • Trending keywords reflect global interests, helping businesses outperform the competition, build brand perception, and engage users.
  • You can utilize tools to find the most searched keywords on Google.

The Power of Google Search

While Google is not all-powerful everywhere, it is so ubiquitous that people use it as a verb to describe online searches. Interestingly, much of its revenue is from Google ads, allowing companies to post ads in relevant searches. Estimates suggest around 8.5 billion Google searches occur every day. You can imagine why it’s making big bucks.

Although Google is not the biggest company in the world regarding revenue, it collects the most demographic data, with approximately 18.5 Petabytes stored on its servers. If you use the Internet, chances are Google knows more about you than you think.

The good news is you can use that information to your advantage, and this is where search engine optimization (SEO) comes in. If there’s one thing that Google does well, it’s organizing information. The goal is to present users with the most relevant sites based on their search query, which means playing by Google’s rules.

In the bad old days of keyword stuffing, search engine results yielded useless information, and Google noticed. It changed its indexing algorithms and started penalizing content producers that provided no value.

Today, brands that follow Google’s best practices of providing value to users typically do well in search rankings. The aim is to secure a high position on the search engine results pages (SERP) because people tend to click on the top results.

However, SERP ranking is not the end-all and be-all of SEO. Some businesses can be successful without ever getting to the top of the SERP because of high domain authority. Nevertheless, you still need one to get the other by targeting the most searched keywords in Google.

What are Google trending keywords?

Trending keywords on Google are words or phrases that experience a surge in search frequency over a short period. The increase in popularity is often attributed to current events. It could be an event, like the pandemic or a Taylor Swift concert. It could also be the season, such as Christmas.

At any rate, trending keywords can drive traffic to your site and establish a positive reputation for addressing relevant topics. However, you must be careful when targeting these keywords because they are highly volatile and competitive. 

Search trends tend to be short-term and can change in an instant. The trick is to get in there early before everyone else uses them to avoid getting overshadowed. You must also know when the trend starts to lose steam so you can move on to the next one.

You should know that the most popular keywords are brand names, not trending terms. In 2022, for instance, among the most frequently searched keywords were Facebook, YouTube, Amazon, NFL, and Netflix, according to Ahrefs.

Wordle also made it into the top 10 because it was at the height of its popularity in early 2022. The search volume declined starting from February 2022, although it appears to have maintained a steady following.

Read on to find out the most searched keywords on Google in 2023.

What is the most searched thing on Google?

Most site owners focus on Google to craft SEO content because it dominates the market generally. They use tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs to find relevant keywords with the highest search volumes. These tools also show the competition for that keyword, indicating how hard it is to rank. In most cases, you want to use keywords with high volume and low competition, although that won’t always be easy.

However, you can start with the most searched keywords on Google. Fortunately, Ahrefs and SEMrush collated lists from their databases to quickly find the top 100 in the US and worldwide. We only feature the top 10, but they already show some interesting insights about what people search on Google.

Most searched keywords on Google in the US

Ahrefs has a database of 12.8 billion keywords, while SEMrush has 24.9 billion. Below are the top 10 of 100 for 2023 as of June 2023.

No.KeywordSearch VolumeNo.KeywordSearch Volume
9nfl26,070,0009google translate42,700,000
10yahoo mail26,000,00010nfl39,400,000

As you can see, most of the same words appear in both lists, although not in the same order. Yahoo mail appears in the top 10 for Ahrefs but is in 12th place for SEMrush.  Walmart is in the top 10 for SEMrush and only 13th place in Ahrefs. Wordle also appears higher on the Ahrefs list than SEMrush.

The differences between the two lists could be due to the variance in their database sizes. Nevertheless, the keywords reflect a sustained interest in social media, shopping, and sports among Google users in the US.

Most searched keywords on Google worldwide

Using the same database, let’s look at the global perspective. Note that the Ahrefs list excludes the US.

No.KeywordSearch VolumeNo.KeywordSearch Volume
1satta king125,200,0001youtube1,200,000,000
2whatsapp web102,600,0002facebook867,000,000
3sarkari result97,980,0003whatsapp web543,300,000
6whatsapp web70,910,0006google444,700,000
9xsmn63,810,0009google translate363,300,000

The exclusion of US searches in the Ahrefs list provides insight into the composition of Google users. Satta King, WhatsApp web, and Sarkari are relevant to users in India, where Google enjoys a 95.7 percent market share in 2023.  

In the meantime, SEMrush has “satta king” and “sarkari result” in 15th and 20th place, respectively. Interestingly, “whatsapp web” slips just one place, indicating a strong global interest in the app. There is much less interest in Facebook and YouTube for non-US users compared to the weather.

Most searched questions on Google in the US

Keywords are great, but many people also pose questions in Google searches. These searches can result in long-tail keywords that are more specific and more likely to rank if used organically. So, what are people in the US asking most frequently in 2023?

No.QuestionSearch VolumeNo.QuestionSearch Volume
1what is my ip777,0001where is my refund15,500,000
2what to watch662,0002is rihanna pregnant5,600,000
3how many ounces in a cup657,0003what time is the super bowl1,700,000
4how many weeks in a year640,0004when is the super bowl1,700,000
5how many ounces in a gallon602,0005when is easter1,500,000
6who called me from this phone number536,0006how many ounces in a cup1,300,000
7how to screenshot on mac502,0007what time is it1,200,000
8how many days until Christmas478,0008is rhianna pregnant1,100,000
9when is easter462,0009when is easter 20231,000,000
10how many ounces in a pound393,00010how many weeks in a year1,000,000

The most searched questions differ significantly between the two tools, although they have conversions, the Superbowl, and Easter in common. You might be interested to know that Rihanna appears nowhere in the Ahrefs list, spelled correctly or otherwise.

Most searched questions on Google worldwide

Searches about the Superbowl and conversions in the English systems are expected in the US. However, what are people asking Google globally? Again, Ahrefs excludes US searches.

No.QuestionSearch VolumeNo.QuestionSearch Volume
1where is my train1,110,0001where is my refund15,500,000
2cuando cobro (Spanish meaning when i get paid)998,0002how many ounces in a cup8,600,000
3o que significa (Portuguese; what it means)720,0003how to calculate bmi7,500,000
4फिल्म डायरेक्टर कैसे बन सकते है (Hindi; how to become a film director)697,0004is rihanna pregnant5,600,000
5what is my ip689,0005how late is the closest grocery store open4,700,000
6o que é ácido hialurônico (Portuguese; what is hyaluronic acid)632,0006what is my ip4,100,000
7cuando juega boca (Argentine; when does Boca play (Boca Junior is a football team))621,0007what is my ip address3,100,000
8cuando juega river  (River Plate is a football team in Argentina)533,0008how to calculate percentage2,900,000
9cuando y donde cobro (Spanish; when and where do I charge)510,0009how many centimeters in an inch2,600,000
10कहानी लिखने के नियम क्या है (Hindi; what are the rules of writing a story)478,00010how to delete instagram account2,200,000

Excluding the US reveals a significant shift in interest from health and tech to sports and entertainment. Going further down the list reveals many more intersections between the two lists. However, they show two things. One is how popular football is outside the US. Two, most of these are navigational searches that direct Google users to specific sites.  

Tools for Identifying the Most Searched Keywords on Google

SEMrush and Ahrefs are more than resources for finding the most searched keywords on Google. They are two of many market research tools, including but not limited to finding keywords specific to your business. Check them out.

Google Trends

Another tool you might have heard of is Google Trends. As you can probably imagine, it can help you identify trends for specific keywords based on their search volume over time. You can choose a particular country to find trends. Right off the bat, it will tell you what keywords have been trending in the past 24 hours and why.

The Explore tab will bring you to a window where you can input a search term you want to use and compare the trend to other search terms. You can specify the period, category, and type of search. Over five years, the interest has risen sharply in July every year.

You can also get a summary of search trends according to your needs: daily, real-time, and location.

Google Trends is an excellent resource for understanding keyword popularity and seasonal trends. It can help you make informed decisions about your SEO and marketing campaigns. However, trends are only part of the equation. You can use the following keyword research tools to get more information.

Google Keyword Planner

The Google Ads suite includes the free Google Keyword Planner that helps users find the right keywords for their ads. However, you can also use keywords in your SEO content. It can help you find related words or phrases to your business and give search volume and trend information.

It will also estimate each keyword’s bid to plan your ad budget. The bid estimates also give you an idea of the competition for that keyword.

The only catch is you must create a Google Ad campaign to access the tool. That means giving more information about your business than you might want at this stage. 


Ahrefs is one of the more popular keyword research tools available. It has many tools to help users conduct keyword research, analyze backlinks, and explore content ideas. It has an extensive database and works with multiple search engines. As a result, the data it gives for keyword research is comprehensive.

However, Ahrefs does not offer a free trial, and the pricing model is somewhat confusing. It gives website owners free limited access to its Ahrefs Webmaster Tools, but they won’t help with keyword research.


SEMrush is another leading keyword research tool that many businesses use. Among other things, it conducts keyword research and analyzes competitor websites. You can use it to find the best keywords for your SEO and marketing efforts based on Google searches. However, if you want to rank on other search engines, SEMrush might not be the software for you.

That said, SEMrush offers a free account with access to most of the tools, with limited access to the data. You can also only request 10 searches per day, but it gives you a good feel for the features. You can also sign up for a free 7-day trial to get full access to the tools and data. The only drawback with the free trial is you must provide your credit card information.

Answer the Public

Although not as well-known as Ahrefs or SEMrush, Answer the Public offers interesting features. It is a keyword research tool that helps content creators and marketers generate content ideas. The basis for its insights is the questions and queries that users put in search engines on a specific topic. The goal is to discover user intent based on the context of their searches.

The interface is intuitive, so you get the most relevant information for a search term in one click. The platform offers a free account for three searches daily, so you should check it out.

Keywords Everywhere

Another interesting tool you might want to try is Keywords Everywhere. It is a freemium browser extension for Chrome and Firefox for keyword research. It provides insights into search volume, competition, and related keywords directly within SERPs.

Once you install it, it will display data such as search volume, competition, and related keywords on different platforms. You don’t have to navigate outside a search engine to get keyword information.

It also has paid, credit-based plans starting from $12 a year for 100,000 credits. You can access additional information like historical search volume trends, people also search for (PASF) data, and data from other search engines. Each credit provides one keyword’s volume, competition, CPC,  and 12-month trend data.

One Last Word: Be Wise in Using Popular Keywords

Keywords help search engines find you, so the more you use, the more likely you will rank better. However, you must always remember that quality trumps quantity in content creation. Never use unrelated or irrelevant terms just because they have high search volumes. Only use keywords that fit organically into your message and branding so you drive traffic to your site that converts.

Keyword research lets you identify the most searched keywords on Google and other search platforms. More importantly, it helps you understand the intent and context of visitors so you can deliver the information they want and need.It is also crucial that your content adds value to your site. Simply saying the same thing in different ways will not help you scale up your content creation or improve site ranking. Search engines reward websites that offer unique and insightful content. You must try to step up your game when using keywords strategically.

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Skyrocket Your Online Visibility With SearchEye

The most searched keywords on Google are the most popular and relevant with users at a specific time. Knowing them can help you understand what matters to people, although the context might not always be clear. It is equally important to understand this and use keyword research tools to get additional information. Remember that trends tend to be short-term or seasonal, so plan accordingly.

However, keyword research is not as easy as it sounds and is only one part of a longer equation for SEO. Collaborating with SearchEye can simplify your life so you can pay more attention to the core tasks of your business. We can identify the most searched keywords on Google relevant to your needs and enhance your overall search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.

Contact us to discuss how to skyrocket your online visibility quickly and efficiently.

Ready to skyrocket your online visibility and harness the power of the most searched keywords on Google? Contact SearchEye today!

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Asked Questions

Search engine optimization (SEO) has become crucial for site owners and businesses to increase their online visibility in the immeasurable digital landscape.

The internet has a structure built on the foundation of interconnectedness at its core. Backlinks function as bridges that connect gaps between different pages, which enable a user to navigate between sources of information.

From an SEO standpoint, backlinks serve as pathways for users and indicators of a website’s value and credibility in the algorithm of search engines. As a result, search engines tend to reward websites with a strong backlink profile by ranking them higher in search results, which leads to increased visibility and organic traffic.

Comprehending the significance of backlinks and their impact on search engine optimization is critical for developing a successful digital marketing strategy. This article will explore the importance of building backlinks for SEO, the various types of backlinks, and how SEO beginners can create compelling backlink profiles that boost your website’s authority and visibility in search engine rankings.

Key Takeaways
  • Backlinks are essential for SEO and play a crucial role in search engine rankings by indicating the relevance and authority of your website.
  • Dofollow links pass link equity and contribute to search rankings, while nofollow links do not affect rankings.
  • Obtaining high-quality backlinks is challenging but crucial for the success of your SEO strategy, as they improve search rankings, increase discoverability, and drive referral traffic.

What is backlinking?

A backlink, also called an incoming or inbound link, is a link that directs from one website to another. This link is essential in determining a website’s relevance, overall ranking, and authority in search engine results. They function as pathways between web pages.

Backlinking, also known as link building, is obtaining hyperlinks from other websites that guide users to your website. That means backlinking plays a critical role in determining the success and visibility of a website. 

The most popular search engines, like Google Search, Yahoo Search, and Bing, consider backlinks as votes of confidence. When an authoritative and reputable website links to another, it indicates to search engines that the linked content is relevant and trustworthy.

The quality and number of backlinks that point to your website are pivotal factors that search engines consider when determining the visibility of your website in search results. As mentioned, a website with a strong backlink profile is more likely to rank high on the search engine results page, or SERP. As a result, that website boosts exposure and organic search results.

Backlinking is not only about obtaining as many links as possible. The relevance and quality of the backlinks are critical. Those backlinks from authoritative, relevant, trusted, and reputable websites carry more value and significantly affect search engine optimization.

Additionally, building a strong backlink profile entails the use of various strategies. These strategies include contacting reputable websites for link opportunities, guest posting, generating high-quality content, leveraging social media platforms, and participating in industry-related forums.

Creating a strong backlink profile requires a combination of relationship building, constant monitoring, and content creation to ensure it is diverse and healthy.

Distinguishing Backlinks From Hyperlinks, External Links, and Referring Domains

In search engine optimization and digital marketing, it is crucial to understand the various types of linking terminologies and their distinctions to develop effective strategies. Many individuals and organizations often interchange hyperlinks, external links, referring domains, and backlinks.

However, the various descriptions and terminologies of linking have unique implications and meanings. It is critical to understand their differences, their significance to search engine optimization, and how they contribute to the exposure and authority of a website.

Hyperlink vs. backlink

In the context of web connectivity and content, a backlink and a hyperlink are two concepts that are related but distinct.

A hyperlink, simply known as a link, is an element within a document or webpage that enables users to navigate to a different location when activated or clicked. It is often represented by an image or text that is visually distinctive from the rest of the content. It typically appears with an underline or displays a different color to signify its interactive nature.

Content writers and web designers often use hyperlinks extensively to connect various sections or webpages within a webpage. That allows users to access related sources, external websites, or additional information.

On the other hand, a backlink is a hyperlink located on one webpage that guides users to another. In simpler terms, a backlink refers to a link from one website to another. As mentioned, backlinks are important for search engine optimization because they determine a website’s authority, relevance, and popularity.

In a nutshell, a hyperlink is any link that enables a user to navigate between various sections or web pages within a webpage. A backlink, on the other hand, refers to a link from one website to another.

External link vs. backlink

Unlike a hyperlink, an external link is the opposite. An external link, also called an outbound link, is a link on a webpage that guides a user to a different website or webpage outside of the current domain.

In simpler words, the function of an external link is to direct a user from one website to a different one. Website owners and content publishers often use external links to guide users to related content on another website and provide additional information or reference sources.

As discussed, a backlink is also known as an inbound link or internal link. A backlink refers to a link originating from a website outside your domain, whereas an external link pertains to a link originating from one of your own web pages. Instead of directing users from one website to another, backlinks function as incoming links, connecting one website to another and establishing a reference or connection between the two.

An external link is placed on a webpage to direct users to a different website. A backlink is the opposite. It is a link found on one website from another that points back to the first website.

Backlinks describe links from other websites to a specific website. In contrast, external links describe links from one website to external sources.

Referring domain vs. backlink

A referring domain and a backlink are related concepts that people typically utilize in search engine optimization. While these two concepts are related, they each represent distinguishing characteristics in website linking and connectivity.

As the name implies, a referring domain describes a website’s domain with a backlink linking to a different website. Simply put, it is the domain or website from which the backlink originates.

For instance, if a website has a backlink from another website, the second website is the referring domain for the backlink.

In this example, a backlink refers to the link featured on a webpage of one website that guides a user to the other website and functions as an inbound link from a referring domain to the target website.

In summary, the referring domain represents the source of the backlink, while the backlink is the link that connects the websites. 

The Two Types of Backlinks and Their Impact on SEO Strategies

Now that you understand how backlinks work, it is crucial to understand how nofollow and dofollow backlinks differ and function.

Not all backlinks are the same, and comprehending the concepts of nofollow and dofollow backlinks is crucial to optimizing the performance of your website.

Nofollow and dofollow are attributes you can assign to HTML links. They instruct search engine crawlers how to follow and treat these links. These attributes control the flow of link authority and influence search engine ranking factors.

That is why understanding the fundamental differences between nofollow and dofollow backlinks and their impact on SEO is crucial for any website owner.

Nofollow backlinks

A nofollow backlink is an HTML link tagged with the “rel=nofollow” attribute. This attribute instructs search engine crawlers not to pass or follow any authority to the linked page from the linking page.

The design of a nofollow backlink is to specify to the search engine that the linked webpage must not receive any improvement in search rankings based on the specified link.

When a search engine runs into a nofollow link, it understands that the link is not necessarily a referral or endorsement from the linking site. As a result, nofollow backlinks generally bear no direct contributions to the search engine rankings or influence visibility and referral traffic in search results of the linked page.

While nofollow backlinks lack the same impact on search engine optimization as dofollow backlinks, they still play a critical role.

Nofollow backlinks can assist in controlling the flow of link juice, which prevents the dilution of high authority from the valuable content of a website. They are often utilized in user-generated content platforms, paid advertisements, blogger comments, and sponsored content, where search engines require direction in distinguishing potentially untrustworthy links from organic ones.

While nofollow backlinks do not directly impact search engine rankings, they can still generate referral traffic, provided users click on them. The most common nofollow links include social media links, press releases, certain news sites and blogs, links in forum posts, links from widgets, and blog comments.

Dofollow backlinks

A follow backlink, sometimes called follow links, refers to an HTML link that does not contain the “rel=nofollow” attribute. This tells search engine crawlers to follow the link and pass authority to the linked page from the linking page. These backlinks function as votes of confidence or endorsements from one website to another, which tell search engines that the linked page is authoritative and trusted.

Dofollow backlinks hold significant value for search engine optimization due to their ability to influence a website’s rankings and visibility positively. When search engines run into a dofollow backlink, they consider it an indication of popularity, relevance, and credibility.

The more high-quality dofollow backlinks a website has from trusted sources, the better the potential impact will be on its search engine rankings.

Website owners typically acquire follow backlinks through various means, including guest blogging, natural editorial mentions, influencer partnerships, and organic content creation. They serve as a means for other websites to refer to and endorse valuable products, services, or content.

These backlinks contribute to establishing a website’s trustworthiness and authority in search engines’ eyes, which ultimately enhances its chances of ranking higher in search results.

The relevance and quality of the linking site also play a critical role in the impact of dofollow backlinks. Links from reputable and authoritative websites within the same niche or industry often carry more influence and weight than links from unrelated or low-quality sources.

Overall, dofollow backlinks are a critical component of an effective SEO strategy due to their significant contributions to boosting search engine rankings, establishing domain authority, and driving organic traffic.

The Impact of SEO Backlinks on the Success of Your Strategy

The impact of backlinks on search engine optimization is multi-faceted and has several significant advantages. Backlinks assist search engines in discovering and indexing new content with greater efficiency.

When a search engine’s bots crawl through a website, they follow the backlinks to explore and comprehend the interconnected web of data. High-quality backlinks that trace back to your website boost the likelihood of search engines finding and indexing your content more promptly.

Backlinks also function as a measure of trustworthiness and authority.

When trusted websites with established credibility link to your pages, it indicates to search engines that your content is reliable and valuable. That results in the positive elevation of the influence and reputation of your website in search engine rankings.

Furthermore, backlinks generate referral visits and organic traffic. When a user bumps into a backlink on another website and clicks on it, the backlink will direct the user to your website, potentially increasing engagement and conversions.

Helps your page gain higher rankings in Google SERPs

As mentioned, good backlinks serve as votes of confidence for search engines like Google Search. The more quality links or backlinks a web page receives, the better its chances of receiving a high ranking among quality websites in searches.

Organic search traffic closely follows the total number of backlinks from various websites. SEO tools can enhance the rank of your website in search engines, making it easier to find for people looking for specific terms.

Building backlinks from quality websites with high metrics from the Google search console, whether through search engines or referrals, can drive more organic traffic to your website.

Boosts discoverability

Search engines often discover new content by searching for links and revisiting pages. They can find your content faster when your website receives backlinks from established and trusted pages.

Having more backlinks boosts your website’s chances of appearing in the top search results, which leads to targeted traffic for that website.

Increases referral traffic

Backlinks are clickable links that guide users to relevant websites, which generate referral traffic. When a business receives good backlinks, they also provide consistent sources of additional traffic to its website.

These links are often passed from one social community to another and promote an organization by building trust through reputable blogs or quality websites. Backlinks also function as a means of advertising for a business by leveraging the influence of others.

How To Get Ideal Backlinks

Receiving high-quality backlinks is one of the most challenging aspects of search engine optimization since the desired links must be relevant, authoritative, and have a specific anchor text. By following the correct formula to get quality backlinks, you enable yourself to boost the rankings and authority of your website massively.

Here are the top 3 ways to get quality backlinks.

1. Resource page link building

Resource page link-building refers to the link-building strategy in SEO that involves obtaining backlinks from relevant resource pages on other websites. A resource page lists and curates viable tools, information, references, and links related to a specific industry or topic.

The resource page link-building process often involves identifying high-quality resource pages relevant to the target piece of content or website. The next step is to reach out to the webmasters or owners of those pages and request link placement.

The objective is to have the target content or website included as a reputable resource on their page, which can improve search engine rankings and drive referral traffic.

2. Linkable assets

A linkable asset, also called link-worthy content or linkable content, refers to a piece of content on a website that is unique, informative, and valuable enough to attract backlinks from other websites.

These assets are link-worthy and highly shareable by design, which makes them attractive to other online publishers, webmasters, and bloggers who might link to them as a viable resource.

Prime examples of linkable assets include original studies, comprehensive tutorials, infographics, unique tools, engaging and shareable content, and expert interviews.

The key to generating a linkable asset is to focus on addressing a specific interest of your target audience, ensuring the creation of well-researched content, and providing unique value.

3.  Broken link building

Broken link building is a strategy that entails finding dead or broken links on another website. After finding a broken link, the next step is to contact webmasters or website owners to recommend replacing those broken links with links to your content.

This strategy leverages the fact that dead links are not advantageous for the user experience, and the site owners are typically open to replacing them with relevant and functioning links.

Broken link building can be an excellent strategy for obtaining high-quality backlinks since you solve a problem on your target website. However, ensuring that your content seamlessly replaces the broken links while being valuable and relevant is essential.

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Drive More Traffic With SearchEye’s Backlink Optimization Tools

Backlinks form an integral part of an effective search engine optimization strategy and can significantly affect your website’s authority, rankings, and visibility. Understanding the importance of backlinks and incorporating an effective link-building strategy can boost your website’s organic traffic, give you a competitive edge in search engine results, and establish authority in your niche.

Building a strong backlink profile will require effort, time, and a focus on quality over quantity. If you are new to search engine optimization and link-building strategies, you can always collaborate with reliable SEO experts like SearchEye.

By consistently creating relevant content and earning valuable backlinks from trusted sources, anyone can strengthen their online presence and drive sustainable organic growth for their website.

Take your online presence to new heights with high-quality backlinks. Contact SearchEye today!

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Asked Questions

Landing pages are one of the most effective digital marketing tools that generate excellent audience engagement and conversion. In recent years, these channels have become more crucial in today’s fast-paced digital landscape, where online competition is becoming more aggressive. 

The good news is that creating landing pages has become increasingly more accessible today as modern technology progresses. Many powerful landing page builders are now available to help businesses create stunning and high-converting pages for their campaigns. 

Keep reading to know more about landing page builders. Discover the many vital features to consider in one and some of the best tools available for a high-converting landing page.

Key Takeaways
  • Landing pages are digital marketing materials that enable businesses to communicate with and convert their target audience.
  • Before, people needed web design and development skills to create landing pages. However, thanks to landing page builders, this task has become accessible to anyone.
  • Various online tools are available to help businesses create stunning landing pages that resonate with their target audience while maintaining brand consistency.
  • Some of the vital features these tools offer include template collection, A/B testing, and third-party integrations.

Why Use Landing Page Builders

A landing page builder is an online program that allows marketers to generate stunning and highly-optimized pages for various purposes, whether lead generation or call-to-action (CTA). These builders enable users to create attractive, functional landing pages with minimal coding and web design experience. 

Moreover, most of these tools provide various sets of landing page templates and functionalities that fit any marketing campaign, allowing marketers to save time designing and planning their landing pages. Plus, they can test out multiple versions of landing pages to ensure their effectiveness before launch.

Key Features To Consider

Today, various landing page builders are available to businesses. However, not all possess the right features to allow marketers and creators to communicate with and convert potential clients.

The following are some essential features your landing page builder must have:

Ease of use

An ideal landing page creator must understand that their users lack the necessary web development experience to code and create websites. Their features and functionalities must be user-friendly with a low learning curve. Generally, it must have a simple drag-and-drop editor with various design capabilities. Plus, it must allow users to save draft versions and duplicate or delete pages with ease.

Collection of templates

Builders must offer a vast collection of templates suitable for different campaigns. They must leverage data-driven design options to give users a perfect selection that applies the latest landing page practices. 

Furthermore, these templates must also be customizable, allowing users to modify font styles, add images, and more.

Integration options

The ideal builder must enable users to easily integrate various software and sites, allowing them to conduct multiple processes beyond presenting brand information. Some of the best integrations to consider include email marketing tools, payment gateways, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems.

A/B testing

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to creating effective landing pages. Some marketers might think copying concepts from other brands is a good idea. However, there’s no guarantee that what works for one campaign will work for another. 

A great landing page tool must provide A/B testing to users. That way, they can compare different versions of their landing page designs to identify and optimize the best one.


Landing pages are valuable digital marketing tools that can generate leads and conversions. That’s why the perfect builder must offer comprehensive analytics tools, enabling users to assess campaign performance. They must enable users to study metrics like views, bounce rates, and conversion rates.

Mobile optimization

Mobile-friendly websites have become the norm in today’s digital marketing landscape. Brands just can’t publish a website and call it a day. They have to ensure that all their pages work across multiple devices. 

The same applies to landing pages. Builders must allow users to create landing pages they can optimize for mobile use so the target audience can access them on their computers and mobile devices.


Finally, the ideal landing page builders must provide reasonable pricing for their features. Most trusted tools offer free plans or trial versions and different packages for various needs.

Best Landing Page Builders To Try

Listed below are some of the best landing page builders you can try. These tools possess all the necessary features and more:


Unbounce is one of the pioneer landing page builders available today. It leverages today’s data and artificial intelligence (AI) to let users create custom landing pages faster than most builders. 

This platform provides various features for beginners and highly advanced users. For instance, it allows users to design their landing pages freely and play with hundreds of template selections. Unbounce’s landing pages are also mobile-friendly. Plus, it offers a feature called dynamic text replacement, allowing users to add personalization elements to their campaigns.

Unbounce offers four packages, starting at 99 USD a month for their standard plan. It includes unlimited landing pages, pop-ups, sticky bars, and more.


Clickfunnels is a platform that focuses entirely on the complete funnel experience through segmented landing pages. It provides some of the best features to increase conversions, like sales-focused functionalities and pre-made landing page funnels. Clickfunnels also offers free books and webinars about generating leads and converting them. 

Some of this platform’s best features include membership funnels, webinar funnels, and checkout funnels. It also provides email marketing automation, A/B split testing, and video editing. Plus, Clickfunnels allow integration with prominent third-party programs like Salesforce, Mailchimp, and more. 

Clickfunnels offer three packages for their landing page builders, starting with the Basic plan at 147 USD per month. This package includes 20 funnels, unlimited workflows, and up to 10,000 contacts. 


With millions of users worldwide, Wix has become one of the top choices for creating landing pages today. Its rise to fame is no surprise, considering its easy-to-use interface that offers the lowest learning curve among all the builders available, making it the best option for beginners and small businesses.

This platform offers a highly intuitive drag-and-drop functionality that allows users to craft landing pages and whole websites. Wix also houses various pre-built templates and integration options with apps like Google Analytics, Facebook Catalog, TikTok Pixel, and Google Ads Conversions. The platform also integrates over 50 payment solutions, making it an excellent choice for creating e-Commerce landing pages. 

Wix is free to use for everyone. However, it provides different packages for website creation and e-commerce integration. Starting at 4.50 USD per month, users can start with the Connect Domain package with a custom domain, free SSL certificate, 24/7 customer support, and more. 


ConvertKit is a popular marketing hub platform that enables marketers and content creators to grow their brand’s audience, automate their marketing efforts, and thrive in e-Commerce. 

While the platform offers a collection of robust features, its landing page builder is a tool businesses should explore. 

ConvertKit’s landing page builder provides stunning templates that are highly customizable. It also offers access to thousands of free images through its partnership with Unsplash. Moreover, the platform offers various third-party integrations, including top names like Squarespace, Shopify, and 

This platform’s free version already offers unlimited landing pages, forms, and broadcasts, perfect for new creators building their lists. For additional features, ConvertKit offers the Creator plan for 9 USD a month and the Creator Pro plan for 25 USD a month, perfect for growing and established creators and brands. 


Leadpages is one of the most notable builders among small businesses because of its simple yet intuitive user interface and helpful features. Some of this platform’s best features include a drag-and-drop editor, an image library, and digital file hosting and delivery. Leadpages also have mobile-responsive landing page builders that are SEO-friendly

In addition, this platform provides a built-in cart checkout with secure online payment integration through Paypal, Stripe, and Gumroad. The platform also offers chatbots to ensure a seamless and user-friendly checkout process. 

Leadpages offers two packages, starting with the Standard plan at 37 USD a month. This package includes alert bars, unlimited traffic and leads, a free custom domain, and more.  


Instapage is a robust landing page builder that offers highly customizable features focusing on user experience. The drag-and-drop editor provides various noteworthy functions like mobile responsive pages, flexible widgets, and third-party integration options from apps like ActiveCampaign, Autopilot, and Hubspot.  

Instapage also boasts an extensive collection of layouts tested and optimized for conversion. Plus, it provides faster-loading pages with or without Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). Other key features of Instapage include real-time team collaboration, A/B testing, and built-in heatmaps. 

Instapage provides all the features mentioned and more in their Build plan, priced at 199 USD a month. The platform also features a customized package in its Convert plan, with pricing based on a client’s unique goals and business needs.


Hubspot is an all-in-one platform famous for offering some of the best free CRM, inbound marketing, and social media management features. However, Hubspot’s landing page creator is also a tool worth considering. 

Hubspot’s landing page creator helps users craft stunning landing pages by providing customizable pre-made templates and enabling them to add multimedia content. Plus, this builder’s robust A/B testing can simultaneously serve up to five versions of the same landing pages. 

Moreover, Hubspot enables users to create personalized pages by leveraging the platform’s CRM data. Users can also integrate Hubspot’s various marketing automation features for their landing pages. 

Hubspot offers various packages for its marketing solutions. The platform’s landing page builder starts at 18 USD per month with the Starter plan, complete with email marketing, live chat, and more.


This powerful email marketing platform helps users grow their email lists, boost their online sales, and engage with their customers through automation and website builder tools. Its landing page creator offers various competitive features, allowing users to build attractive standalone web pages that perfectly fit any email campaign. 

One of the highlights of GetResponse’s landing page builder is its ability to host emails and automated funnels. This platform also offers quality funnel analytics that analyzes open rates, click-through rates (CTR), bounces, and conversions. Plus, it allows users to plan follow-up emails based on current data. 

Moreover, GetResponse also enables users to add web push notifications, activate autoresponders, and generate code to ensure mobile responsiveness. This platform’s prices start at 15.58 USD per month with its Email Marketing package, complete with the abovementioned features, plus 24/7 chat support and signup forms and pop-ups. 

Swipe Pages

One of the many advantages that Swipe Pages have among the tools listed here is offering premium features at an affordable price. Its prices start at 29 USD a month with its Startup plan, complete with multiple incredible features. 

Swipe Pages offer fast and mobile-optimized landing pages powered by AMP. These landing pages don’t use codes for the platform’s various advanced features, including its drag-and-drop builder, templates, e-Commerce checkouts, and third-party integrations. 

This platform also offers hosting with SSL and CDN and competitive full chat and email support. Plus, it provides users with thorough analytics and conversion tracking. 


Landingi is a new player in the field. However, it packs various noteworthy features that marketers must consider. For one, it boasts a stunning collection of templates and reusable smart sections that fit any campaign. It also integrates all the major email marketing providers and payment gateways, including Mailchimp, Paypal, and Zapier. 

Other key features of Landingi include a drag-and-drop editor, funnel creation, pop-ups, and A/B testing. This platform also offers unlimited landing pages, conversions, and user accounts. Plus, it offers free migration for up to three landing pages. 

Landingi’s paid plans start with the Professional package at 49 USD a month. This plan includes all the above features, complete with real-time data sync, quick chat and phone support, and one-year data retention.

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Build an Engaging Landing Page Today

Landing page builders have revolutionized how marketers create and optimize their landing pages for engagement and conversion. While the tools mentioned above enable users to create stunning landing pages for their campaigns, they may not offer the right content needed to connect with the target audience. 

Make your landing pages more attractive by leveraging well-written SEO content from industry professionals. Check out SearchEye today! We offer various services, like optimizing your landing pages with tailored content and SEO elements. 

Boost your landing page with quality content optimized with the latest SEO practices. Check out SearchEye for SEO and more. 

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Asked Questions

Podcasts are among the many ways entrepreneurs can acquire significant market knowledge. These digital audio files come in the form of series or standalone episodes with specific topics and themes. You can stream them on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

The term “podcast” was coined in 2004. It is a combination of “iPod” and “broadcast” or “Portable on demand (pod)” and “broadcast.” It consists of collections of spoken word audio files accessible via download or streaming.

Podcast listening is a low-commitment activity to include in your media consumption routine, whether during commutes, workouts, or other tasks. It can enhance your industry knowledge beyond conventional training programs and conferences. Digital marketing podcasts can also offer a convenient avenue for digital marketers to stay well-informed about current marketing trends, approaches, and techniques.

If podcast listening isn’t part of your routine, this post will help you understand its importance. You’ll learn about digital marketing podcasts, their benefits, and what to consider when finding one. We’ll also present a list of the best ones to listen to for your business growth.

Key Takeaways
  • Podcasts are a convenient and low-commitment way for digital marketers to stay informed about current marketing strategies and trends.
  • Digital marketing podcasts offer educational content, foster community engagement, and provide insights from industry experts.
  • Several reputable digital marketing podcasts can help online marketers and business owners grow their businesses. Most are available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

What are digital marketing podcasts, and why are they important for entrepreneurs?

Digital marketing podcasts are audio programs that center around various aspects of digital marketing. They cover multiple subjects, including marketing tips for email marketing, content marketing, B2B marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), mobile marketing, influencer marketing, and social media marketing.

Digital marketing podcasts aim to help entrepreneurs by providing advertising knowledge. They keep listeners updated on the latest marketing tips, news, trends, and practices. They also serve as platforms for thought leaders and industry experts to share their insights, experiences, and success stories. This open sharing of experiences benefits other entrepreneurs seeking to improve their marketing strategies, knowledge, and skills.

Beyond educational purposes, digital marketing podcasts can foster a sense of community among like-minded individuals. Entrepreneurs like you can actively engage with the content, share your experiences, and connect with other marketers with similar interests and aspirations. This sense of community allows you to build your competitive edge and gain insights from other experts.

The Best Marketing Podcast: Four Things To Consider

Many digital marketing podcasts are available online. Choosing the best one can be overwhelming and time-consuming. To help you out, here are the four tips to consider when selecting marketing podcasts to listen to.

Seek podcasts that provide valuable content

Valuable content in marketing podcasts is information that can improve your marketing strategies. It should be authoritative, informative, comprehensive, educational, and straightforward. It should also provide significant points of view you can share within your company.

Look for programs and episodes covering relevant marketing topics like SEO, social media, email, and mobile marketing. Consider a marketing podcast series or episode that offers actionable marketing tips from industry experts and thought leaders.

These insights can deliver value-added knowledge to business owners like you. You can apply their insights to your marketing strategies and use them to refine your marketing efforts.

Podcast content must align with your specific niche or industry

Different industries have distinct niches and practices that set them apart. One specific marketing strategy for a specific industry may not work for you, and vice versa. For example, listening to a podcast about legal marketing won’t be helpful if you’re a fragrance business owner. Remember that relevance is critical to enhancing your marketing approaches.

Focus on finding podcasts that cater to your niche and allow you to expand your expertise within that area. Niche is a crucial marketing aspect because it’s how you start engaging with small audience segments. By choosing marketing podcasts aligned with your niche, you gain more opportunities to create marketing campaigns tailored and hyper-targeted to your business and customers.

Hosts should have extensive knowledge and be engaging

Marketing is an intricate topic. Not everyone can talk about it. In marketing podcasts, hosts should have the passion and in-depth knowledge to discuss various marketing topics. They should be well-versed in marketing terms and offer expert marketing tips. 

Since podcasts usually use informal and casual language, hosts should be engaging to keep you interested. Engaging hosts can add value to your listening experience. You’re not only learning from the talks, but you’re also enjoying them, which encourages you to finish the entire series or episode.

The hosts’ talking speed is also vital when finding marketing podcasts. They shouldn’t talk too fast or slow so you can understand every word they say.

The podcast must be well-produced and professionally edited

Sound quality is crucial in marketing podcasts. Poor audio quality can distract and frustrate listeners, resulting in a loss of interest. If a podcast isn’t professionally edited, the content will be disorganized. This disorganization can affect the content and undermine its essential points.

While content and topics are vital, a marketing podcast will only be helpful if it effectively delivers its message with clarity and coherence. Ensure the podcast maintains a consistent sound quality without long pauses, awkward silences, feedback, and echoes. It should also have excellent sound isolation and appropriate audio levels.

Appropriate sound isolation and audio levels can help you focus and engage in the podcast. Isolation is when the hosts’ voices are adequately heard, while audio levels should be balanced, neither too loud nor low.

The Best Marketing Podcasts You Should Listen to for Growing Your Business in 2023

Not all entrepreneurs have time to search for marketing podcasts. If you’re one of them, don’t worry because we’ve got you covered. Here are the top marketing podcasts to help you advance your marketing strategies and promote business growth.

1. Marketing School

Marketing School is a podcast hosted by Eric Siu and Niel Patel. It’s frequently featured in various best marketing podcast lists. It provides short daily episodes focusing on digital marketing for business owners and online marketers.

With over 2000 episodes and 50 million downloads, Marketing School delivers the latest insights and news about popular digital marketing techniques, including SEO, social media, and content marketing. The podcast provides concise and actionable tips and takeaways.

Marketing School episodes provide practical advice based on data analytics and marketing strategies aimed at fostering business growth. They are particularly valuable for the following individuals and groups:

Stream this podcast’s new episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Soundcloud, and Stitcher.

2. Online Marketing Made Easy

Online Marketing Made Easy is a 15 to 60-minute podcast suitable for entrepreneurs and small businesses looking to develop their online marketing approach. Hosted by Amy Porterfield, it provides actionable tips for establishing a valuable online presence.

Amy Porterfield covers various subjects in the digital realm, including content marketing, email marketing, and more. Since 2013, this podcast has already had over 440 episodes. Porterfield shares her own experiences in every episode, where she reflects on successes and lessons learned.

Online Marketing Made Easy also invites marketing experts. Porterfield interviews them to gather insights on creating an efficient online marketing strategy. This podcast is also ideal for those who are side-hustling. 

Follow this podcast on Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts.

3. Marketing Over Coffee

Marketing Over Coffee is a weekly podcast focusing on digital marketing. It has around a hundred episodes and is considered a standout among marketing podcasts available due to its distinctive approach. In each episode, hosts John Wall and Christopher Penn engage in relaxed conversations about traditional and digital marketing methods while enjoying coffee.

Marketing Over Coffee’s content approach attracts a dedicated audience seeking to expand their marketing industry knowledge by staying updated on current news and trends. Stream this podcast on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts.

We recommend you listen to the following episodes:

4. Perpetual Traffic

Perpetual Traffic is a podcast about online traffic. It is ideal for business owners who want to learn about utilizing paid traffic methods on platforms such as Facebook Ads, Google AdWords, Twitter, and other social media channels.

Hosted by Ralph Burns and Kasim Aslam, this weekly podcast emphasizes that paid traffic can help businesses gain more customers regardless of marketing landscape changes. It was launched nearly eight years ago. It now has almost 500 episodes and 36,000 weekly downloads.

Perpetual Traffic also features interviews with successful business owners and industry experts who have built loyal customer bases through paid ads. Follow this podcast on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts.

5. Everyone Hates Marketers

Everyone Hates Marketers is a weekly podcast hosted by Louis Grenier. It has over a million downloads in less than four years.

This marketing podcast talks about conventional marketing wisdom and delivers fresh insights. Its core message urges listeners to create meaningful impacts to stand out. It presents intriguing and innovative marketing approaches for marketers seeking diverse marketing strategies.

Everyone Hates Marketers’ goal is to educate listeners about achieving the best outcomes without relying on unethical methods. It has featured guests such as Joe Glover from The Marketing Meetup and Rand Fishkin, SpankToro’s creator and Moz’s co-founder. 

Listen to its new episodes on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Amazon Music, Pocket Casts, and Apple Podcasts.

6. Social Media Marketing Podcast (Social Media Examiner)

Social Media Marketing is a weekly podcast by Social Media Examiner’s founder, Michael Stelzner. It focuses on interviewing industry experts and providing listeners with the most updated marketing strategies.

Since 2012, this podcast has published over 500 episodes, offering valuable insights for online businesses. Each episode is 40 to 45 minutes long and features guests who share their insights and expertise on leveraging social media marketing to achieve business growth.

Here are some of the episodes you should listen to if you’re a social media marketer:

These episodes are available on Google Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, YouTube, and Apple Podcasts.

7. Duct Tape Marketing

Duct Tape Marketing is a weekly podcast dedicated to helping entrepreneurs craft effective marketing strategies for business growth. John Jantsch, one of America’s top small business marketing experts, hosts this program. It is also an extension of his consultancy firm with the same name.

Each episode of this podcast spans around 15 to 30 minutes. It covers marketing topics such as consulting, SEO, email marketing, content marketing, and lead generation. It caters to small businesses, sales professionals, startup brands, and marketing agency owners. With around 848 episodes, you can delve into various marketing knowledge by tuning in.

John Jantsch often invites prominent industry experts, including marketing strategists, thought leaders, and authors, to share their success stories and effective business growth techniques. Follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, CastBox, Podchaser, and Google Podcasts.

8. The Influencer Podcast

The Influencer Podcast is a must-listen if you plan to leverage influencer marketing. Hosted by Julie Solomon, this marketing podcast offers insights about making an impact, understanding influence, and achieving next-level visibility.

The podcast provides actionable tips to help you transform and enrich your brand. It also offers valuable insights into conquering fears and cultivating professional relationships with essential anecdotes for influencers and business owners alike. 

The Influencer Podcast is available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

9. Social Pros Podcast

Social Pros Podcast is another must-listen marketing podcast that features success stories and secrets of successful companies like IBM, Dell, Ford, and many more. Marketing agency Convince & Convert established this program in 2012. It is now one of the longest-running marketing podcasts.

This weekly podcast was formerly hosted by Jay Baer and Adam Brown. They sat down with a new guest each episode to discuss their significant social media successes. With over 500 episodes, it offers various social media marketing perspectives across industries and target audiences. 

Baer and Brown are marketing experts themselves. You’ll find them skillfully asking their guests the right questions. Sadly, they left the show in April 2022 and were replaced by Anna Hrach, Erika Lovegreen, and Daniel Lemin. 

Subscribe to Social Pros Podcast on Spotify, Stitcher, and Apple Podcasts.

10. The Growth Show

The Growth Show is a marketing podcast produced by the HubSpot Podcast Network. It is hosted by Meghan Keaney Anderson, HubSpot’s former Vice President for Marketing.

With around 209 episodes, this podcast focuses on success stories and case studies of businesses, concepts, ideas, and movements. Each episode tackles and explores various unconventional marketing tips and approaches.

It also emphasizes the importance of confronting diverse business challenges for marketers. It delves into overcoming these challenges, making it a highly recommended marketing podcast. 

Listen to The Growth Show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Podcasts.

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Learning marketing is a continuous and evolving process. Everything you’ve learned today may become outdated tomorrow. Expanding your marketing knowledge is necessary to ensure your business’s growth and success. 

One way to do this is by listening to marketing podcasts. Listening to industry experts and market leaders who share insights in marketing podcasts can help you craft effective marketing strategies.

In search of a marketing agency to collaborate with? Look no further, as SearchEye is the partner you need for successful entrepreneurship, SEO, and content marketing campaigns. Visit our website today to learn how our digital marketing assistance can help you grow your business and dominate your market.

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