Should You Outsource Your SEO? The Ultimate Guide

What is SEO Outsourcing?

SEO outsourcing is the process of hiring an agency or an external SEO team for executing and scaling SEO and content marketing campaigns.

Outsourcing helps businesses to hire experts who have an in-depth understanding and experience of the technical and creative aspects of Search Engine Optimization.

Getting on the first page of search engine results is more than feel-good; it’s a great business strategy that gets lots of new customers.

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In today’s times, strong SEO is backed by excellent branded content and solid Digital PR.

This essential cocktail puts your business among the industry thought leaders.

And since most businesses don’t specialize in these marketing processes, it’s hard to determine whether to hire an in-house SEO team or outsource to an external one.

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But don’t worry,

This guide will spill the beans and help figure out the best course of action:

Common Terms in SEO

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Should You Outsource SEO?

In this section, let’s understand whether you should outsource SEO to external service providers. We will do this through an in-depth analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing SEO. Plus, an observation of the cost differences between an in-house SEO team vs. an outsourced one.

Let’s Hear It From The Experts

Before we get down to answering whether you need to outsource SEO or hire an in-house team, let’s see what some of the experts have to say. The following snippets will offer unique insights on SEO outsourcing from those who have years of experience and first-hand knowledge in the SEO niche.

Ready to pick it straight from the horse’s mouth? Let’s go!

Amanda Thomas

Managing Partner, Konstruct Digital

“When my agency first got started, we did a lot of “white label” (aka “outsourcing”) work for other, larger agencies. Having been the one performing the fulfillment, we gained a ton of insight in to what makes these types of arrangements work vs what didn’t.
One of the biggest indicators of success were how close we were allowed to get to the client. Having direct communication with the client and being able to attend meetings made a large difference in our understanding, and ultimately the results we were able to produce.
We found that the relationships where we always had to go through a middle man directly correlated to results. More miscommunication, more cooks in the kitchen, more room for error, more watered-down strategy.
The real ultimate issue: people who didn’t understand SEO trying to translate the strategy.
There are a lot of great outsourcing and white-labeling services out there. Find a service provider you believe and trust, and do just that – get out of the way and trust them that they’re motivated to do an excellent job for you.”


Eleanor Reynolds

SEO Strategist, Contrast

Businesses typically outsource SEO to digital marketing agencies to get all of the day to day, menial tasks done to get more traffic to their websites. This approach can work to some degree of success.
Where I have seen the most improvement, however, is when businesses partner up with a marketing agency with complete transparency over their entire marketing plan and business goals for the next 1, 2, 5 years worth of goals and let the agency (provided it’s a good one) decide and guide on the entire website strategy and what areas should be worked on – you get much more bang for your buck by letting trained professionals decide on the direction that you should go in digitally, and get graduates or in house marketers to do the daily tasks with support from the agency.
This strategic approach tends to get much better results for clients as it is more malleable, upskills internal teams on SEO (and other) tactics and tasks with support from an agency, costs less as they are paying for years worth of knowledge and a long term plan rather than getting an SEO professional to complete immediate, basic tasks. It also typically leads to longer, more fulfilling professional partnerships and real growth.


Isaac Hammelburger


“Getting an outside perspective from experts can help drastically grow your site. I’ve worked with many business owners who did a great job getting their main keyword to rank, but never even considered trying to rank for things like specific services they offer or even locations. After a quick consult we mapped out dozens of new pages they could rank for that would bring in highly relevant traffic.
When you’re too close to the business you can miss some great opportunities that an SEO agency could see.”


Corey Northcutt

CEO, Northcutt

“The most common pitfall that we see (of which there are many) when brands hire outside SEO help is aligning their in-house marketers and getting them on the same team.
On one hand, several of our largest clients have entire in-house SEO divisions with specialized roles and we still usually get along great. We learn from each other, solve problems faster, and produce more. That means more content, links, and creative technical refinements. Their team knows the business better, and as a shop full of pure SEO veteran specialists, we have a closer pulse on current tactics and what will work best.
At the same time, especially in smaller brands that don’t have a lot of experience working with agencies, we’ll see a marketing manager that fears that an agency’s success threatens their job security. In extreme cases, we’ve watched 100% of the brand’s work get shut down due to this dynamic. Leadership can get ahead of this by clearly defining agency success as marketing manager success and always assessing in-house performance with this risk in mind.”


Ryan Stewart


“Personally, even though I own an agency, I always think it’s better to build in house vs outsourcing the effort. However, I know SEO very well so it’s not difficult for me to build a low cost, agile SEO team. If you have no experience with SEO and aren’t able to source and train the right talent, hire an agency, everything will be taken care of for you.”


Brandyn Morelli

SEO Strategist, Tilt Metrics

“Companies that don’t fully understand SEO tend to throw the work on a junior to mid level employee. The challenge is often that they believe if they throw up a few keywords on their site, they’ll magically be on page one of Google.
In reality an effective SEO strategy requires a depth of experience in multiple areas.
First, you’ll need someone who is experienced with the technical side of SEO.
Second, a content strategist is going to be key to move the needle. It’s rare that you’ll find one employee who is going to have the required experience in both areas.
Aside from experience, there’s only so many hours in the workday, and if an employee has other responsibilities than your SEO efforts can see significant delays.
When you outsource your SEO, you’ll usually partner with an agency or consultant that comes with the required expertise and resources. These specialists can work in parallel on different SEO initiatives, and the speed of execution will be significantly faster than inhouse.
When evaluating doing SEO in-house vs outsourcing you should consider the experience of your in-house staff, their current workload, and the opportunity cost of lagging behind your competitors due to resource constraints.”


Faton Sopa

CEO & Co-founder at Manaferra

“Businesses that outsource their SEO work can focus their time, energy, and resources on what they do best while reducing operational costs and risk. The lack of internal expertise, resources, flexibility, and the need to produce a fast ROI are the main reasons businesses outsource their SEO to an agency. Then there’s the cost-saving part. Companies get to choose from an international talent pool with diverse skills at affordable rates and don’t spend much time and effort in recruiting, training, tools & processes. All of this is handled by the SEO service provider.
If you are a business considering to outsource your SEO, some of the first elements you may need to check before engaging with a provider is how competent they are in your industry (expertise), how transparent their processes are (transparency), how do they handle communication and what relevant success stories they can show to you. This would help you understand if they are a good fit for you and if you can count on them as a long-term “partner-in-crime” (in good & bad times). Once you choose your SEO provider, make sure to support them, and evaluate their performance continually.”

You might have encountered that burning question,Is SEO outsourcing suitable for my business?

The thing is that unless you have a full-blown SEO and content team spearhead and pace up SEO efforts, you need to outsource it.

Plus, you have the option of outsourcing a part of your SEO efforts.

Large businesses often have several agencies and freelancers working to execute their SEO campaigns.

Let’s understand the pros and cons of outsourcing SEO in greater detail:

Pros of Outsourcing SEO

  • Outsourcing SEO to an external team adds to the efficiency of the process.
  • For one, because you don’t need to invest time in training the team or guiding them.
  • Two, there is an availability of a bunch of easy-to-use collaboration tools to manage an external team.
  • Since you don’t have to pay employee benefits to an outsourced team, it’s a cost-effective option.
  • As a marketer, you want to focus on the strategic aspects of SEO and content marketing.
    • Outsourcing gives the freedom to make top-level decisions.
    • Plus, you can invest time in tracking metrics that matter most for the business.
  • When outsourcing SEO activities, you’re working with people who have the experience of handling multiple clients and projects.
    • Such teams have higher exposure to the SEO profession and are better equipped to get the results.

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While there are quite a few benefits to outsourcing SEO, it’s essential to understand some of the drawbacks as well:

Cons of Outsourcing SEO

  • If you outsource SEO to an agency or a freelancer based in another country, they may be working in different time zones.
  • Choosing the right agency or a team of freelancers may require some initial legwork.

  • Getting an outsourced agency or freelancers to deliver quality work within timelines can become a challenge for some businesses.
  • There are cultural differences that you might need to consider while hiring an external SEO team.

Before moving to analyze the respective costs of in-house and outsourced SEO, let’s understand the scope of SEO activities and the team structure:

SEO: What Gets You The Results

Thanks to constant updates in Google’s algorithm, SEO is way too different from what it used to be a decade ago.

The big difference is that SEO is a long-term strategy, not a quick-fix.

Let’s look at some key focus areas that help fetch the relevant business outcomes.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO helps fix your website for SEO related issues like slow loading, meta tag errors, duplicate content and error pages, etc.

  • Optimizing a site for technical SEO makes it fit for earning a place in search engine results.
  • It also ensures that website visitors get the optimum experience.

Website Content

Website content includes a copy of the product and services pages and a dedicated content section such as a blog.

  • Content is a part of SEO that requires creative and research skills. It includes creating expert content and optimizing it for search terms and search intent.
  • You also need designers to make the content look good. Professional designers can help create attractive images that are consistent with brand guidelines.

Link-Building and Digital PR

The third aspect of SEO is building relationships with authority websites. The link-building process helps fetch quality backlinks from niche sites. Link-building and PR are vital search ranking factors.

  • Link-building is a non-technical form of search engine optimization.
  • To make link-building and digital PR work, you need some terrific content creators and a team of persistent outreach specialists.

If you’re sorted with these three aspects of SEO, you can expect your search rankings and site authority to move up. Whether you build an in-house team or hire an agency, you need to continually monitor the business outcomes from all three activities.

SEO Team Structure

As a small to medium-sized business starting to scale up your SEO efforts, you want to maintain a lean SEO team; a small SEO team of 4-5 people, including one SEO specialist, an SEO manager, a content creator, and an outreach specialist.

  • These four roles are suitable for creating a basic SEO team.
  • As an enterprise or a business with multiple sites, you might need a bigger team with the same roles; plus an SEO VP/Director who manages the overall SEO efforts.

We now have an idea of an SEO team structure.

Let’s move forward and understand the typical hiring costs.

In-House SEO: The Cost Breakdown

How much does an in-house SEO team cost?

Here’s a look at the typical monthly salaries of in-house SEO professionals:

Role Monthly Salary (In USD)
SEO Specialist 4,000
SEO Manager 5,000
Content Writer 4,000
Outreach Specialist 4,000
Total 17,000


Add to this the cost of SEO tools and the contractors’ cost for web development and graphic design. The total additional cost would be around USD 4500.

Hence, the minimum cost of hiring an SEO team is about USD 21,500 a month.

Is that too much or too little?

We’ll find that out in a while.

Don’t forget the time and money you need in training and upskilling the in-house resources.

But for simplicity, let’s just stick with the basic figure of USD 21,500 for now.

Before we look at the cost of hiring an agency, let’s look at some of the popular SEO tools, features, and pricing.

Top SEO Tools


Check out our full how-to guide on using AHREFs to crush SEO

Marketers love Ahrefs for its ease of use and variety of features. You can use this nifty tool to spearhead many SEO activities:

  • Track and resolve technical issues on your website with the site auditing feature.
  • Use the Ahrefs Keyword Explorer to conduct in-depth keyword research.
  • The Rank Tracker feature allows keeping tabs on a site’s search rankings.
  • With Ahrefs Content Explorer, you can find trending niche content.
  • With the Organic Keywords feature, you can study the movement of organic keywords and the traffic you’re getting from those keywords.

With Ahrefs, you can do pretty much everything that’s required for running successful SEO campaigns. Ahrefs’ single-user plans cost you USD 99 to USD 179.

You can buy the three-user plan for as much as USD 399 per month.

Moz Pro

Moz pro is another end-to-end solution when it comes to Search Engine Optimization. The tool offers a host of features and a simplified user-interface:

  • Use Moz to learn more about the target audience and their search intent. Research for search terms, save your keyword list, and segment keywords based on difficulty and search volume.
  • With Moz Pro, you can track your search visibility and search rankings. Track competition rankings and compare performance.
  • Use the site crawl feature to understand the technical issues on a website. Get alerts about site issues and quickly fix them.
  • Track existing website backlinks and explore new link opportunities.

Moz Pro comes at a starting price of USD 99. The multi-user plans range between USD 249 and USD 599.


Another top contender and a worthy one is SEMrush, a powerful suite of SEO tools.

  • Perform solid content research to create content that resonates with the target audience. You can also use this tool to distribute branded content on social media channels.
  • Stay relaxed when it comes to analyzing and resolving all types of on-page SEO issues.
  • Research for the most relevant keywords to target. Use the Keyword Gap feature to compare competition keywords and to find new keyword opportunities.
  • Use the SEO writing assistant to optimize branded content with the relevant search terms.

Get all of these features and more, starting at USD 99.95 per month.

Yoast SEO 

Yoast is an essential plugin for WordPress websites. The tool helps optimize meta tags and content for SEO. The tool also allows helps optimize content for readability.

The Yoast SEO plugin comes for USD 89 per website.


If you’re looking for a specialized tool for your backlink campaign, then Majestic is a terrific option.

  • Find relevant and accurate backlink data for your site and that of competitors.
  • Displays unique metrics like Trust Flow and Citation Flow to help you understand a site’s trustworthiness and authority.
  • Check the anchor text distribution of your backlinks and see how you can improve your anchor text strategy.
  • Majestic easily integrates with Google Search Console and Google Sheets. It also has extensions for Firefox and Chrome Browsers.

Majestic comes at a starting price of USD 49.99 per month.

Surfer SEO

If looking for a tool that takes the pain out of optimizing content for search, then Surfer SEO might be your best bet.

  • Surfer SEO offers an in-built mechanism to auto-generate content guidelines for writers.
  • It analyzes competing content to produce details such as text length, keyword density, number of headings, number of images, etc.
  • The tool offers writers instant feedback and recommendations so they can meet predefined criteria.
  • Surfer SEO comes in handy for performing keyword research, auditing existing content, and analyzing SERPs for competitive analysis.

You can buy this useful SEO tool for a starting price of USD 42.9 per month.


Buzzstream is an incredible collection of outreach and digital PR solutions. The tool helps build a list of link prospects for sending personalized outreach campaigns.

  • Find influencers in your niche along with their contact email. Populate them in a prospect list.
  • Qualify and segment lists based on critical parameters like website domain authority and social media following.
  • Buzzstream offers ready-made email templates to start an outreach campaign. Plus, you can personalize these emails to get better link-building campaign results.
  • The PR tool helps in automating outreach email follow-ups. It also allows you to set-up reminders to send follow-up emails.
  • Buzzstream helps manage outreach campaigns and track results with the help of simplified dashboards and reports.

You can start using this unique tool for as little as USD 24 per month.


BrightLocal is an all-in-one local SEO tool for varying business types.

  • The tool lets you manage a business’s online visibility on online directories and citation platforms.
  • It makes it easy to remove duplicate business details and fix inaccurate listings.
  • The tool helps bulk upload NAP details to multiple directories in one go.
  • BrightLocal gives real-time alerts of online reviews of a business. It helps respond to customer reviews as and when they’re published.
  • This fantastic tool also allows you to keep tabs on local search rankings and local keywords.

You can use BrightLocal at a starting price of USD 29 per month.

Now that you know about the cost of hiring in-house resources for SEO let’s learn about the cost of outsourcing SEO.

Cost of Outsourcing SEO 

Here comes the exciting part—the cost of outsourcing SEO.

Let’s calculate with the help of an example.

Suppose you were to hire an agency like Search Eye for Search Engine Optimization.

How much would be your monthly cost?

Let’s start with Technical SEO.

The cost of the Standard Technical SEO program by Search Eye is USD 899 per month.

It includes on-site implementations, weekly reports, local citations, and unlimited keywords.

The technical SEO package also comes with unlimited content guide outlines.

If you’re looking for a dedicated account manager and a senior SEO team, the monthly package would cost USD 1,899 per month.

Let’s now look at the cost of outsourcing branded content.

Hiring Search Eye for high-quality content creation would cost USD 8-12 per 100 words of content.

Hence, you need to shell out USD 800 to 1200 a month for 10,000 words of content.

Such content writing projects can be divided into 4-12 blog posts depending on individual blog posts’ length.

So far, so good. Let’s now figure-out the cost of outsourcing link-building and brand mentions.

Search Eye’s link-building plans are pretty straightforward. You pay when you get a link.

The price starts at USD 65 per link/mention and goes up to USD 515 per link/mention. The cost depends on the DR and quality of the sites you’re targeting.

Therefore, an average link-building package of 10 links/mentions would cost you USD 2300 to 2600 (Assuming that you’re targeting sites in the DR 40-50 range or a mix of sites with different levels of authority.

Now, if we add up the cost of technical SEO, content, and link-building, we can roughly get the monthly cost of hiring an SEO agency for a small to medium business.

Let’s look at the higher side of the cost by summing up the upper range figures.

Technical SEO: USD 1,899

Content: USD 1200

Links/Mentions: USD 2600

That’s a total of USD 5,699 per month!

A Brief Comparison: In-House SEO Cost vs. Agency

  • If you compare this cost to hiring an in-house SEO team, you realize that it’s around 1/4th the figure.
  • Plus, you have the added advantage of paying for a certain amount of work. For instance, if you want fewer links or blog posts per month, your invoice will reduce accordingly.
  • Outsourcing offers an added advantage of specialized and yet flexible services.
  • When outsourcing, you’re not bound by a contract or a yearly agreement. You can use an agency’s services for as long as you feel comfortable.

Agency vs. Freelancers: What’s the Better Choice

You might probably have a question as to why you should choose to hire an agency and not a bunch of freelancers.

The question is valid because freelancers might turn out to be the cheapest way to do SEO.

Let’s compare the two options to see which one fits better.

Hiring SEO Freelancers: The Pros

  • As I mentioned earlier, a small freelancer team would be cheaper than hiring a specialist SEO agency.
  • Freelancers would be almost always ready to speak to you and answer queries. An agency may offer a fixed number of calls per week.

Hiring SEO Freelancers: The Cons

  • Hiring freelancers means you need to manage them and get the work done. Since you’ll be hiring multiple freelancers, you would either need to manage them yourself or hire an in-house SEO manager to do it for you—this would entail extra cost.
  • Because of cost-constraints, freelancers may not have access to all the tools required to execute SEO campaigns.
  • And here’s the most significant drawback—it’s hard to find skilled and result-oriented freelancers.

Now that you’re closer to deciding to outsource SEO, it’s a good idea to get some tips on how to find the right outsourcing partner.

What to Look for When Hiring an SEO Agency

Hiring a professional SEO agency is a sure-shot way to move towards achieving the desired business outcomes. In this section, let’s understand how to find the right SEO agency for your business.

Here is the nitty-gritty,

Know About your Objectives

Hiring an agency is like buying clothes. When you go shopping, you often have a visual idea about what you’re going to buy.

Your mind gives you an idea of the colours, the type of material, and even the budget.

Hiring an SEO agency is similar. Start with a set of goals. Here are some common objectives:

  • High-Quality SEO optimized content
  • Voice search optimization
  • Local citation and review management
  • Building backlinks and site authority
  • eCommerce Search Engine Optimization

You would probably have one or more of these projects as a priority.

Next, you need to make a list of tangible SEO results:

  • To achieve search rankings for specific search terms.
  • Get X number of leads or customers from organic traffic.
  • Target customer with minimum $X of customer lifecycle value

Since every agency is different and has unique capabilities, making a list of SEO goals puts you in a better position to decide which agency would fit best.

Visit Their Website

When you visit an agency’s website, you get to know more about them.

Find their expertise.

Does the agency specialize in your niche, or have they worked with companies specific to your business vertical?

Understand if they offer comprehensive SEO services or not. You need to hire an SEO agency that’s good at both technical and creative aspects of SEO.

That also depends on what you want to focus on at the moment.

Check the website for past client case studies and details of clients.

It will give you a fair idea about the kind of results the agency can get.

Check the agency’s reviews on B2B platforms like Clutch, UpCity, and Digital Agency Network.

Also, look for reviews on Google and social media platforms like Facebook.

Does the agency have testimonials on their website?

Visit the blog section of the website to learn if they are publishing expert content about SEO.

Delve deep by researching the leadership team.

Visit LinkedIn profiles of the senior team members to learn more about them.

Are these people influencers in the SEO niche? Have they contributed expert articles to respected publications?

You want to trust an agency that has a systematic approach to SEO.

Most experienced agencies would have a well-defined process that helps them get positive outcomes for their clients.

A successful SEO agency will almost always have a robust client portfolio.

And they will put it up on their site.

See their client roster before you decide to hire them.

Discover More About the Agency

Once you’ve done the first level research, you need to unearth a few more details about prospective agencies.

Know about their company culture.

Visit their pages on social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn.

Learn about them through platforms like Glassdoor. Company photos and videos can offer a good peek into a company’s values and work ethics.

Sign-up for a free demo or a consultation to learn about their approach to SEO.

Share some of your crucial SEO objectives and observe their recommendations. Compare their suggestions with those of other agencies.

A couple of interactions are great for getting an idea about your comfort level with various agencies’ teams.

The last step is to compare the pricing of the best ones on your list.

Pricing of Popular SEO Agencies: A Brief Comparison

Now that you have a fair idea about what to look for in an SEO agency, let’s look at some of the popular agencies’ comparative price charts.

Agency Guest Post Outreach (Medium Authority Site) Content (Price Per Blog Post of 500 words) Technical SEO
Hoth USD 160 USD 32 – USD 64 USD 500 – USD 2500
Search Eye USD 135 USD 40 – USD 60 USD 899 – USD 1899
loganix USD 200 USD 50 – USD 120 USD 500 – USD 750
Fatjoe USD 95 USD 20 – USD 60 Not Available

Are you ready to outsource SEO to your dream SEO agency? Here’s a look at the agency onboarding process.

Onboarding An SEO Agency

Once you have decided to hire an agency for your business, it’s time to get them on board as your SEO partner. In this chapter, let’s look at the vital steps to smooth agency on-boarding.

Preparation and Planning

The first step is to do the initial preparation. Deploy an internal resource to work closely with the agency.

Create a list of current SEO goals, and by when do you expect to achieve them.

Enlisting SEO objectives will help the agency come to terms with your business needs and start creating a custom plan.

Let the agency send recommendations and proposed processes.

Make use of brainstorming sessions to help the agency draw up a final action plan and process chart with roles and responsibilities.

Contract Formalization

When you’re done with the preliminary prep, be ready to get a formal contract from the agency.

The contract document includes a complete list of deliverables.

Get the relevant person in your team to go through the details of the contract.

It’s a good idea to ensure that the terms and conditions of the contract are according to your requirements.

Double-check with a legal consultant before giving final approvals.

Once you have the agency onboard, you must keep an eye on their work and numbers. Let’s understand how.

Measuring Outcomes of SEO Projects

What’s most critical when partnering with an SEO agency is to keep track of the results of the SEO campaigns they’re running. More on how to be on top of things when outsourcing to an agency, in this section:

Tracking the Relevant Metrics

When you’re new to SEO or hiring an agency for the first time, you’re probably wondering which SEO metrics are best to track.

I am making a list of some of the top SEO performance indicators. If these metrics are healthy, the SEO agency is on the right track.

Keyword Rankings

To rank for important niche search terms—that’s precisely why we do SEO.

The goal is to move towards the top spot in Google’s SERPs steadily.

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Remember that you’re doing okay if search rankings for a predefined set of keywords are moving up the ladder.

Ensure the agency is working on the right set of keywords; relevant search terms with high traffic value.

There should be overall growth in terms of the number of keywords you rank for and the rankings. A positive keyword growth shows that your site is growing, and it’s a perfect sign.

You can check the relevant reports related to organic keywords and search rankings in a tool like SEMrush. Here is a quick example:

The Quality and Number of Backlinks

Backlinks are one of the most crucial website ranking factors. That’s why this metric is significant when it comes to tracking SEO results.

It’s critical to make sure that your site is building relevant backlinks. Plus, backlinks should come from sites with high domain authority and search traffic.

And yes, quality content matters too.

If the agency manages to get you such quality links consistently, they’re doing a good job.

Here’s the type of backlinks report you can generate from SEMrush.

Organic Traffic 

SEO’s sole purpose is to grow a business organically, and that’s how it’s different from running ads on Google or social media platforms.

You can check a website’s organic traffic in Google Analytics periodically. See the traffic movement.

A growth in organic traffic is an essential metric to track. The amount of traffic growth will depend on search rankings, quality of content, publishing frequency, and backlinks.

The key is to set a traffic growth target and use it as a benchmark while measuring growth.

Average Time on Site

The time that users spend on your site plays a vital role in fetching conversions.

You can track this metric in your Google Analytics account and see if people are interested in staying on your site.

The metric speaks volumes about the quality of the site’s user experience. If a website site is fully functional and free from errors and error pages, it attracts traction and affinity.

Track the time spent on each of the website pages. Higher the time spent on a page, the better. The metric also indicates the quality of content and copy on your site.

Engaging, relevant, and easy-to-find content often results in higher page dwell time.

Traffic from Mobile Devices

A large number of people are turning to their mobile devices to search for products and services.

In fact, to get more traffic and conversions from mobile devices, you need to offer a great mobile experience to website visitors and potential customers.

  • There will be certain keywords that are specific to mobile devices. When a site ranks for these keywords, the mobile traffic will go up.
  • You can check the mobile traffic in your Google Analytics dashboard.

Consistent growth in traffic from mobile devices indicates that your SEO agency has done well to make the site mobile-friendly and easily accessible on mobile devices.

The metric is also relevant when tracking the outcomes of Local SEO campaigns.

That’s because many people are using mobile devices and voice search to make purchases from their mobile devices.

Click-Through Rate

Is your Google search listing attractive enough for people to click on it?

The Click-Through rate or CTR measures the effectiveness of a site’s search listing.

A higher CTR means that the agency has worked hard on optimizing the meta titles and meta descriptions of each of the site’s pages.

It also means that they have optimized the business’s Google My Business profile and Schema Markup.

These are factors that make a search listing attractive and trustworthy to online searchers.

How should you track website CTR? Check website CTR in your Google Search Console dashboard. You’ll find the Search Traffic > Search Analytics option on the left-hand side.

You can check the CTR for all website landing pages. Also, view the CTR from different devices and countries.

CTR is a crucial SEO metric because it’s a search ranking factor as well.

Website Bounce Rate

Nobody wants to have a website that has visitors who bounce off because they found it irrelevant.

A high website bounce rate isn’t a good sign. It indicates that a website’s traffic is not relevant.

You can check the Bounce Rate of each of a website’s pages in the Google Analytics dashboard.

A high page Bounce Rate means that you need to revise its content and make it more audience-centric.

Domain Authority

If a website attains authority in a niche, it will naturally draw more traffic, rankings, and conversions. Domain Authority represents the number and quality of sites linking to a site.

So if you’re publishing quality content and earning new links, your DA is set to go up.

A growing Domain Authority is a favourable sign.

You can check the domain authority of your site in a tool like Moz.

Tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs have developed different metrics that represent site authority. You will come across terms like Authority Score and Domain Rating when using these tools.

Keep a check on your site’s authority level and observe the monthly rate of growth. Compare it with the Domain Authority of competing sites.

Direct Traffic and Repeat Traffic 

When an SEO agency goes out there and gets you links and press mentions, it results in publicity.

Since more people learn about your brand and website, it results in more direct traffic. Direct traffic represents visitors who type your business name in the Google search bar to visit your site.

You can check direct traffic within the Acquisition option in your Google Analytics account.

On the other hand, repeat visitors show that people know your site and want to return to it.

It’s a sign that they love your website or the content on it. You can use the following path in your Google Analytics account to analyze the repeat visitors on a site: Audience > Behavior > New vs Returning.

High and growing repeat traffic shows that your site’s content is engaging and relevant to the target audience.

Do you feel better equipped to outsource SEO to an agency? Let’s learn about the last leg of the outsourcing process:

Managing the SEO Agency

One of the things that play a part in running successful SEO campaigns for your business is how efficiently and effectively you manage the partner agency. In this chapter, let’s take a look at some tools and strategies that help create a win-win for the client and the SEO agency:

Educate The SEO Partner

Whenever you start a new relationship, there is a little bit of friction involved.

That’s because you don’t know the agency, and the agency does not know your business inside out.

How to reduce the initial confusion?

  • Communicate as much as possible about your business model and its key objectives.
  • For instance, educate them about your ideal customer and the perfect ticket size for each sale.
  • It’s better to be clear about your business goals. For instance, there’s a big difference between dominating rankings in a specific location and grabbing a small pie of the National or the International market.

Maintain Ongoing SEO Activity 

One of the significant success factors of SEO activity is continuity. You can’t do SEO for a while and take a break to start again after some time.

If you put your campaigns on hold, your site’s rankings and Domain Authority will start going down.

Plan well so that if your company’s SEO manager leaves, there is a backup resource to manage the SEO Agency.

If you decide to change the outsourcing partner, you must look for an alternative agency before ending the current relationship.

Bottom line,

Keep going; that’s what will help your business stay ahead of the SEO game.

Define KPIs and Be Patient

There could be various permutations and combinations when creating a set of SEO goals. 

For instance, 

Do you want to focus on rankings and traffic? Or, do you want to get more leads and sales?

Having a clear mindset is the best way to set KPIs that both parties agree on in advance.

Also, it’s natural that your business priorities may change with time.

That’s because most businesses face a dynamic environment and market conditions.

It’s critical to communicate with your agency about new business goals, challenges, and aspirations.

As a client, you should be aware that positive SEO outcomes are often the result of a collaborative approach between the agency and the client.

Make Use of Technology 

In today’s day, technology makes it easy to communicate with and handle a remote SEO team. Here are some excellent tools that can make outsourcing SEO a breeze:


Slack is a famous team communication app.

  • You can create a private chat group within Slack and discuss the team’s day-to-day activities.
  • The instant messaging app helps to send direct messages to individual team members.
  • Create different ‘channels’ or chat groups to discuss various SEO activities such as content creation, link-building, and technical SEO.


Trello is a fantastic Kanban project management tool.

  • Use the cool card-game type interface to help manage tasks within a project.
  • Manage a remote team with ease—keep tabs on daily tasks.
  • Create separate boards to manage and track tasks within individual SEO projects.
  • Use lists and cards to create to-do lists within a project.
  • Tag team members and add comments to discuss tasks.
  • Attach files including documents, excel sheets, and images to cards. The feature helps team members to add SEO reports to individual cards.

Trello is a must-have tool to manage an SEO team from anywhere.


Zoom is a well-known app for conducting online meetings and video calls.

  • It’s easy to create a meeting link in Zoom and share it with all the team members.
  • Talk to multiple team members in one go.
  • Share your screen while in a call—the feature is useful when explaining a concept or a goal with team members.


Many business owners feel jittery about sharing access to their web properties with an external team. PassPack is a tool that does away with all your password related woes.

  • Securely store, manage, and organize your passwords.
  • Control who has access to which passwords and share access with new team members quickly and easily.

This unique tool comes at a starting price of USD 18 per month.

Final Thoughts

Practically no business can grow and succeed without a strong SEO strategy. Outsourcing SEO to an experienced team is the best way to run successful SEO campaigns.

It’s not just a cost-efficient way to do SEO but also guarantees positive business outcomes. At the same time, business outcomes depend a lot on how good your SEO agency is. You should work towards finding an outsourcing partner that fits your business requirements. Also, focus on maintaining a transparent and healthy client-agency relationship.

I hope this guide helped you to outsource SEO like a rockstar. Do share your experience with us.

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Asked Questions

Keyword research isn’t rocket science. But you must do it right if you want your website to get to the top of the search results. In this guide, let me take you through the step-by-step of doing keyword research for better site rankings and traffic.

Read on to learn about the latest tools and techniques of keyword research. Plus, how to go about hunting for the best keywords to optimize website content and landing pages.

What is Keyword Research?

In simple words, keyword research is the process of knowing about popular terms that people are typing in search engines like Google, Amazon, YouTube or Bing.

When you know about trending niche search terms, you can create and optimize content by targeting those keywords. That’s how search engines judge the relevance of branded content before pushing it up the SERPs.

How Important is Keyword Research?

Are you wondering what so much fuss with keyword research is? Keyword research lays the foundation of any SEO campaign. Here are some of the reasons to do keyword research for SEO.

  1. Keyword research helps you know the latest search trends. Don’t forget that search trends keep changing, and optimizing for relevant keywords at the right time, makes a big difference.
  2. Keyword research helps you study the informational and commercial needs of the audience.

c. It gives in-depth insights into the needs and preferences of the target customers. The keyword research process paves the pay for audience-centric content creation. 

d. Keyword research is essential to understand which keywords are easy or challenging to rank. It also helps you know about competition keywords and rankings. 

Thus, keyword research helps you select a set of keywords to target for your business website.

Selecting the apt search phrases for a website and outreach campaigns is vital for earning relevant and growing website traffic.

How to Do SEO Keyword Research – The Basics

Now that you know what keyword research is and why it’s critical for SEO let’s understand the keyword research process. In this chapter, I will teach you simple methods to perform effective keyword research for your business.

Ready, let’s get started:

Know your Niche

The first step is to get to know your industry at a deeper level. How?

Talk to existing customers or members of the sales team to know about the problems and challenges.

Create an audience persona to analyze the behavioural preference of your ideal customer.

Participate in niche communities on platforms like Quora, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Community conversations offer a peek into trending niche topics.

Define a Set of SEO Goals

A set of strategic goals should back any successful SEO campaign. 

Clear-cut objectives like these:

a. How do you want to position your brand and business amidst the target audience?

b. What do you wish to achieve with your SEO campaigns—more traffic and rankings or higher sales volume and revenues, or more blog subscribers?

A set of focused goals help you narrow down keywords that work best towards attaining them.

Brainstorm Niche Topics

The next step is to discuss and make a list of topics that are relevant to your business. What are the common industry problems? Let’s suppose you’re a travel company. 

Most travellers are searching for vacation ideas and destinations online. Sample these topics:

  • New Year Holiday Ideas
  • Honeymoon Holiday Ideas
  • Places to see in Bali

Think about the needs of the target audience when ideating topics. Once you have a list, you can start using them to find new keyword ideas.

Enlist Seed Keywords

What is a Seed Keyword?

Every keyword research process needs to start somewhere. These starting points are the ‘seed keywords’. 

Seed keywords are one-two word phrases that help germinate new keyword ideas.

For instance, these:

  • bali holidays
  • florida holidays

Here are some more examples from the motorcycle parts niche:

Identifying such seed keywords can help a business to identify topic clusters. Finding topic clusters enables you to build topical authority, which is a critical component of SEO success. 

How to Find Seed Keywords?

In the last two sections, we learnt the process of defining goals and brainstorming topics. 

Once you have these two, you can create a list of seed keywords. Let’s explore the seed keyword research process in greater detail:

Enlist Content Sources

Besides looking for content topics in online communities, you can list top industry blogs and publications. A simple way to do that is to use tools like Feedly and follow niche blogs.

Another cool way is to find the ‘best blogs’ in your niche by conducting a simple Google search. 

Find Trending Content

To find trending content, you can head over to Ahrefs Content Explorer and pop any topic. The tool will give you a list of popular, topical content pieces.

Pick out the headlines from these content rockstars. Now, start extracting possible seed keywords from them. 

  • ‘The Ultimate Bali Itinerary 10 days covering the best places to see in Bali’
  • ‘Ultimate Bali Bucket List: 30+ Must See Places in Bali’
  • ‘5 Must-See Places in Bali For First Timers’
  • ‘North Bali Introduction and places to see.’

Take a look at these seed keywords that I extracted from the topics mentioned above.

  • north bali
  • bali itinerary
  • bali bucket list
  • bali travel

You can repeat this exercise when making a list of topics from popular content sources and community conversations. 

This way, you can make a list of hundreds of seed keywords. 

Let’s move further. 

Research Existing Keywords in Google Search Console

One of the things you can do while creating a keyword research base, is to head over to your Google Search Console dashboard.

It’s where you’ll find a list of keywords sending traffic to your site.

Click on the queries tab in your Google Search Console dashboard, and you’ll get a complete list of existing traffic keywords.

Up next, the keywords are sending traffic to competing sites.

Look For Competition Keywords

One of the best tactics to start doing keyword research is to look for keywords generating traffic for competition websites. 

The first step is to identify key competitors. You can simply type a few sample topics in the Google search bar to see which sites rank on the search results’ first page. 

A faster way to enlist competitors is to use the Ahrefs Competing Domains feature.

Once you have a list of competing domains, you can start by popping one of them in Ahrefs Site Explorer. Now look for the Top Pages report.

This report gives you a list of top pages of a site and the top keywords sending traffic to those pages. 

There you go, you have a list of a competition’s top priority keywords!

There is another cool way to find competition keywords. 

You can use the Ahrefs Content Gap tool to see what the competing site ranks for. The best part about this method is that you can exclude those keywords your site is ranking for. Here’s how to generate a quick report:

This way, you’ll get a list of keywords that are exclusive to competing websites.

Generate Keyword Ideas

Once you have a list of seed keywords, there are many cool ways to find keyword ideas. 

Related Searches in Google 

The first one is to look for related searches at the bottom of the Google search bar:

Fairly straightforward, right?

Google Suggest and YouTube Suggest 

One of the best things about today’s search engines and social media platforms is that they suggest search terms as soon as you start typing something. 

And what do you get? A bunch of keyword ideas!

Here are some suggestions from YouTube:


Next, you can pop the seed keywords in a tool like SEMrush or Ahrefs. I use the SEMrush Keyword Magic tool to find some exciting keyword ideas. Take a look:

As you can see in the screenshot above, I have chosen the board match filter. As an SEO manager, you can use other filters like Phrase Match, Exact Match, and Related to find even more keyword ideas!

Let’s look at some keyword ideas by choosing the Related filter.

Wow, these are more keyword ideas. It’s easy to export these keyword lists so you can add them to your bucket list. 

Remember, you can generate new keyword ideas from seed keywords or the existing keyword ideas you have added to your bucket list. 

Hence, the keyword idea list keeps growing.

How to Qualify Keywords

As you continually perform keyword research, the list of prospective keywords keeps growing. But each keyphrase is different in terms of how much traffic it can fetch. Some keywords may be easier to rank for, while others might take a lot more time and effort. That’s why it’s critical to qualify keywords before putting them on the target list. In this chapter, let’s get an in-depth understanding of the keyword qualification process:

Search Volume

How would you know which keyword is more popular among the target audience? The search volume metric indicates the monthly searches of a search term. 

Pop a key-phrase in any keyword research tool like SEMrush or Ahrefs to find its regional or global search volume. 

For instance, the keyword ‘bali travel guide’ has 300 monthly searches in the United States.

Its global search volume is 1.7k searches.

Let’s go deeper into this vital metric:

a. The search volume metric tells you the average monthly searches and not the number of people who performed those searches. 

b. The figure shows the average of the annual searches of a specific search term.

c. The search volume metric does not indicate whether the keyword will generate a high amount of website traffic.

How do you find which search-volume keywords are best for your website?

  • If a site is new, it’s best to target the low hanging fruits first. It’s a stage when you don’t want to target keyphrases in the 100k per month search-volume range.
  • It’s easier for new sites to rank for long-tail and regional keywords instead of generic and short key-phrases. 
  • Identify key markets and observe the search volume of a specific key-phrase in those countries. A higher volume is likely to fetch relevant traffic and a high rate of conversions. 
  • If a site is already ranking for low-volume keywords, you can step up the game and move towards more competitive search terms. 
  • Also, keep an eye on the volume trend, as shown in the image below:

The trend graph indicates seasonal fluctuations in a keyword’s popularity. 

Keyword Difficulty

When we say that a keyword’s difficulty or competition level is greater, it means that the search phrase is harder to rank. Here are things you need to know about this crucial keyword metric:

  • A keyword’s difficulty level depends on the quality of domains and content that already rank for it. 
  • The higher the quality of sites ranking for a keyphrase, the harder it is for you to beat them and earn yourself a place in the SERPs. 
  • When a business is small and still working to build niche authority, the right way is to go for low-medium difficulty keywords.

  • You can check a keyword’s difficulty score in a tool like Ahrefs or SEMrush.
  • At some point in time, a business must look at targeting higher Difficulty search terms. 
  • Ranking for higher Keyword Difficulty terms has the potential to fetch a lot more backlinks for a domain. That’s because such search terms are usually associated with link-worthy topics. 


Search volume is typically the tip of the iceberg. Look beyond, and you figure out a keyword’s true worth. 

  • The Clicks metric displays the average monthly clicks on the search listings from the said keyword.

  • On some occasions, you’ll find that the bulk of the clicks come from paid results—it’s better to stray clear from keywords with a higher percentage of paid clicks. 
  • At times a lower number of clicks results from Google answering a particular query—that’s when users don’t visit a site to get the information they’re looking for. 

So what’s the bottom line?

The higher the clicks, the better. You must analyze this critical metric before qualifying a specific keyword.

Traffic Potential

As I said earlier, a keyword’s search volume is the primary metric to learn about its worth. You don’t gather how much traffic a keyphrase can fetch.

How to find a keyword’s traffic potential? 

  • Within Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer, you need to head over to the ‘SERP Overview’. What you’ll find here is the top-ranking pages of the said key-phrase. 
  • The Traffic column displays the monthly visits of the top-ranking pages of the search term.

As you can see, traffic potential is a fantastic metric when you need to select between similar keyphrases with an equal search volume and difficulty level. 

Cost Per Click

CPC is a metric used by Ad professionals, also comes in handy when doing keyword qualification for SEO. 

  • CPC is the dollar value that advertisers are paying for each click from a keyword. 
  • A higher CPC represents the commercial intent behind a search term.

A lower CPC, on the other hand, shows that the searcher’s intent is informational.

What does this mean for an SEO professional?

  • As an SEO manager, you need to target high CPC search terms for commercial pages such as your website’s products and services pages. 
  • Low CPC terms are more suitable for the blog section or content related pages of the site. 
  • Remember that CPC as a metric fluctuates more than search volume.

Frequently track the CPC data while optimizing the commercial pages on the site, and make amendments accordingly. 

Short Tail vs. Long Tail Keywords

A short tail keyword has a length of three words or less than three words. For example, ‘bali travel guide’ is a short tail keyword.

Some searchers type longer search queries. It happens when they are looking for answers to specific questions. Take a look at this search query: ‘best season to visit bali for honeymoon’.

When we look at an overall comparison, long-tail keywords have a lower search volume. At the same time, longer queries have higher rates of conversions. Here’s another example of a long-tail keyword:

What does it mean for you?

  • First off, short tail keywords are likely to get higher traffic than long-tail keywords.
  • Short tail keywords are also challenging to rank. Since their search volume is higher, these keywords are highly competitive. 

A new site with low traffic should start with long-tail keywords. These keywords are easier to rank as their competition level is comparatively low.

Voice Search Terms 

Voice search makes it easy for online searchers to get answers to their queries without typing them. That’s why voice search has become so popular. 

Did you know?

How are voice search queries different from text-based searches?

  • Voice searches are conversational. 
  • The queries are much longer and can go up to 10 words.

Voice search queries are conversational. Take a look at this key-phrase for instance:

Considering the growing relevance of voice search queries, targeting super-long conversational search terms is critical for SEO success. 

Targeting Google Featured Snippets/People Also Ask

You must have seen blocks of text that offer a relevant answer to a search query. These are called featured snippets. Google launched featured snippets as a way to improve the searcher experience.

Featured snippets offer SEO managers and content creators a tremendous opportunity to earn the desired website visibility. If you optimize a site’s content for Google’s featured snippets, there are chances it will get featured.

In fact,

Ahrefs studied 2 million featured snippetsand they discovered that a featured snippet steals a significant percentage of the clicks that would otherwise go to the first page of the search result.

Google offers many types of featured snippets to online searchers. These include paragraphs, lists, and tables. 

Now, here comes the critical question, 

How to find keywords to target and get listed on Google’s featured snippets?

Look for question-based search queries. Keyword research tools like KWFinder offer a Questions tab—an easy way to find such search terms.

Next, you need to look at the search terms in the ‘People also ask’ section of the Google SERPs.

You can also find question-based search terms in tools like Answer The Public and communities like Quora. 

This way, you can find a bundle of keyword ideas to earn your site a place in Google’s Featured Snippets and People also ask sections. 

Geo-Targeted Keywords

There are also keywords specific to a location. If you’re a local business, then these keywords are your bread and butter. Take a look at these search terms:

architects in san jose, ca

architects in california

Whether you’re running a local architectural firm or a restaurant or a salon, you need to ensure that you’re looking to target geo-targeted keywords first. It’s the best way to find a place in Google’s local search results.

Branded Keywords 

If your business is a well-known brand, then it’s likely to get included in popular search queries. If that’s the case, then targeting these search terms is essential to drive the relevant traffic from these queries. Here are some examples of branded search queries:

nike jogging pants

hubspot training videos

Product-Centric Keywords

You don’t want to miss out on potential customers who’re typing product or service related queries in the Google search bar. Take a look at the following example:

Customer Focused Keywords

Most businesses have multiple audience personas and customer segments. You can target a separate set of keywords for each of these customer segments. All such keyphrases can be categorized as customer-focused keywords. 

Take a look at this example:

What Makes a Good Keyword?

It’s a common question SEO managers and business owners ask all the time. You would be looking at all of the above parameters to define the right set of keywords for your business.

As a general rule, however, you must include targeted and broad keywords. Such keywords are likely to help your business meet some of its vital SEO objectives. 

Targeted Keywords

Targeted keywords are those search terms that are relevant to specific products and services. Take a look at these search terms, for instance:

website development services

software development services

Targeted keywords are likely to fetch traffic that’s apt for your site. Plus, it increases the conversion rate of site visitors. 

Broad Keywords

Every niche has specific services under one umbrella service. For instance, many digital marketing agencies offer website development, social media marketing, search engine optimization, content creation, etc. 

Hence besides targeting keywords about these specific key-phrases, they need to choose umbrella search terms. This way, they can connect with audiences who are typing either of the two types of keyphrases. Now take a look at these keyphrases:

digital marketing services

digital marketing agency

Therefore, a set of good SEO keywords is a healthy mix of broad and targeted search terms. Choosing between the two types also depends on how you wish to position your business among the target audience. 

For instance, some companies may find it profitable to become specialists and focus on targeted keywords. While others may lay equal emphasis on broad search terms, it works to come across as a one-stop solution.

Investment vs. Returns

Everything ultimately boils down to those goals you have, the worth of a keyword in terms of those goals, and the possible outcomes. 

  • For instance, if you’re looking to build a content audience, you’ll focus on informational queries. 
  • For an SEO campaign focusing on product sales, product-specific keyphrases become more worthy. 
  • For higher brand visibility, you’ll have to focus on targeting branded search terms.

And so on.

You’ll also come to realize that some of these goals are interlinked, and you can tie them together through integrated SEO campaigns, 

Once you have a bunch of targeted keywords, you need to analyze their performance every few months; why?

Tracking keywords will help add more to the kitty. Plus, you can make the necessary amendments to the keyword targeting strategy.

Keyword Search Intent: Everything You Need to Know

This chapter will discuss everything you need to know about searcher intent for selecting keywords based on user intent and query purpose. How each query has a different purpose, and why do you need to know about it?

There was a time when you could stuff a bunch of keywords in a content piece, and it would rank on SERPs. We’ve come a long way since then. The search algorithms have evolved—they’re still changing. 

Search engines are working harder to offer a great experience and the right content to online searchers.

That said, you need to create content that meets searcher-intent. And to do that, you need to get behind the purpose of each keyword you’re targeting. 

The ideal way to start is to segment keywords based on searcher intent. So let’s understand the types of searcher intent and the keyword types that fall under it:

Informational Search 

When a searcher types a query like this, she is looking for some information. Sample these search queries:

bali travel guide

who is roger fedrer’s best friend

rafael nadal’s net worth

You can put all informational intent search terms in a separate list. That’s how you begin creating content that meets the informational needs of the audience. 

Navigational Search 

Searchers often type in specific site names in the Google search bar. Such users know about their destination. These searchers could either be interested in your business or they’re probably existing customers. Take a look at these search queries for instance:

hubspot login

beginners guide to CRM hubspot

hubspot free website grader

When you know that several people are searching for your site or brand name, you can optimize some pages on your site for those keywords. 

Put such search terms under the navigation segment.

Solution Investigation

Some buyers know the solution to their current challenge. That’s when they go online to search for the best products and services. Take a look at the following search queries, for instance:

mailchimp vs. mailerlite

mailerlite review

best restaurants in san jose

The intent is commercial, but the user is looking to understand individual products and services’ worth. 

So whether you target these search terms with comparative product pages or by getting backlinks from such pages, these keywords make a big difference to the overall conversions. 

Transactional Search  

A buyer is ready to make a purchase, and this is when she uses transactional search queries. The idea is to find websites or stores that offer the said products and services. 

buy macbook air

book bali holiday package

trello premium price

A user looking to make a purchase needs to land on a page that makes it easy for her to do so. Create such products and services pages and optimize them with these keywords. But before that, you need to add all such keywords to your transactional intent bucket. 

Search intent governs the branded content you create. 

  • Once you have a complete list of keywords, segment them into the above categories. 
  • The strategy is vital to align keyword targeting with SEO goals.

Intent-based content optimization is indispensable to attract relevant traffic and higher search rankings. 

Keyword Research Tools

Successful keyword research is about hanging in there and staying hungry. It’s also about using the right tools. In this chapter, let’s learn about all the popular tools for performing keyword research for SEO.

Google Keyword Planner

Google’s Keyword Planner is probably the oldest tool to find keywords for your SEO campaign. Input a seed keyword and your website URL to get a bunch of new keyword ideas. 

  • Track monthly search volumes and competition level for each keyphrase. 
  • See global and local search volumes. Google Keyword Planner shows the average price of keywords for running ads—the metric helps understand individual keywords’ commercial nature. 

The tool is available within Google’s free Adwords tool.

You can also see historical statistics to see a keyword’s past performance. 


Answer the public is an exciting keyword research tool. 

  • The keyword research tool provides a visual rendition of the most probable searcher questions around a topic. 
  • What you get is a bunch of keyword ideas. Answer The Public comes with a free as well as a paid plan.

  • You can use this tool to visualize different categories of keywords such as preposition specific keywords, alphabeticals, and comparisons.

Use this tool for free or upgrade to the pro version for a starting price of USD 79 per month. Here’s what all you get in the paid plan:


Ahrefs is a popular end-to-end Search Engine Optimization tool. The tool comes with many intuitive features. 

  • Ahrefs displays unique keyword metrics, such as Clicks and Clicks Per Search. The metrics are useful to understand which keywords will generate the desired amount of web traffic.

  • You can also see the Return Rate metric. The value displays the number of times a person searches a keyword over 30 days. 
  • This keyword research tool also helps SEO managers analyze competitive keyword gaps while finding the best keywords to target.

  • Plus, you can create alerts to map the progress of keywords for any domain, including your site and competing websites. 
  • Also, keep tabs on the new keywords that a domain is ranking for. 

Ahrefs comes at a starting price of USD 99 per month.


SEMrush is another popular SEO tool useful for keyword research. 

  • It’s a fantastic tool to track basic keyword metrics such as search volume, difficulty, and CPC. 
  • The tool helps keep tabs on competitive keywords and decide which keywords are suitable for your website. 
  • Use the Trends feature to know if a keyword’s popularity is going up or not. 
  • Tack the domains ranking for a keyword along with their respective SEO data. 
  • Use the Keyword Magic tool in SEMrush to generate hundreds of valuable keyword ideas from your seed keywords.

All-in-all, SEMrush is a user-friendly and feature-rich keyword research tool. You can use SEMrush for a starting price of USD 99.95 per month. 


If you’re looking to analyze a keyword’s relative popularity, this free tool from Google is a terrific option. 

  • The keyword research tool goes beyond metrics like search volume and competition. 
  • It helps you peep into the ongoing content trends to decide between a set of similar keywords. 
  • The tool gives you location-wise and periodic trends, so there is quite some practical information there.


Keyword research tools like KWFinder help find long-tail search-terms that have a low difficulty level.

  • This keyword research tool helps enlist keywords that worked for a competing site. 
  • Enter a domain, and KWFinder lists all those search terms that the domain is ranking for. 
  • This keyword research tool is a terrific option for tracking historical search volumes and long-term keyword trends. 
  • You can also use this tool to find location-specific keywords for your business.

This robust keyword research tool comes at a starting price of USD 29.90 per month.


If you’re a small business owner and looking for a cost-effective keyword research tool, then Ubersuggest might prove to be your best bet. 

  • You can use this tool to find hundreds of keyword suggestions and ideas for free. 
  • Get to know the search volume, competition level, and trends for each keyword. 

This tool’s starter plan comes at a throw-away price of just USD 12 per month. Now that’s a steal because Ubersuggest also offers you additional features such as Domain Overview, Top SEO Pages, Content Ideas, and Backlink Data. 


Moz is one of the oldest solutions for end-to-end SEO needs.

  • Pop a URL or keyword to discover the right set of keywords for your business. 
  • You can use Moz’s keyword explorer for free by simply creating a community account. The free version allows you to conduct up to five keyword searches every day.
  • Moz allows you to generate and save keyword lists. 
  • Make use of predictive CTR metrics to understand a keyword’s future performance. 
  • Track keyword and competitive metrics to optimize keyword research decisions for better business outcomes. 

Moz Pro comes at a starting price of USD 99 per month. If you pay annually, the SEO solution will cost you USD 79 per month.


WordStream is another incredible free platform to help find the right keywords for your SEO campaign.

  • WordStream comes with an easy-to-use interface to find new keywords and track all the relevant metrics. 
  • You can add a website URL or a competing domain to find contextual keyword suggestions. 
  • Filter keyword results by industry and by location.

If you’re looking for a free keyword research tool, then WordStream is undoubtedly an excellent option for you. 


LSIGraph is a unique keyword research tool that helps find semantically linked search terms.

  • The tool shows the current trends, volume, and CPC of LSI keywords. 
  • You can use this tool to include contextual keywords and keyword synonyms in branded content. 
  • LSIGraph comes with unique features such as Project Creation and Management and Semantic Classification.

You can upgrade to the premium version for a starting price of USD 12 per month.

Optimizing Content for Keywords and Synonyms

So now you have a list of priority keywords, what next? You need to optimize the landing pages and website content for these keywords. In this chapter, let’s briefly look at the keyword optimization strategy.

  • You can make use of SEO content editors like Surfer SEO. The tool creates a system to help include keywords and their synonyms in branded content.
  • Study the user-intent and audience persona in detail. Make sure to make branded content relevant and useful to the audience. That’s one of the best ways to create content pieces and website pages search-friendly. 
  • Use LSI keywords in the content and meta tags to ensure that a content piece is relevant to your niche. LSI keywords are specific terms that display the contextual relevance of your content. 

a. Create content from your experience by covering all the relevant topics that you found in your keyword research. Being familiar with a subject will automatically help you create content that includes keywords pertinent to your niche and the context.

Final Thoughts

Keyword research is the foremost step of any successful SEO strategy. The exciting part is that it’s through keyword research that marketers get a deep understanding of their target audience.

Knowing about the current search trends and picking the precise keywords are two critical ways to earn higher search rankings and relevant web traffic. I hope this guide helped you understand the nitty-gritty of keyword research. Do share your experience and ideas in the comments section below.


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Asked Questions

Why Scale Content Creation

In today’s competitive content marketing landscape, scaling content is a key success factor. A regular content publishing schedule, combined with the right quality checks, makes it easy to build devoted content followers, an essential for getting recurring business. 

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 64% of content marketers said their greatest educational need is understanding how to create a scalable content strategy:

As soon as the publishing frequency goes up, content marketers often find it hard to maintain quality. Here’s why you need to focus on both content quality and quantity.

This guide will show you how businesses can develop a content creation workflow that makes scaling a child’s play (with the quality checks, of course).

Start With Keyword Research

Before building a tall six-month plan, start with the foundation. Keyword research is the first step to creating search-friendly and audience-centric content. In this section, let’s understand how to align the keyword research process while scaling up content.

The evolution of search engines means more focus on intent-based search results. Also, searchers are using longer, conversational voice queries.

Take a look at these examples.

As a content marketer, you need to focus on the intent and context of the search terms. That’s your key to audience-centric and searchable content creation.

It’s as easy as this:

When you’re still building niche authority, you want to start by targeting longer tail, more accessible keywords. Segment keywords based on the user-intent and customer journey stage—here are some quick examples:

Keyword Customer Lifecycle Stage Intent 
lead generation strategies  Problem Awareness  Informational
best marketing automation tools Solution Awareness  Informational
hubspot vs salesforce Solution Comparison Informational 
hubspot price Decision  Commercial 
hubSpot guide Retention Informational

The ultimate goal is to go after higher search volume and competitive keywords, but you can start with the low-hanging fruits. Once you have a bucket list of keywords, you can start creating a content calendar.

Build Up a Content Calendar

Simply put, a content calendar helps get an overview of your publishing schedule. It lets you decide what goes out when. It’s a six-month content plan. Let’s now learn about this crucial next step of the content creation process.

Plan and manage branded content creation with this well-designed template

Get Your Free Content Strategy Template

As you start scaling content creation, having a schedule becomes necessary for tracking progress. It organizes your content creation efforts and paves the way for newer content initiatives.

Create An Editorial Guideline

An editorial guideline is a document that helps make branded content stand out like a rockstar. It includes the brand guideline and the style sheet; works as a ready reckoner for content creators. In this section, let’s understand how to infuse an editorial guideline into the content creation process.

a. Create a Distinct Brand Voice

When creating content, you want to make it unique. Start with the following questions:

A voice gives a distinct flavour to branded content. It connects with the audience. With a consistent voice, the readers know what to expect from every new content piece. 

For instance, when we think of Redbull, we think of words like extreme sports, adventure, excitement.

Plus, a consistent voice adds to the conversion rate.

[info_box id=”655″]

Take these steps to carve a unique brand voice:

1. Brainstorm with the team and the founding members about the brand’s overarching purpose.

2. Create a voice chart that talks about the core values and how to steep them in branded content. 

Include a content mission statement. You can take a look at this example of writing goals from MailChimp:

b. Formulate the Text Style Sheet 

Roughly 45% of a brand’s image can be attributed to what a brand says and how it says it.

Besides creating content that’s on-brand, you need to maintain consistency in the writing style. For instance, it creates a terrible impression if certain words are spelt differently on different blog posts. That’s why you need to create a rulebook to define the content style, structure, and format. Here is the stuff that you need to determine:

A style guide helps writers to understand the writing best practices and maintain consistency in written content. 

c. Develop a Visual Content Style Guide 

Sloppy and incompatible graphics can’t build an online brand. That’s why you need a visual content style guide. 

Make a List of Content Quality Parameters

Most successful content marketing brands have the distinction of creating soulful content. They do it consistently and at scale. There is no place for half-hearted content. And that’s why you need to develop a set of content quality parameters.

Make sure you have them in place before you scale-up. 

Let me break this down for you.

a. Offer Real Value

Online searchers are looking for the best answers to their queries. They want the latest information. Moreover, you want to help them in every possible way. When you create content that’s useful and solves problems, you’re adding value.

In 2019, 90% of the most successful B2B content marketers claimed to prioritize their audience’s informational needs over their own sales/promotional message. (CMI & MarketingProfs)

b. Include Practical Advice

Online searchers aren’t looking for half-baked fluff. They’re looking for actionable advice—stuff they can quickly implement. 

c. Make it Engaging

Nobody likes dull, lifeless walls of text. Make your content sweet as pie. 

c. Create Benchmarks and Goals

As a content marketer, you can create a tailored content quality program for your brand. Here’s how:

d. Write Awesome Headlines 

Headlines are the face of branded content. Unless they attract the audience to branded content, it won’t get enough click-throughs and traffic. 

Make use of a headline analyzer to iterate powerful headlines.

e. Write From Your Experience

Making branded content authentic is about being yourself. Create content from personal experience, and you’ll end up being unique:

Infuse the Content Outlining Process

A content outline maps out the details of a content piece. It’s an essential workflow element that enhances content creator productivity. Let’s understand how to create a simple content outlining workflow.

Here are some critical steps in developing a content outline:

You can’t expect writers to produce content from their brains. Give them the bare-bones, and they’ll be able to deliver fresh, high-quality content.

Supplement with Content Curation

Content curation is the process of finding excellent content online and sharing it with your audience. It could be sourced from anywhere and does not represent your brand. In this section, let’s learn about the importance of content curation and its use for effective content scaling.

Is Content Curation Effective? 

Content marketers are under tremendous pressure to keep the social timelines active. Content curation is a pivotal way to improve brand reach and impressions.

The strategy helps you add value to the audience and create visibility for the business. Here are some benefits of curating content:

You can’t rely on curation alone, but it’s undoubtedly an excellent tactic for scaling up content production and promotion. Let’s take a look at some effective content curation strategies:


Curate quotes from experts and famous personalities to create inspiring new blog posts. Take a look at this example from the Brain Pickings blog.

Attach an opinion snippet to the content piece. The strategy helps showcase your brand voice alongside a content piece that does not belong to your business.

Embrace Content Repurposing

Content repurposing is about using a content idea to churn out many pieces in different content formats. How awesome is that? In this section, let’s look at how to do content repurposing to improve content creation productivity.

Producing large quantities of content requires a lot of hard work. 

But here is the deal.

When you have produced a certain number of great content pieces, you can re-use them!

Sounds interesting? Keep on reading.

Have you ever wondered how some big brands publish content on so many content platforms? It’s with the help of creative and selective content repurposing.

Ways to Repurpose Branded Content 

Let me explain repurposing with the help of some examples:

The list goes on and on. Every content format and platform is unique, but what you convey to the audience may be quite similar on most occasions. Here are some key benefits of recycling content and using it in different forms. 

Benefits of Content Repurposing 

a. Content repurposing is a useful method to extract maximum value from high-performing content pieces.

b. It’s a creative way to tweak an existing content piece and make it look fresh.

c. As most audiences are scattered across online platforms, repurposing helps you reach out to all of them. 

d. It helps add to the scale of content production and improves production efficiency. 

Now that you know how repurposing works let’s come to the critical question—how to immerse the repurposing in your content production workflow?

The Content Repurposing Strategy

Fair enough, here are some easy steps to follow

Develop a Schedule for Content Promotion

Content promotion is an essential way to start building an audience for branded content. In this chapter, we will look at all the ways to amplify content and improve its reach.

Many marketers make the mistake of scaling up content creation only. 

And that’s when they run into trouble. Why?

That’s because you need to get the audience to find your content before they can use it or share it.

Here’s a simple truth:

Targeted and scaled content promotion is the key to optimizing the returns from content creation. 

How to Create a Content Promotion Calendar

Let’s understand how you can create a calendar for promoting branded content at scale: 

Hire Writers Who’re Niche Experts

There is no shortage of writers to help you with your content creation process. But when you’re competing with the big boys of the industry, you need to create authority content. And for that, you need writers who know your business.

What happens when you hire generic writers?

Here’s the bottom line:

Scaling up content does NOT mean recycling what’s already out there. Here’s what you need to do:

Build up a Robust Content Team

As you scale content creation efforts, you don’t just need a bunch of good writers. Levelling up content means you want to get the desired ROI from producing that content. So how do you get there? You hire a team of specialists to help edit, promote, and optimize branded content.

If you have little idea about what I’m talking about, then here’s a list of roles you need in your content marketing team:

Search Specialist

Remember the first step in the content creation process? An SEO specialist manages everything from keyword research to content optimization to internal linking. 

In short, the SEO specialist helps make branded content easily searchable. A search professional will track content rankings and present ideas on how to fare better.

Social Media Specialist

This role comprises those who love being active on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. A social media specialist shares existing content pieces on these channels. Besides that, they actively create social updates and keep your brand’s social timelines active. 

Outreach and Media Relations Expert

When you think of spreading your wings and earning substantial publicity, you think of outreach specialists. An outreach professional will pitch content assets to prominent industry blogs and news publications. The strategy is critical to expanding the audience for branded content. Plus, it’s a great way to drive traffic to your content assets.

Content Editor

An editor plays a vital role in proof-reading a piece of content. Editing professionals would create editorial standards and make sure that every piece of content adheres to it

Paid Campaign Expert

When it comes to running paid campaigns, you need people who know the tricks of the trade. Hire professionals who have an in-depth knowledge of the ad interface of different online platforms. 

Performance Experts

Content performance experts will keep tabs on the vital content metrics such as views, traffic, likes, and shares. They will create reports about the top-performing posts. Such details come in handy when analyzing which content strategies and channels work best for your business.


Designers help with creating stunning visual content. Attractive designs make branded content a lot more appealing.

You can choose to hire pure specialists or those with more than one of the above skillsets. The idea is to focus on building a team that works together to delight a targeted audience.

Use Content Creation Tools

Mastering the art of creating path-breaking and relevant content takes time. But don’t lose heart. There are many free and low-cost tools to help you produce top-notch content more efficiently.

Without further ado, let’s look at the best tools for content creation:


Nobody likes to read blog posts with grammatical errors like spelling mistakes and loose punctuation. Grammarly is a popular AI-based language checker. The tool makes editing and proofreading quick and easy. The paid version of this ideal tool will cost you a little over $139 per year.


Researching and finding interesting new content can be a tiring process. You can use a free tool like Feedly to follow the best of niche blogs. Browse through multiple feeds from a single tab. Sweet, isn’t it?


Creating beautiful looking infographics should not seem like it’s some rocket science. Tools like Piktochart make it easy to drag and drop your favourite design elements and put together a sexy infographic. Picktochart’s premium version costs around $24 a month.


Research is a constant thing for content creators. Evernote is a powerful tool to take notes and save online resources. 

Evernote is a terrific free tool for storing ideas and using them for your upcoming content pieces. A must for assembling your thoughts and improving content creation productivity.


Do you enjoy playing Solitaire? Trello is an exciting project management tool that makes you feel like you’re playing an online card game. Plus, it’s super easy. Here’s what all you can do with this free tool:

It’s a fantastic tool for content managers handling small to medium-sized content teams.

Free Stock Image Sites

When it comes to using images for social media or blog posts, stock photos can be useful. There are many free stock image sites to add colour to branded content and make it look nice. Take a look at some of the finest stock image sites:

Use these platforms for quickly downloading some attractive images. You can use a graphic design tool to add text and edit the pictures to fit your content.


Canva is a popular tool among content creators. It has some cool templates to create beautiful social media graphics, infographics, blog graphics, flyers, ebooks, and whatnot.

When you’re scaling up content creation, you need branded collateral to look professional. Canva is a hassle-free tool that makes it painless to churn out designs that align with your brand guidelines. 


Good content is most often a result of some fantastic ideas. Start by brainstorming ideas with your team. IdeaBoardz is a tool that helps individual team members to put down their thoughts and start a discussion.

Teams that collaborate can put together the most creative content ideas. And that’s the coolest way to make branded content to stay away from the herd.


Speaking of educating the audience, using flow-charts and diagrams can work magic. Such visuals make learning easy. Miro simplifies the process of creating flow-charts and diagrams.

You can use this tool to spruce up branded content through neat-looking flow diagrams. Miro also comes with many other features such as project management, collaboration, and mind-mapping.

SEMrush for Keyword Research 

The correct way to know what the audience wants is to do keyword research at the right time. You can use SEMrush to find the right key phrases.

The feature allows you to use a location filter to know about content ideas for a specific city.

You can get access to the paid version of SEMrush at $99.95 per month. Businesses who are expanding their content efforts must consider this feature-rich keyword research software.

Google Trends

The free tool from Google lets you know the worth of a content idea. 

Google Trends works well to help you decide topical priority within your content strategy.

Surfer SEO

Knowing which keywords and phrases will get you search-rankings could make things easier. That’s why SurferSEO. 

All-in-all, SurferSEO improves content optimization productivity. It helps content creators to make content more relevant and search-friendly.

Measuring Content Performance

Scaling up content can be a roller coaster ride. There will be occasions when you feel that things are going just fine. But at times, things might look gloomy. That’s why keeping track of content performance is one of the keys to successful content scaling.

Let me walk you through how you need to create a performance measurement process.

Here’s how it flows:

1. Define the metrics you think matter.

2. Put down a process for tracking the data.

3. Analyze reports to understand the gaps and how to fill them.

Tracking the Right Metrics

Many content marketers fail to understand the true meaning of content marketing success. 

In fact,

Only 44% of B2B marketers are clear on what content marketing success looks like. 

The correct way to define content metrics is first to understand your content goals. What do you wish to achieve with your content creation process? 

Once you know the goals, it’s easy to prioritize the metrics.

Sounds simple? Let’s go more in-depth and learn about some of the possible content marketing goals. 

Lead Generation

54% of companies reported generating quality leads to be their biggest challenge with content marketing. (The State of Content Marketing 2019 by SEMrush)

Looking for more leads with every content piece means you’re looking at the right people visiting your content and filling up an online form. 

Here are the metrics that you need to track:

Engagement and Interaction 

At a point in time, when you’re working on content quality, you may want to focus on whether the audience is enjoying and appreciating the content. 

Here are the numbers you need to capture:

As I said, engagement shows the value of your content. Simultaneously, it also affects other goals, such as leads, conversions, and awareness. 

How does that happen?

Engagement increases the possibility of more people knowing about your business and find it worth their while to convert as well. 

Sales and Revenue 

All said and done, you cannot run a marketing program without any returns from it. That’s why getting sales is the ultimate goal of creating content. 

The most common measurement of success for content marketing programs is Total Sales. (HubSpot, 2020

Let’s understand the key metrics you need to track:

Brand Awareness 

Again, as a goal, brand awareness helps add to long-term sales from content creation. Let’s see how you can track this objective:

Setting Up Tracking 

You can use a few simple tools to set up content performance tracking. Get the performance team to set up the mechanism to track the right data.

Use Google Analytics to learn about content traffic. You can set up goals to track leads from specific landing pages.

There are some marketing automation suites like HubSpot that offer you all metrics in a single software. Let’s now go deeper into how you can run content audits and do in-depth content performance analysis. 

Scoring and Analysis

The idea behind measuring the outcomes is to work on improving them. That’s why you need to know how to turn data into feedback for the content team. Let’s figure out how:

Use the analysis to help the content team to create better content.

Create a Content Audit Workflow

A content audit is about making a list of existing content assets finding strengths and weaknesses. You can do an audit every year or six months. The objective of a content audit is to analyze the quality of branded content. In this section, let’s dive deep into how to create a content audit workflow.

How Does Content Audit Help?

a. A content audit allows content strategists to find strategic shortfalls and work on improving overall outcomes.

b. It helps content creators to fix redundancies in existing content. An audit is useful in understanding how to re-do content pieces that are not performing to their best. 

c. Know about how to improve search rankings of existing content.

d. Make a list of topics that are working better with the target audience. 

e. Find content assets with high traffic but low relative conversions. 

f. Do away with content pieces that are low on quality or do not adhere to your brand voice. 

Let’s now take a look at the steps involved in a content audit workflow:

Content Audit Workflow

Content Inventory Creation

This step involves making a list of all the published content pieces. You can do this by making a list of content URLs.

Review Existing Content Assets and Create an Action Plan

When you have all the metrics in front of you, it’s easy to draw up a simple plan that lets you know what to do with your content assets. Here are some possibilities.

Once you have an action plan, you can draw inferences that you can use for making the necessary amendments to your content plan. 

Strategic Analysis

A final analysis will show you how you need to tweak the existing content strategy and improve business outcomes. 

Since you’re investing more time and resources in creating branded content, you’re under a lot more pressure to get the results. That’s why an audit is such a vital component of creating large scale content.

Final Thoughts

Quality content may not be the shortest route to marketing success, but it’s a sure-shot one. Creating content that resonates with your brand voice makes an indelible impact on the audience’s hearts and minds.

Valuable content assets have the potential to fetch long-term business outcomes—much longer than you might expect. Scaling up is like building a tall edifice that offers you a rock-solid brand reputation and recurring sales for your business. Make each step count, and you’ll indeed find the top spot in your business niche. That is the ultimate goal of scaling up the content creation process.

Asked Questions

“The core of influencer marketing lies in building a solid relationship to ensure mutual value creation.” – Dr. Konstanze Alex Brown

Don’t create content that nobody gets to read. Go out there and build an audience. 

Get new people to know about your content, products, and services. 

Reach out to those who matter and build partnerships that last.

This guide will help you figure out how to connect with the right bloggers and amplify branded content!

Ready, let’s start.

[cta_section id=”1246″]

Chapter 1

What is Blogger Outreach?

Blogger outreach is the strategic process of informing the relevant niche bloggers about branded content or products and services.

Chapter 2

Why is Blogger Outreach Essential?

The web is an ocean full of content. To get your voice heard, you need to tie up with established bloggers who have a large audience. Blogger outreach helps you:

Did you know?

Influencer marketing is expected to become a $10 billion industry.

Chapter 3

Expert Tips on Blogger Outreach

Before we get to the bottom of how to do blogger outreach the right way, let’s get some tips from the experts. Here are some unique insights on the best ways to improve the success rate of your outreach campaign.

Ready to master blogger outreach with robust expert advice? Let’s get started.

When it comes to outreach I’ve seen two small tweaks make a big change in open rate of the outreach email and response rate.

The first tweak is using the recipient’s first name in the subject line. Preferably using the recipient’s first name in the the first word in the subject line. For example, “John – Quick question” is working really well right now to boost open rates in my outreach emails.

The second thing is by using humor in follow-up emails. Most people are ultra boring in their outreach. Anything you can do to stand out for a split second can help boost your response rate. Something I’ve done to help boost response is by using just a touch of humor in my outreach emails. For example in a follow-up email I might say something like,

“Haven’t heard from you (first name), which could only mean 1 of 3 things.

1. You’re on a tropical beach somewhere with your toes in the sand.
2. You’re busy and haven’t gotten a chance to respond yet.
3. You’re not interested in working together.

Feel free to respond with 1, 2, or 3.

Thanks (first name)

This is short and sweet with just a touch of humor!

Let’s now quickly cut to the chase and understand how to connect with influential bloggers and create an outreach program that works for your business.

Chapter 4

Find Prominent Niche Bloggers

Before you start sending emails, you need to know about bloggers who are relevant to your business. Let’s learn about some unique and exciting ways to pick the cream of the crop niche bloggers and influencers.

Use Followerwonk

Most influencers are active on Twitter. This nifty tool helps you scout for top niche profiles on social media platforms. 

Head over to the search bios option in Followerwonk.

Type your niche keywords, along with words like ‘blogger’ or ‘specialist’ or ‘strategist’.

You’ll get a list of all the Twitter bios that include your search terms.

That’s pretty easy peasy, right?

As you can see in the screenshot above, there are filters to search influencers based on social authority, account age, number of followers, and tweets.

Use BuzzSumo

Similarly, you can use Buzzsumo to find popular niche influencers on Twitter. The tool gives you an option to add multiple search parameters:

1. The terms in a blogger’s profile bio

2. The topic for which an influencer has shared articles

Plus, you can use the Retweet filter to see which influencers are actively sharing content.

Buzzsumo also provides you with options to find Authors and YouTube influencers.

Quite neat, I must say!

Let’s go further.

Google ‘Best of’ Lists

There’s no denying that Google’s the king of search engines. Use the right search terms and operators, and you’ll find the correct information in seconds.

You can try the following searches in your Google search bar:

And boom! 

You’ll get a list of the best blogs and bloggers in your niche. 

Look for Niche Journalists on Muck Rack

We’re living in the age of brand journalism. It means that many bloggers, influencers, and industry experts also happen to be famous journalists and guest bloggers. 

PR platforms like Muckrack and Prowly offer a database of the best journalists in any niche.

You can use these tools to look for niche bloggers and influencers. 

The best part is that you can find the bloggers’ contact information within these tools.

Use Blog Aggregator Services

There are many blog aggregator services to find and follow the top blogs in any industry. Here are some popular ones:

a. Feedly

b. Feedspot

c. Alltop

d. Flipboard

Chapter 5

Qualify and Segment your List

The next step is to understand which influencers are suitable for your business. Put your list in an excel sheet.

Add details such as website URL, Website Domain Authority, Social Media Followers, and Average Comments on blog posts.

You can add the email address if you already have it or fill this column later. Focus on the social network that’s most relevant in your niche. 

Now you’ll have a clean list of bloggers you wish to reach out to and start a conversation. 

Based on the metrics, you can divide bloggers into different segments or levels.

This exercise will help you understand which bloggers require more effort in terms of relationship-building.

Chapter 6

Break The Ice

When you want to ask someone out, you need to warm them up first, right? Connecting with bloggers works similarly.

Let me break it down for you,

Add Comments on their Blog Posts

The best way to start building a relationship with a blogger is to read their blog and add a valuable comment. 

Remember that you must be honest about doing this. 

Adding a comment for the heck of it does NOT work. Be authentic about adding value. 

Write a pro tip or a complementary point that adds value to the readers of the blog post. Share what you felt about the post, along with a personal point of view. Take a look at this example:

Trust me; you’ll enjoy this process of starting a relationship that’s based on genuine knowledge-sharing. 

Connect with them on Social Media

One of the etiquettes of connecting with someone you don’t know personally is to follow them on Twitter or LinkedIn. 

You can comment on one of their latest social media updates.

Again, make sure that your comment is valuable and relevant to the update. 

Another thing that might catch their attention is you sharing their post on a social media platform.

Start with a candid conversation on Twitter.

You can Retweet one of their tweets or mention them in one of your Tweets, including a link to one of their articles. A good way is to highlight a quote from their article.

Similarly, tagging a blogger on a LinkedIn update works. You can either share their article or quote them.

For the top-of-the-end bloggers, you might have to repeat your gestures so they can take notice of your actions. 

Once a blogger knows about you, you can find their contact details and start with the outreach process. Let’s look at some easy ways to find a blogger’s email address.

Chapter 7

Finding a Blogger’s Email Address

There are quite a few tools that can help you find the email addresses of your outreach prospects.

Blogger’s Website 

The simplest way to find a blogger’s email address is to head over to her website contact or collaborations page. 

Rocket Reach

Rocket Reach is an easy-to-use database. 

Pop a name or a LinkedIn profile to get the professional’s email address and contact number.

The paid version of the tool starts at $49 a month. You can look up 170 emails in this plan.


Hunter is another interesting email lookup tool. 

addresses registered under a domain. 

Let’s now look at a simple process to download bulk email addresses from this powerful tool. 

Upload a list of names and websites, and the email finder gives you the email addresses of all those on the list.

Here’s how you should start,

a. Use Ahrefs’ Content Explorer to find a list of popular blog posts on a specific topic.

b. Export the list, and you’ll get the content URLs and author names in the CSV file. To extract the domain from the URL, you can use the following  Google Sheets formula:

c. Now upload your list with only Author names and domains, and you’ll get your list of the relevant email addresses.

It’s a super-efficient way to stack up all the relevant email addresses. 

Outreach Tools

PR platforms and outreach tools offer a list of journalists along with email addresses. Tools like Prowly would cost you $179 a month for looking up 1000 contacts. If you’re looking for email addresses of Instagram and YouTube influencers, you can check out a tool like NinjaOutreach; it offers 1000 per month starting at $119.

Chapter 8

Start Sending Outreach Emails

Remember that sending an outreach email is about building a personal connection. It’s not about cracking a deal.

Let’s understand how to meet different types of PR objectives through unique outreach emails:

Guest Blogging Outreach Email 

Guest blogging for high-quality sites does not come easy. Getting a blogger to read your pitch and respond takes diligence and attention to detail. 

Now, you can send a professional pitch email with your story ideas. 

Take a look at this pitch template:

Hi [Name],

I hope you’re doing well.

Sharing some guest story ideas that might work well for the readers of 

[Site Name]:

[Story Idea 1]

[Brief Outline]

[Story Idea 2]

[Brief Outline]

Please let me know what you think, and I will be happy to share the draft. 

Sharing some of my published pieces for your perusal 




Thank you for your time and attention [Blogger Name]. 

I look forward to your reply.

Warm Regards,

[Your Name]


[Your Website]

A professional email like the one above empathizes with the recipient. 

Sending previous work helps the blogger to understand your capabilities as a guest blogger. 

It works in your favour if you have already published on quality websites in your niche. 

One of the things you can do to make your guest post pitch more personal is finding a conversation starter.

Take a look at the following pitch template, for instance:

The pitch template above shares just one story idea with the blog editor. Simultaneously, the sender starts the conversation by referring to the topic the blogger writes about—e-commerce businesses in the textile industry. 

When you know what a blogger might be interested in, you have a bigger chance of getting your foot in the door. 

Requesting a Link Outreach Email

Remember not to sound desperate when asking for a link. 

Here is an email template that you can use for sending out a link request. 

Dear [Name],

I hope you’re doing well. 

I came across your awesome post about [Topic] and thought we could collaborate. 

I recently wrote about [brief description of your content]: [URL].

I thought it might add value to your readers if you included my piece under the “[Section Title]” of your article. 

No worries if you think otherwise. I hope you have a good day. 

Thanks for your time, [Blog Editor Name]

Warm Regards,

[Your Name]



Are you looking to earn a link to something specific like an infographic? You can take a look at this email template from MonitorBacklinks:

There are three things to learn from this template:

When you’re requesting a link, you’re selling a content piece. But don’t be salesy. I know it’s a little tricky, but it’s worth the effort.

Offer an Opportunity to Write for Your Site

Another cool way to get your foot in the door is to offer the blogger to publish guest posts on your site. Take a look at this script template:

Hi [Name]

I hope you’re doing well. I’m [Your Name], and I work as a Marketing Manager at [Company Name].

We just published our in-depth guide about [Topic]. I’m sure it’ll be a great value addition to your readers. I’m reaching out to see if you would be interested in mentioning it in your [Article URL]

I also wanted to ask if you would be interested in writing guest articles for [Your Blog Name]. We’re always happy to publish guest articles from industry experts. Please let me know if you’re interested. 

Warm Regards,




Well, that’s a pretty straight-forward email. The best part is that the sender is showing respect for the mail recipient’s expertise. That’s what makes it a winning outreach template. 

Making the Blogger Aware of a Content Piece

In some cases, all you need do is go out there and share your content piece with the right set of influencers.

Take a look at this email script:

Hi [Name],

I hope you’re doing well. 

I recently wrote an in-depth blog post about [Brief About the Topic] 

I have been an avid follower of your blogs about [Your Niche] and thought you would be interested in the post. 

Sharing the link to the published piece—I would be happy to get your feedback. 


I hope you find it useful.

Warm Regards,

[Your Name]



You don’t need to beg for the link; just sharing the content piece works.

Do you want to make a blogger feel exclusive? 

You could give them a heads-up about your original research or upcoming guide. Take a look at the following script:

Hi [Name]

I hope you’re doing well. I’m reaching out to give a heads up on our latest [Brief About The Guide]. 

As an avid follower of this topic, I thought the content piece would be of interest to you. 

Please let me know, and I’ll be happy to share it as soon as it goes live. 

Thank you!

Warm Regards,




The good thing about such an outreach email is that it intrigues the recipient and makes her want to respond and reciprocate your gesture. 

Solicit a Blogger’s Opinion 

When you talk to new friends, you hit it by talking about what’s going on in the country, state, city, neighbourhood, etc. Good friendships are about sharing opinions and views. 

So, how about starting a blogger relationship by asking for an opinion. That’s a terrific way to sound less intrusive and more civil. Take a look at the following template:

Hi [Name]

I hope you’re doing well.

What caught my attention was your latest post about ‘Marketing Automation Trends’ – [URL]

We recently spoke to over 1000 CMOs and asked them about the performance of the MarTech stacks.  

It turns out that most marketers (More than 50%) are struggling to get the most of their marketing tech stack. 

You can read all the takeaways from our research in this post: [URL]

I would love to get your opinion on how CMOs should align their tech investments and optimize their Martech stack the right way. 

I look forward to hearing from you. 

Warm Regards,




Offer to Collaborate

As you know, a healthy relationship is a two-way street. You’ve got to do something for the other person before asking for something in return. 

For example, you can link to a blogger’s content piece in one of your popular blog posts or a guest post.

Write an email to tell them about it. Plus, you can ask about future collaboration opportunities. 

Here’s an excellent email script you can use:

You can ask a blogger to review your product or run a sponsored story talking about your business. 

To start an ongoing relationship with a niche influencer, you can use an email script like the one below.

Hi [Name],

I hope you’re doing great. I’m [Your Name], and I’m the Public Relations Manager at [Your Company Name].

We recently launched [Brief about the New Product], and I wanted to see if you would be interested in reviewing it. Please find below the details. 

[Brief about the product features]

Please let me know, and I will be happy to send you free samples. 

I look forward to hearing from you.

Warm Regards

[Your Name]



Being transparent about your intent builds trust with the blogger and helps get a quick response to your outreach email.

Chapter 9

Some Rules to Improve Outreach Conversions

As a PR professional, you must remember that following certain trade tricks can help you get better outcomes from your outreach campaigns.

Rule #1: Create Worthy Content Assets 

Whether you’re an influencer or not, you don’t want to share content that’s anything short of remarkable. Why? 

Because it puts you in a bad light.

Let’s Look at some content assets that naturally attract backlinks and content shares.

Original Research

Publishing primary research in the form of industry studies and surveys offer profound insights to the readers. Plus, bloggers and journalists are looking to quote the latest industry reports.

Original research is the most effective form of link-building content.


As you can see in the graph above, infographic content is a highly linkable content asset.

Infographics make content concise and easy-to-understand. That’s why audiences love infographics.

At the same time, infographics add significant value to a blogger’s content.

In fact,

Infographics have had the most significant increase in usage among B2B marketers in the last four years — now at 65%.  (Content Marketing Institute)


Another visual content type, video, is promising for improving the outcomes of your link-building outreach campaign. Videos make content life-like and enhance audience engagement and dwell-time. 

Do you know?

In a 2018 HubSpot survey, 54% of consumers wanted to see more video content from a brand or business they support.  (HubSpot)

That’s why influencers prefer to link to relevant and impactful video content. 

Long-Form Blog Posts

If you want to make your content more worthy of links, start creating long-form blog posts.

What is long-form content?

A content piece that breaks down everything there is about a topic is considered long-form. 

These blog posts range anywhere from 4k to 10k words! 

But no fluff, mind you.

Long-form content is a proven way to earn higher search rankings, more traffic, and more shares.

Creating in-depth guides is a fantastic way to attract quality backlinks. It’s very natural that if you pitch such guides to niche influencers, they’ll be happy to link to and share your content.

Free Tools and Templates

How exciting is your content is what makes the blogger more interested in your outreach email. 

Nothing better than creating a new free tool or a template that’s highly useful for the audience. The strategy could help you earn thousands of backlinks and press mentions. For instance, HubSpot’s free website grader tool has got over 248k links!

Case Studies

When it comes to creating value-driven content, case studies always stay ahead of the game. Industry experts are hungry for reliable case studies and real-life examples. Case studies can help you fetch mentions in round-up articles as well as guide-posts. 

Create Newsworthy Content

Some bloggers use a simple trick to hog the limelight—they follow and cover industry trends. As an SEO manager, your role is to keep tabs on the latest trends in your industry. Here are some easy hacks to offer something newsworthy to a niche blogger:

Give an influencer a reason to see your email, and you’ll win more than half the outreach battle. 

Rule # 2 Watch Your Intent—Focus on Content Quality

As a marketer, your end goal is to build authority for your business. To meet that end, you must make sure that you’re not doing outreach for links alone. Here is a list of objectives you’re trying to achieve:

Expand Your Audience

Speaking of reaching out to a broader audience, you need to make sure that you’re pitching content assets that you want the audience to consume and share.

Display Niche Expertise

Whether you’re writing a guest blog post or offering an infographic to a blogger, you aim to build expertise. When you focus on sharing knowledge with the audience and the email recipient, it becomes much easier to build strong relationships with those who matter in your industry. 

Whenever planning to send an outreach email, revisit these objectives, and it’ll be much easier to craft worthy and winning emails. 

Rule #3 Focus on Personalization 

When you’re reaching out to a known blogger, you need to treat her with respect. No one wants to be at the receiving end of a junk mass email campaign asking for a link. 

Did you know?

 Personalized emails get 1/3rd more replies than generic emails.

Here are some essentials for personalizing your outreach emails:

Rule #4 Write Sexy Subject Lines

Subject lines—they’re like book covers, make them attractive, and you’ll set yourself up for success. 

An email subject line tells the recipient what’s in the email message. The golden rule is to match your subject line to your outreach objective. 

More than 50 percent of the surveyed publishers said subject lines should be descriptive, specific, and tailored to their beat.

For instance, if you’re offering to write a guest post, you need to use a subject line template like this:

Story idea: [title of your content]

Likewise, if you’re pitching your resource for inclusion, you need to use a subject line script like this:

New resource for [name of resource page]: [name of your resource]

Is there an ideal length of a subject line? Studies show that the perfect length of an outreach email subject is between 36 and 50 characters.

And here comes the big question. 

How to spice-up your email subject line and make it alluring enough for the blogger to open your email?

To make the subject line more personal, you can add the recipient’s name. 

In fact,

Personalized subject lines boost the response rate by 30.5%.

Now take a look at this subject line template:

Hi [Blog Editor Name], My Guest Story Ideas for [Blog Name]

Addressing the blogger by her name is the simplest way to get her to notice your email. 

Another unique way to grab the recipient’s eyeball is to use a statistic based subject line. 

If your content title has a statistic, you could use it as your subject line.

Take a look at this example: 

50% People Prefer Sustainable Fashion Over Fast Fashion

This subject line is offering newsworthy information to a blogger. That’s why it’s so much more effective. 

Rule #5 Send Follow Up Messages

Are you shy about following up on your outreach email?

An amiable follow-up message is an essential part of the outreach process. 

In fact, 

Studies show that sending multiple follow up emails can improve response rates by up to 16 percent.

Most bloggers and influencers get hundreds of emails every single day. 

The chances are that they cannot open and reply to each of these emails.

That’s why you send it so vital to send a follow-up email. Here is a follow-up email script you can use:

Hi [Name]

I hope you’re doing well. I was just checking to see if you received my email about our recent blog post. 

I’m excited to know what you think of it. 

I hope you have a great day!

Warm Regards




Sending a couple of follow-up messages about a week after you haven’t heard from the recipient is a worthy tactic for outreach success. Here’s another template for following up on your guest-post pitch:

Hi [Name]

I hope you’re doing well. I just thought I would drop a line to ask if you received my email below. 

I would be happy to know if you’re interested in any of the story ideas I shared. 

Warm Regards,




Being crisp and to-the-point saves precious time and ensures a positive response, as well.

Rule #6 Display Credibility 

One of the things that makes a blogger take notice of an email is the sender’s credentials. 

An outreach email is like a sales letter. Go out there and talk about your achievements. A successful outreach email is about creating the right perception and building trust with an influencer. 

Rule #7 Offer Before Asking for Something

Like any other email communication, you need to learn the etiquette of an outreach email. 

Here’s an excellent example of an email script where the marketer is offering to do an exclusive report for the blogger:

Do you get the drift?

The beginning of a relationship starts with offering something of value. When you do that, the other person has an incentive to listen to you. Use this principle for your outreach campaigns, and it will work in your favour.

Chapter 10

Final Thoughts

Growing your business through organic content marketing does not come easy. But if you have the right influencer relationships, then find an audience and getting search rankings can all look like a piece of cake.

As with good content, you need to understand the purpose of blogger outreach—building robust and lasting relationships through value-driven content. Bloggers need to keep adding value to their audience. If you help them, you’ll find abundant light at the end of the long winding outreach tunnel. Be honest and persistent with your efforts, and blogger outreach could be your most potent weapon for content promotion.


[faq_post id=”650″]

Asked Questions

If you’re looking to get higher search rankings for your business website, then Ahrefs can be of great use. It is one of the preferred tools for strategizing and executing website SEO along with content marketing.

What is Ahrefs Used for?

A robust SEO tool, Ahrefs helps you with keyword research, exploring backlink opportunities, competitive ranking analysis, tracking search rankings, managing site audits, analyzing content gaps, and managing alerts related to search rankings and brand mentions. 

The tool helps marketers to level up their SEO and content marketing campaigns. The end-to-end SEO solution is the go-to software for small business owners, content marketing professionals, affiliate marketers, and SEO agencies

This guide will explore the powerful SEO tool so you can utilize it for higher search rankings and growing website traffic.

Chapter 1

Keyword Research

It’s quite apparent that keyword research is the foremost aspect of a strong SEO strategy. 

How can Ahrefs help with keyword research?

The Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer tool offers you many features for in-depth and comprehensive keyword research.

[info_box id=”646″]

Type your seed keywords to find millions of keyword ideas along with necessary information like search volume, keyword difficulty, competition, and CPC.

Scroll down, and you’ll see a list of related keywords with search volume.

The tool offers ‘Click’ data along with search volume, so you know what percentage of searches got clicks on them. The ‘Click’ data helps understand whether a keyword is worth your time and effort.

Besides that, the ‘Click’ data shows you the percentage of clicks on paid and organic search results, respectively. When targeting a keyword through organic strategies, you need to look at organic clicks. 

Also, see the ‘Clicks Per Search’ (CPS) metric to know the percentage of searches that got clicks on them. The higher this figure, the more the number of clicks.


The tool helps take note of the Return Rate of a particular keyword. The metric lets you know about the repeat searches of a search phrase by the same searcher. The measure is great for learning the value of a keyword.

A search term with a high CPC tells you about the commercial nature of the keyphrase. It means you can create conversion-friendly content or pages for such keywords. Take a look at this example:

You can also check the metrics for seasonal keywords and see if you can create a piece that goes with the current trends and conversations. Here is a simple example:

Ahrefs’ keyword research tool provides a keyword database from 10 search engines, including Google, YouTube, Yandex, Amazon, Bing, Baidu, Daum & Naver, and Seznam.

You can use the dropdown to find a keyword’s data for any of the mentioned search engines. 

SERP Overview

Another useful way to understand the worth of a keyword is through the SERP overview tool. The feature gives you the list of pages that rank for a specific keyword. 

A remarkable thing about the SERP overview tool is that you can see valuable data related to each of the top ten results. These include URL Rating, Domain Rating, and Top Keywords. 

SERP Position History 

As you scroll down, you can see the change in keyword rankings over the last few years after 2016. A stable SERP position history means that it’s hard for a new content piece to compete with existing ranking pages. 

Take a look at the following data for the search term ‘lead generation strategies’ for the last 24 months:

On the other hand, a fluctuating report displays an opportunity to compete and get yourself a place on the search results’ first page. 

Do you notice the fluctuations in rankings of some of the URLs in the screenshot above?

The Top Keywords column will show you which keyword is fetching the most traffic for the said URL. It is interesting because it gives you an idea about the keyword you’re analyzing vis-a-vis similar keywords working well for some of the top competitors.


Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer helps you check the monthly traffic of the top-ranking pages.

How awesome is that?

Keyword Ideas 

Head over to keyword ideas on the left sidebar to view many keyword ideas with the respective data. Analyze and compare the metrics of multiple keywords in one go.

You can even track which domains that occupy the largest share of the search rankings for specific keywords. Look for the Traffic share option in the left sidebar.

Within Keyword Ideas, you can play around with numerous filters like Keyword Difficulty, Search Volume, Word Count, SERP Features Inclusion or Exclusion of specific words. Add your range to get detailed information.

  • The whole objective of keyword research is to boil down to the best keywords to target at a certain point in time. 
  • It gives an idea of how to create content that would best meet the needs of the audience. 

Ahrefs offers a detailed keyword research feature. The tool provides metrics beyond search volume and competition to make wise strategic keyword targeting decisions. 

Now that you know how to make your keyword research shine with Ahrefs let’s look at some critical definitions.

Commonly Used Terms 

Keyword Difficulty: This metric shows how tough it is to rank for a key phrase in Google’s search results. 

Traffic Potential: Shows the amount of traffic you can earn if your site ranks for a specific search term.

Parent Topic: The extensive topic that one or more keywords fall under.

Chapter 2

Analyze Backlinks and Find Link Prospects

One of the core tasks for creating a winning backlink acquisition strategy is to analyze backlinks. Study the link profile of your site and those of your competitors. Let’s see how Ahrefs can help you with quick and in-depth backlink analysis.


Check a domain’s backlink profile in Ahrefs’ ‘Site Explorer.’ The dashboard will show you the number of backlinks and the number of referring domains pointing at the website.

Check Growth in Referring Domains 

Scroll down, and you’ll see a graph that displays the growth of referring domains.

That’s relatively easy, isn’t it? Now let’s explore further:

Head over to the Backlinks option in the sidebar, and you’ll see the backlinks’ details.

Make a List of Do-Follow Links 

Use the dropdown to check the Do-follow backlinks. Considering that Do-Follow backlinks carry more value, it’s the metric that you want to check first.

Now use this tool to analyze competitor backlinks. 

I used this feature to find the backlinks of a top competitor of Salesforce. I used the filters to check for Do-Follow links from blogs only. In the platform filter, I selected ‘Blogs’.

I found that HubSpot has 32,395 Do-Follow links from unique domains, all from blog posts. 

It’s easy to export this list and explore potential link-building opportunities.

Link Intersect Tool

Use the ‘Link Intersect’ feature to generate a list of common links between two or more domains.

For generating a bunch of link opportunities, I included three competitors and excluded Salesforce from the report.

I found 45,509 new link prospects for Salesforce!

Best By Links

Now here’s the most exciting feature – ‘Best By Links.’ You can use it to learn which type of content is fetching your competitors the most links! 


The tool gives you a list of a domain’s most linked-to-pages. 

Cool, isn’t it? 

This way, you get to compare some of the top competitor content pieces to yours and see what you can do to create highly linkable content assets. 

Let’s understand this with the help of an example. Here’s HubSpot’s ‘Best By Links’ report.

If you observe closely, you’ll find that some of HubSpot’s highly linked pages are trend reports, free tools, and guides. 

As a business selling a CRM software, you can strive to produce better tools, guides, and research reports. These content assets might fetch you more links!

Analyze Internal Links

Getting higher search rankings may not be about external backlinks alone. You can use the ‘Best By Links’ report to get a list of site pages by the number of internal links. Use the ‘Internal’ tab to generate this report.

Click on the numbers to see the linking pages and the respective anchor texts. This way you can review internal links and make the necessary adjustments.

Explore New Links of Competitors

If you want to learn about the latest backlinks of a domain, you can use the ‘New Links’ tool to generate a quick report. Within the Backlinks profile, you need to select ‘New’ on the left sidebar.

Check out new links of competing domains, and know about publications and blogs interested in linking to sites like yours. 

Here’s HubSpot’s list of new Do-Follow backlinks from blogs.

The marketing tool got 1,087 new links in just seven days. 

You can repeat for other competitors to make a list of the newest competitor links. 

Keep track of Lost Links

Sites often end up shuffling and removing some links. If you’re an SEO manager, then link removals can be painful. Tracking lost links manually could be even more stressful. The good news is that you can use Ahrefs to track all of your lost backlinks. 

Within the ‘Backlink Profile,’ go over to the ‘Lost’ option on the sidebar.

I chose to find all the lost ‘Do-Follow’ links from ‘Blogs’ by selecting the relevant filters’ in the above report. I also decided to look at the lost backlinks in the last 30 days. 

Salesforce’s lost backlink report showed a loss of 3,269 links.

You can export the list of domains that have chosen to remove your backlink. Write a personalized email to reclaim the removed backlink.

Here’s another useful tactic:

Check for your competitors’ lost backlinks, and you never know there could be many new opportunities to pitch your content assets. 

Here’s a look at HubSpot’s lost backlinks in the last 30 days:

I can see an evil grin on your face >:D

Ok, let’s go further. 

Links to Broken Pages

As a marketer, you put in lots of effort in building backlinks. What if some of these backlinks pointed to broken pages on your site. 

That would be awful, right? 

But don’t worry, you can track all of your broken backlinks using Ahrefs’ ‘Site Explorer.’

Use the following steps to find the broken links and fix them:

Site Explorer > enter your site > Best by links > add 404 filter

The best way is to repair the broken pages or redirect the users to the most relevant alternatives. 

Use the following steps to find broken backlinks of competing sites, and voila, you’ll have many new link-building opportunities!

Head over to Broken Links in the sidebar to enlist all of your competitor’s broken backlinks.

Analyze Anchor Text In Links

The anchor text of your backlinks plays a critical role in search rankings. You can generate a quick report to see a list of anchor texts used in backlinks.

Use the different tabs in this report to see anchors with two words, three words, and four words, respectively. Get a glimpse of anchors to steer your anchor text strategy in the right direction. 

Finding Link Opportunities with Ahrefs’ Alerts

You can use the Alerts feature to find a ton of valuable link prospects. 

Brand Mentions

Start by heading over to Alerts on the main menu.

Add your brand name.

As you can see, I have included two variations, including “Salesforce” and “”

You can include multiple variations separated by a search operator like OR in the upper case. 

In the filters, it’s preferable to choose Everywhere and All Languages. You can change the Mode to In Content, and that works too. 

It’s a terrific way to get email alerts for unlinked mentions of your brand. 

You can reach out to the relevant journalists and influencers, asking them for a link. The tactic will help you start a relationship with media outlets who’re already interested in your business. 

Competitor Mentions

Similarly, you can set up alerts for mentions of two or more competing brands. 

Remember to exclude your brand name from the results.

With the above query, you’ll be able to get alerts every time a website mentions either HubSpot or Pipedrive but not Salesforce. 

Put all these domains in your prospect list and find a way to reach out to them.

Track Competitor Reviews 

Here is another easy method to find influencers and bloggers talking about competitors. 

Set up an alert that fetches you any new competitor reviews as and when they’re published. Here’s how it looks:

Can you start talking to these bloggers and get them to publish reviews of your product?

Finding Link Opportunities in Content Explorer

Let’s now look at some cool ways to scout for link opportunities using Ahrefs’ Content Explorer. 

Look for Broken Pages with Lots of Backlinks

We will learn about how to research content in Content Explorer in an upcoming section. For now, let’s understand how to use it to find link prospects. 

Within Content Explorer, you can find a filter that shows you either live or broken content pieces on a specific topic.

Now here is the exciting part.

Finding a list of broken pages on a given topic paves the way for more link-building opportunities. How?

Suppose you found 100 broken pages on a given topic with more than a total of 500 referring domains.

It means that 500 sites are linking to pages that aren’t live anymore!

Make a list of these domains to pitch an alternative content piece and earn yourself a link. 

Here’s another intelligent way to look for link opportunities using Ahrefs’ Content Explorer.

Find Old Pages with Lots of Backlinks

  • Type your topic in Content Explorer.
  • Explore old content pieces with lots of backlinks. 
  • You can look for niche content pieces with more than 90 referring domains.
  • Make sure they’re old and published only once.

In the above example, I typed ‘content marketing’ in the search, and with all the filters, I found 278 pages with more than 90 referring domains. 

If I click on the referring domains, I see a list of domains linking to an old piece. I can create an updated, more meaty version of such a content piece and reach out to all the sites linking to it. 

That’s extremely smart, isn’t it?

Using Content Explorer to Find Guest Blogging Opportunities

Guest blogging is a popular link building technique. It’s also an excellent way to build an online reputation. 

But you’ve got to be persistent with your efforts. 

Ahrefs can help you browse through some worthy guest blogging sites.

Let’s learn how:

Head over to Content Explorer and type your topic as a phrase match.

Use the filter one article per domain. 

Now use the ‘Highlight unlinked domains’ filter. Within this option, add your domain. 

Now you’ll get many content pieces that have never been linked to your site.

The above result shows 122,430 unlinked domains to Salesforce. 

Another interesting way to find guest posting opportunities is to stalk famous guest bloggers in your niche.

Pop a guest blogger’s name in the Content Explorer, and you’ll see all of her published pieces. Remember to use the ‘author’ search operator while adding your query.

The report showed 15 unique domains where this author published guest articles. That could be 15 new guest posting opportunities!

You can repeat this for other niche authors to find more unique guest blogging sites. 

The idea behind creating backlinks is to build site authority. While you’re working hard to find opportunities and links to prominent sites, you also wish to track a site’s web pages’ authority level. That’s how you qualify from a big list and reach out to the most relevant and the best niche websites. 

Ahrefs breaks it down into some easy-to-understand metrics that you’ll see across the reports in this tool. Let’s briefly understand some of these terms:

URL Rating: This metric tells you about the authority of a web page. It’s based on the number and quality of backlinks that point to it.

Domain Rating: Displays the authority of the domain.

Referring Domains: Tells you about the number of unique sites pointing at a web page or a website.

Anchors: Shows a list of anchor texts used in the links pointing at a site.

Ahrefs Rank: This is your site’s global ranking based on its link profile.

CLTDs Distribution: Showcases a list of a website’s link by top-level domain. 

So whether you’re analyzing backlinks or anchor texts, fixing broken ones, or hunting and qualifying new backlink opportunities, Ahrefs can make it all look like child’s play. 

Chapter 3

Track Search Rankings and Traffic

One of the things that’s a constant for SEO managers is to track search rankings of web pages. Ahrefs offers a simple dashboard to know how you fare in the SERP space. Start by heading over to Rank Tracker to start a new project.



The tool makes it easy to create a project to track search rankings for a domain. You need to add a domain and a list of keywords to create a rank tracking project.


Select the desired location from the dropdown.


You can also add competitor URLs to get an in-depth comparison of search rankings.



Check rankings on mobile devices and desktops respectively.


If you have set some keyword categories, then use the Tag Filter to see rankings for a specific class of keywords.

Generate a report that shows rankings for specific countries.

Use the positions filter to see results for keywords on specific positions or those that have improved or declined. You can use this feature to create a custom filter as well.


It is a fantastic feature to study content pieces that may have declined in rankings. Analyze such content pieces to learn if you can revise them and push them up the SERPs.


This one here is a great feature to track a domain’s search rankings over time. The traffic metric shows the growth in people visiting your site from the keywords you added to the project.

Get an overview of how the site is doing in SERP features over this period. Next, get a glimpse of the breakdown of the SERP features.


Analyze your site’s rankings on mobile and desktop in a single chart.

It gives you an idea of whether the rankings are skewed towards mobile devices or desktops. 

The Competitors tab gives you a sneak peek into your site’s rankings vs. the rankings of your competitors.

See the competitive graph and get a quick understanding of the ranking fluctuations of competing domains.


You can use the Positions Tab to see each domain’s ranking history for all the keywords.


Use the remaining tabs to see comparative traffic and performance in SERP features.

Chapter 4

Organic Keywords and Organic Traffic

Use this nifty feature to see all the keywords that your site is ranking for in the SERPs. Within ‘Site Explorer’, you’ll find the Organic Keywords option in the left sidebar.


Get a current organic rankings state of your site. Also, analyze the traffic you’re getting from each of the keywords. Use the date filter to track the growth in keywords and traffic.


The tool has various custom filters such as Keyword Volume, Keyword Difficulty, CPC, and Traffic. Add the range for which you wish to see the results. You can also use the SERP features tab to see your site’s rankings in places like featured snippets and knowledge graphs.

Move over to ‘New’ in the sidebar within ‘Site Explorer’, and you’ll see a list of new keywords of a domain. It is a cool feature to generate a list of all the new keywords of a competitor. Take a look at the following example:

Similarly, you can review the daily changes in keyword rankings and traffic. It’s easy to export these results and see details about new keywords, lost keywords, along with keywords that have moved up or down. Click on ‘Movements’ in the left sidebar, and you’ll get a quick analysis. 

Take a look at the following report. 

This way, the tool allows you to keep a close watch on your domain’s organic performance and see how to compete better. 

Get Alerts on Keyword Ranking Improvements

This feature is quite straightforward. You can set up an Alert for some of your priority keywords based on search volume. 

Here’s is the process:

Alerts > New keywords > New alert > enter domain, subsection, or URL > choose settings and frequency

The feature helps you get regular updates on keyword rankings. 

Analyze a Domain’s Top Subfolders

The ‘Subfolders’ feature helps you analyze website traffic by different sections. It’s a useful feature to understand the performance of different content types on your website. Find this option on the left sidebar in ‘Site Explorer’.

You can use the location filter to know the global or regional traffic in these sections.

There are options to check the Top pages and Top Subdomains of your website. 

When it’s about understanding what content is working best for your competitors, the Subfolders feature comes in quite handy.

Chapter 5

Research Content with Content Explorer

Does researching for good content often make you go crazy?  You’re not alone. 

For creating unicorn content pieces, you need to do substantial research, which could take a lot of time and hard work. 

Thankfully, Ahrefs’ Content Explorer tool makes content research a breeze. 

Ready to hunt for those hidden gems in no time? 

Let’s understand the process:

Find Highly Shared Content

Type your topic and get a list of highly shared content pieces. The tool gives you a list of content URLs with Domain Rating and social shares.


You can use the social filter to sort the pieces by the number of shares on specific social media platforms.

Next, you have the option to see the traffic value of each of these content pieces. Sort them to see the ones with a higher traffic value first. 

Filter content pieces by recency: last 24 hours or previous thirty days, or last 90 days.


Track Republished Content

See which of the posts was republished.

Why would you want to know if a content piece was republished?


Because you want to see if it’s the revision that helped a content piece get more shares and traffic. You can also see the ‘first published’ date along with the day on which the post was updated.

Below the post URL, you can see the number of words and the shares on each of the three social media platforms.

Quick Fact: The latest version of the Ahrefs’ Content Explorer has a database of well over 1.1 billion web pages!

Find Recently Republished Content

Look for really old content pieces that have been recently re-published. If one of your competitors decided to republish an old post, that topic might be relevant today.


This neat feature helps you know about all such content pieces and see which ideas would best suit your content calendar. 

Compare Content Trends 

Use Content Explorer to find content trends in your niche. You can compare two or more topics to see which one is gaining more popularity.


Do you notice the difference in the merit of the above two topics? 

Track Competition Frequency 

Wouldn’t it be amazing if a tool helped look at the publisher’s publishing and republishing frequency?

The Ahrefs’ content explorer gives you a quick monthly overview of the number of published and republished pieces of a particular domain.


Would you now be in a better position to know how much content is good enough?

You can also use Content Explorer to filter content pieces by website and author. If you click on the Author of a content piece from the content list, you can view all of the posts authored by her.


How cool is that?

Chapter 6

Site Audit

One of the essentials for any website to rank on SERPs is that it should offer the optimum user experience:

a. It should be fully functional and load quickly. 

b. It must be free from technical glitches. 

A simple audit can help SEO managers to know about any relevant issues.

1. The first step is to create a project by entering your domain.

Once you’ve created the project, the tool will audit the site and generate a report with relevant details:

The health score of your site shows the percentage of crawled URLs.

As you scroll down, you’ll find a list of all the error pages on the site.


You can go to Duplicate Content on the left sidebar to see pages with duplicate content.

Find and fix duplicacy issues in content as well as meta tags.

If you want to see issues of different subsections of the site, you can try the Structure Explorer in the left sidebar.


The feature works well if you have a big site and wish to analyze and solve issues, one site section at a time. 

The Ahrefs’ Site Auditing tool gives you complete details of the issues and instructions on fixing them. 

Chapter 7

Content Gap Analysis

A content gap analysis helps you closely observe the competition and take fruitful strategic content and keyword qualification decisions.

Here’s how you can use Ahrefs for finding content gaps in your industry:

Find keywords that the competition is already ranking for

Head over to Ahrefs’ Site Explorer tool and enter your blog’s URL.

Now click on the Content Gap option from the left sidebar.

You need to pop the blog URL of a prime competitor. 

You need to choose the Prefix mode in case the competitor’s content comes under the blog subfolder. Else you can simply select the Domain mode.


Exclude your blog URL from the results. 

You can also check the top 10 ranking checkbox to see a list of keywords that the competing URLs rank for in the first top 10 of the SERPs. 

Doing this will give you a list of all the keywords that are relevant to your business. You don’t rank for them yet, so there are some significant opportunities there.


The report will show you the domain that ranks for each keyword, the positions, and the keyword volumes.

If you click on the SERP drop down, you will see the top results from the specific keyphrase.


The Afrefs’ Content Gap tool allows you to add up to ten competitors and analyze a tall list of keywords you don’t rank for. 

Finding Sub-topics for Upgrading Content

It’s quite clear that upgrading existing content can help fetch higher search rankings. But how do you make the right changes to your existing content?

Here is the trick:

  • Search for content pieces that are ranking for your targeted keywords
  • Put them in the Content Gap tool. 
  • Exclude the content piece that you wish to upgrade from the results.

As you can see, I have added three ranking content pieces on the topic ‘customer retention strategies’ as targets in the Content Gap tool.

I excluded the Salesforce blog post to find a list of relevant subtopics.

And here you go,

I found a list of 45 keywords that the Salesforce blog post does not rank for, but at least one of the other three content pieces finds a place in the top ten. 

These keywords are the missing pieces of the puzzle. We can use these keywords’ context and intent to upgrade our content piece and make it more audience-centric. 

Content Consolidation

Have you created two blog posts on a topic, and now both compete with each other in Google’s search results?

You can fix this. Use the Content Gap tool to find which one is performing better. 

Pop both the URLs in the tool to see a list of keywords and positions for each. 

Figure out the better performing post. You can now merge the lesser performing post into this one and create a single post with more meat. The integrated post is likely to fetch better overall results. 

For instance, in the following example, I have used two ‘customer experience’ blog posts from HubSpot and included them as targets in the Content Gap tool:


The above report shows that the first blog post is ranking on many more keywords and is performing better than the second one. 

Chapter 8

Find Competitors

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War.

As a marketer, you must recognize that you’re at war. But don’t worry when you have Ahrefs to hunt all of your competitors. 

The Competing Domains report is an easy way to view a list of crucial organic search competitors.


You can use this list to do other things like find link opportunities or analyze backlinks or content gaps, etc. 

Chapter 9

Compare Domains

An excellent way to understand your domain’s strength is to see how it’s faring against some of the key competitors. The Ahrefs’ domain comparison tool helps see the metrics of up to five domains.


Some of the details you can track with this tool include Domain Rating, Referring Domains, Backlinks, Crawled Pages, Text, Do-Follow links, No-Follow links, Image links, and redirects.


Scroll down, and you’ll see some interesting graphs. You can check the percentage of Do-Follow and No-Follow links for all the domains.


You can also compare the growth of domains, new-lost referring pages, and total referring pages.

Chapter 10

Ahrefs Pricing

When billed annually, the single-user plan costs $82 a month. You can track 500 keywords in this plan.

Plus, get 10,000 crawl credits in the month. The plan includes almost all the features with monthly limits—a good opportunity for businesses who are beginning to scale up their SEO. As you upgrade to higher plans, you can manage more and bigger websites. If you spend more money, you get access to more data. 

Check out the details of all the plans here.

Is Ahrefs Worth the Money?

When it comes to tracking data for SEO and content marketing, Ahrefs is a powerhouse of useful information. If we talk about UI and UX, it makes things very comfortable once you know how to use this tool. The interface is easy-to-understand. You can get most of the reports with a single click. So, considering the features, the quality of data, and the simplicity of usage, Ahrefs is definitely worth its price.

Chapter 11

Final Thoughts

All-in-all Ahrefs is a fantastic tool for spearheading your SEO and Content Marketing strategy. It can help you research and boil down to the most relevant niche keywords.

You can check your site’s traffic and rankings growth by generating a few quick reports. The tool helps you check the health of your domain and that of your website. Also, keep track of competing domains and content. Ahrefs offers an incredible feature to find content gaps in your industry and build a winning content creation plan. A leading SEO tool, Ahrefs, can surely help you improve your search rankings and traffic. 


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Asked Questions



YouTube has over 1.3 billion logged in users who visit this ever-popular video sharing platform each month. And 6 out of 10 people choose visiting online video platforms over live TV.

According to Think with Google,

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“By 2025, half of viewers under the age of 32 will not subscribe to a pay TV service.”

The point here is,

YouTube can be a goldmine for your business if you’re able to harness its true power.

Being skeptical?

[pro_tip id=”1284″]

My friend, online videos play an important role in the purchase funnel.

However, just uploading your videos on YouTube will not move the needle.

You need a regular stream of relevant traffic to your videos to build brand awareness, generate leads, and grow your sales. And YouTube SEO can help you achieve these objectives.

Read tips on how to optimize your videos to improve your YouTube traffic.

Check out video optimization tips

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Chapter 1

What Is YouTube SEO?

More than 400 hours of video content were uploaded to YouTube every minute as of July 2015, according to Statista. And this number has been going up since then, thanks to smartphones and faster Internet.

However, just uploading your videos on YouTube will not move the needle.

You need a regular stream of relevant traffic to your videos to build brand awareness, generate leads, and grow your sales. And YouTube SEO can help you achieve these objectives.

What Is YouTube SEO?

More than 400 hours of video content were uploaded to YouTube every minute as of July 2015, according to Statista.

And this number has been going up since then, thanks to smartphones and faster Internet.

The landscape of YouTube is getting crowded with each passing minute.

In fact, YouTube has become the second largest search engine. So, my friend, it is not easy to stand out from the crowd here without extra efforts.

YouTube SEO is to optimize your videos for YouTube search engine so that your videos can rank higher on YouTube search engine ranking page and Suggested Videos for relevant keywords. It also increases the chances of your videos appearing on traditional search for video keywords.

Like traditional SEO begins with knowing user-intent (keyword), YouTube SEO also begins with finding YouTube keywords.

Chapter 2

How to Find YouTube Keywords

Having a list of right YouTube keywords is the foundation for your success on this ever-popular video sharing community as the right keywords will drive high traffic to your YouTube videos.

But how will you find the right keywords for YouTube SEO in 2019?

My friend, the best place to start keyword research is YouTube itself.

Suppose, you deliver fresh flowers. If you search YouTube for ‘fresh flowers, you will get plenty of suggestions.

These YouTube suggestions are good keywords as people are searching YouTube using these keywords. Make a list of these keywords and search YouTube for each keyword to manually check whether there is any popular video keyword.

Let’s check’ fresh flowers arrangement’

What about ‘fresh flowers jewellery making’?

Look at the views on these videos. It is clear that people are searching and viewing these videos.

This way, you can find popular keywords relevant to your business.

Now comes a kicker!

Is there any way to know popular YouTube keywords that are giving huge traffic to your competitor?

The answer is YES.

Go to a popular channel in your niche and click on the most popular videos.

Once, you find the most popular videos. Analyze carefully titles and descriptions of your videos to figure out key phrases/keywords your competitor has optimized their videos for. 

You can also use any tool to find YouTube SEO keywords.

Keyword Tool is my go-to place to start my research for YouTube keywords as it is an easy-to-use.

Google also shows videos results for certain types of keywords. Usually, it gives video results for sport/exercise related queries, tutorials, and how-to-queries.

Check whether you can find few keywords/key phrases that fit in these categories. Also, google these keywords to make sure that you have found the right video keywords (Google shows video results for these keywords).

Chapter 3

YouTube SEO Best Practices

Congratulations for finding YouTube keywords. You have won half the battle. Here are some YouTube SEO best practices that you should follow in 2019.

1- Channel Name & Its Branding

YouTube channel name appears on your channel page, videos, and YouTube search results. It represents your brand so it is important that you should name it properly.

If done right, YouTube channel name can give viewers an idea about what your channel is about.

Here are some tips to help you name your YouTube channel:

  • Choose your name as your channel name if you want to promote your personal brand
  • Use your brand name as your channel name if you want to promote your business
  • Try to pick a channel name that describes your topics
  • Pick a unique name if it is possible
  • Avoid using numbers in your channel name

Also, you should check whether social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) are available for the channel name you pick.

Once you are done with naming your YouTube channel, the next task is to write a description for your channel (about section).

You should include important keywords in your channel’s description so that users can easily understand what your channel is about.

Follow these best practices to write your channel’s description:

  • Catch the attention of viewers in the first 160 characters
  • Write description keeping viewers in the mind
  • Use a CTA (like subscribe our channel)
  • Use important keywords

After writing the description, you should make an aggressive plan to promote your YouTube channel. Advertising your channel helps build authority.

If your channel is eligible, you should a get custom URL for your channel.

2- Video Quality 

Brian Dean analyzed 1.3 million YouTube videos and he found that HD videos dominate the first page YouTube search result.

In his data, Brian Dean found that 68.2% of all the videos on the first page were in high-definition (HD).

There can be only two reasons for this – either most YouTubers are shooting videos in HD or YouTube has a preference for high-definition videos.

Whatever the reason is, you should always shoot videos in high-definition.

3- Video File Name

YouTube is able to see your filename. So if you use a keyword in your raw video file, it can signal YouTube what your video is about.

Spose your main keyword is ‘fresh flower arrangement’ and you have shot a video for it. Instead of leaving the raw file as it is, name it something like fresh flower arrangement.

SEO managers can debate over whether a video file name helps YouTube SEO or not. It does not take much efforts to name your raw video file, so you should do it.

The more information you provide to YouTube, the better it will be.

4- Video Title 

YouTube titles are a measure ranking factor, so you should strategically write the titles of your videos.

Briggsby analyzed 3.8 million data points across 100,000 videos and 75,000 channels and found that higher number of results used at least part of keyword in their titles.

Following is the percentage of results containing broad match keyword in title by rank

It is evident that you should include exact or some part of keywords in your videos titles to get them ranked higher.

Briggsby also found that there is a correlation between title length and performance. Shorter titles perform better than longer titles.

How can you write perfect titles for your videos to improve YouTube SEO in 2019?

Here are some tips:

  • Include important keywords, intent modifiers, and clickbait
  • Keep your video titles under 50 characters
  • Write succinct titles explaining primary topics
  • Check titles of your competitors

The best YouTube titles will include the combination of the above points.

Your video titles have the potential to turn your popular videos into viral videos, so strategically write your video titles.

5- Video Description 

Optimized video descriptions let YouTube know what your videos are about. Well-optimized video descriptions can improve your videos’ ranking and help them feature on suggested videos.

“YouTube is one of the largest search engines in the world. And writing descriptions with keywords can help viewers find your videos more easily through search,” says YouTube.

Look how smartly Brian Dean wrote description for his YouTube video.

Wondering how can you write great descriptions for your YouTube videos?

Here are some best practices that you should follow:

  • Limit your video descriptions within 5000 characters
  • Describe what your videos are about in the first few lines
  • Use relevant keywords/key phrases in descriptions
  • Use links to related playlist in descriptions
  • Use relevant hashtags in your videos

As YouTube metadata plays an important role in getting videos featured on suggested videos, you should make sure that your video descriptions have keywords/key phrases that popular videos in your niche have.

Brian Dean has created a useful template for writing great product descriptions. Check it here:

Also, aim for 2-3% keyword density (including variations) in your videos descriptions.

6- Engagement Metrics

Engagement on your videos is perhaps the most powerful YouTube ranking factor. The more people watch your videos, like your videos, share your videos, or comment on your videos, the better your ranking will be on YouTube search.

Also, high-engagement on your videos improves the chances of your video getting featured on suggested videos.

Let’s explore engagement metrics that you should keep tabs on to improve YouTube SEO in 2019:

  • Video Views

Needless to say, there is a strong relationship between ranking and YouTube views.

High-ranked videos get lots of views. And this further improves ranking. How?

If more people are clicking on your videos and watching them, it sends a strong signal to YouTube that your videos match the users’ intent.

My friend, views are one of the important factors that can determine your success on YouTube. Therefore, you should make an aggressive strategy to attract more people to your videos.

Here are some proven, legit strategies to increase views of your videos to improve YouTube SEO in 2019:

  • Make a kickass plan to distribute your YouTube videos on multiple social media platforms
  • Employ the power of email marketing to promote your videos
  • Embed your videos into guest posts that you write for high-traffic sites
  • Include your important videos in your email signature
  • Run paid ads to promote your videos

Whatever promotion strategy you choose, make sure you stay legit.

Google does not want you to adopt any illegitimate practice to increase views on your YouTube videos.

“Content that links to or promotes third-party services that artificially inflate views, likes, subscribers, or other metrics is not allowed on YouTube,” says Google.

It is self-explanatory. If more people like your videos, it sends a signal to YouTube that your videos solve the queries of viewers. This can eventually improve the ranking of your videos on YouTube search.

Also, incremental likes (thumbs-up) can help your YouTube video feature on Suggested Videos.

As YouTube thumbs-up is a strong ranking signal, you should promote your videos to a large audience in order to increase the like of YouTube videos.

The more people watch your videos, the more chance you will have to get likes.

Remember, the only thing that determines the like of your videos is the quality of your videos.

So create high-quality videos that solve your audience’s queries, likes (thumbs-up) will certainly follow.

YouTube allows viewers to share videos on different platforms, including the top social media platforms Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Reddit, Tumblr, LinkedIn, etc.

If more people share your videos on their social media platforms after watching, it can send YouTube a signal that your videos solve the queries of viewers or your videos deliver what viewers are looking for.

Also, the more shares mean your videos will reach a larger audience, increasing views, likes, comments on your videos. It can eventually improve the ranking of your videos on YouTube.

In a nutshell, more shares are good for YouTube SEO in 2019.

How can you increase shares of your YouTube videos?

Following are some tips on increasing shares of your videos in 2019:

  • Request your viewers to share at the end of your videos
  • Run social media contests
  • Submit your videos to Stumbleupon
  • Share your videos on Facebook & LinkedIn groups
  • Post teasers of your videos on social media

You must understand that people share videos only when they feel videos will offer value to their followers.

So, you should make sure that you create high-quality, useful videos. Only then, you can expect viewers will share your videos.

  • Comments

Brian Dean observed a strong correlation between comments and higher ranking when he analyzed 1.3 million YouTube search results.

“If someone leaves a comment, it sends a strong message to YouTube that they probably enjoyed the video (or at least engaged with it),” says Brian Dean.

So you should encourage your viewers to leave comments on your videos. Requesting to comment at the end of your videos is a good strategy to earn comments on your YouTube videos.

When somebody comments on your videos, you should reply to them. Never leave any comment unanswered, especially negative ones.

  • Watch Time And Subscribe After Watching

If somebody opens your video, how long does he/she stay on that video? Does he/she finish watching the video or leave the video after a few seconds?

Watch time matters. The longer the watch time, the better it will be for the performance of your video.

YouTube itself has reckoned it.

“The longer you can keep people watching on YouTube because of your content, the more your content may get surfaced.”

Justin Briggs, in his industry report, found a strong correlation between watch time and ranking.

So if you want to improve the ranking of your videos on YouTube, you should try to increase watch time.

Here are some strategies that can increase watch time of your videos on YouTube:

  • Start your videos with something that immediately grabs attention (within 15 seconds)
  • Tell your viewers what your videos are about in the beginning so that they don’t have to guess
  • Keep your viewers hooked by teasing them throughout the videos
  • Promote your videos aggressively to get more views
  • Structure playlist for linear viewing
  • Choose title and thumbnails properly
  • Grow your subscriber list

Not only watch time, if someone subscribes to your channel after watching, it also means that the viewer has liked your video.

And the best way to get more subscribers is to ask for it. At the end of your video, ask your audience to subscribe to your channel.

However, remember that nobody likes to subscribe to a channel that doesn’t produce quality content.

7- Thumbnails 

More than 40 hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube every minute, which simply means it is not easy to stand out from the crowd on this every-popular video sharing platform.

Video thumbnails are an effective tool that will help your videos get noticed and clicked. They work like marketing posters of your videos and let viewers have a quick snapshot of your videos while they are browsing videos.

Additionally, eye-catchy thumbnails help your videos stand out on Suggested Videos and increase the chances of viewers clicking on your videos.

In a nutshell, you should create irresistible thumbnails for videos.

Though thumbnails do not have any direct role in the ranking of your videos on YouTube, they improved clicks on your videos, thereby increasing views. This can eventually improve the ranking of your videos on YouTube.

You can autogenerate YouTube thumbnails, but you should not do it. 90% of the best-performing videos on YouTube have custom thumbnails. So you should create custom thumbnails for your videos.

“When you customize your thumbnails, be sure you’ve got a strong, vibrant image that looks great large and small, and conveys key information about your video,” says YouTube.

Following are some best practices to create click-worthy thumbnails:

  • Create thumbnails of high resolution as much as possible (but keep under 2MB limit)
  • Write catchy titles for your thumbnails
  • Create consistent thumbnails for all your videos
  • Follow recommended specs: 1280 x 720 pixels (16:9 ratio) as a .JPEG, .GIF, .BMP, or .PNG.
  • Zoom in and zoom out of your thumbnails to check look

Once you have created thumbnails, you should examine whether the thumbnails of your videos stand out among other videos or not.

YouTube thumbnails are an important marketing tool to brand your videos. However, you should avoid using misleading, clickbaity, and sensational thumbnails. Doing so can adversely affect the performance of your videos.

Always make sure the titles and thumbnails deliver on the promise.

8- Subtitles and Closed Captions 

Subtitles and closed captions are not directly related to YouTube ranking. However, subtitles and closed captions enable your content to reach a larger audience, which ropes in deaf and hard of hearing viewers and people from different languages. This eventually improves views and increases the chances of getting more likes, comments, and shares, thereby improving your ranking.

Some people consider subtitles and closed captions the same thing. However, they are different from each other.

Subtitles offer a text alternative for dialogue while closed captions provide text alternative for every sound of the videos.

Depending on your target audience, choose subtitles or closed captions for your videos.

Google offers useful information on adding closed captions/subtitles to videos on YouTube.

Chapter 4


YouTube is huge. This online video sharing community can help you grow your business if you are able to attract a larger audience to your videos. And YouTube SEO is a tool that can improve the ranking of your video and get your videos featured in suggested videos.

Follow the above best YouTube SEO practices, and I am sure you will be able to boost traffic to your videos.

What about you? Do you want to add any other best YouTube SEO practice to this list to improve traffic in 2019? Please leave it in the comment section. I would love to know about it.

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What is SaaS Marketing? How Does it Differ From Other Forms of Marketing?

If you own software that offers subscription-based services, then the process of promoting that product is called SaaS marketing.A Software as a Service business owner can get prospects to use their platform and generate revenue through targeted marketing techniques.

SaaS marketing is different from marketing traditional products and services. Since a cloud-based application isn’t as tangible as a product like coffee, getting customers to use it every day can be tricky. Marketing also gets tough in a dynamic technological environment—you need to continually update your product and communicate about those updates to your existing and potential customers.

Common SaaS Marketing Pitfalls

When you’re a new business starting to promote your SaaS product, you may be tempted to emulate the likes of HubSpot, Moz, and Vidyard. That’s a big mistake because these companies took a while before they could scale their marketing to current levels.

The ones that you see as successful SaaS businesses have done a great deal of groundwork before scaling up their marketing strategies—be it SEO, content or PR. You can’t possibly get there without having a clear roadmap that helps reach a specific scale. This guide will help you learn about the nuts and bolts of SaaS marketing and how you can get to a point where you can compete with the big players in your niche.

SaaS Content Marketing—Building an Audience

The challenge in getting the results from SaaS content marketing isn’t about creating informational content assets. It’s in building a loyal audience that trusts your content and believes that it will be useful. Making content valuable to a prospect is about studying searcher intent and the stage of their buyer journey. Because each prospect has different informational needs, being accurate about fulfilling those needs is the key to building a connection with them. Here are the typical buyer-journey stages you need to be aware of before creating audience-centric content for your SaaS platform.


It’s the stage when a prospective customer is a stranger to your business. At this stage of the journey, a buyer is looking to learn how to solve her persisting problems.

Take a look at some of the following online search queries from one such online searcher:

These are queries where your potential customer’s needs are informational. They’re not looking for a CRM or a marketing automation solution at this stage. But as someone marketing a CRM tool, you need to see the opportunity to meet the prospect’s need for informational content. Create in-depth blog posts, Ebooks, and videos, and you’ll become a prospective problem solver for them.

After consuming a content piece from your business, users might get interested in a CRM tool or an email marketing tool.


In this phase, a potential buyer knows that a CRM tool or an email marketing software would help her business. She starts researching the various SaaS tools available online.

Here are the typical search queries she types in the Google search bar:

The searcher’s intent is still informational, but now she’s looking to know about the various tool options. Content pieces that rank for such queries are mostly listicles and pages from product review platforms.

Reaching buyers in this stage of their life cycle is about creating power-packed list posts or finding a place in those produced by other sites.


When a prospect is past the primary research phase, she’s ready to make a purchase. It’s that stage when a potential buyer wants to get her hands on the specifics of different product candidates: features, pricing, and record.

Let’s take a look at some keywords at this stage of a potential buyer’s journey:

Observe these queries closely, and you’ll realize their transactional nature. To attract a potential software buyer in this stage, you need to communicate about product USPs—highlight features that stand out from the competition.

Publish and promote extensive case studies to prove your worth to the buyer. Talk about additional features and the exceptional customer support the product has to offer.


You don’t just do content marketing to acquire new customers; content offers you a powerful medium to retain existing customers. Customer retention is an integral part of your SaaS survival and growth kit. In this phase of the buyer journey, your existing customers would be looking for solutions related to your SaaS product— they’ll type search queries related to help topics, guides, and customer support.

Here are common search-queries in this stage of the customer lifecycle.

Focus on creating content that makes it easy for customers to use the product. Again, as you see, the content for this stage of the buyer-journey is informational. But it’s also true that such content is different from awareness stage content.

Come to think of it; you aim to create an impact by educating your customers throughout different lifecycle stages. The key idea behind identifying customer journey stages is to tailor content according to audience needs and aspirations.

Match Content with Purpose and Persona

Every content is either targeted at a potential customer or an existing one. Most of the time, there will be an audience overlap. But you want to establish clear-cut personas while creating each piece of content. Writing detailed audience personas and mapping their journey and touch-points is the best way to start developing a distinct content marketing voice.

Take a look at this example of a sample persona of a digital marketing manager:

Visualizing prospects, their challenges, and preferences give your content team the necessary clues to converse with them through content. Plus, it makes your audience start resonating with your content and your brand. The content and SEO team should be well-versed with product functionality and industry trends—such knowledge is essential for maintaining content integrity and value.


Don’t Aim to Rank for Everything

The number of keywords that you aim to rank for in the SaaS niche is much less than other niches, let’s say eCommerce. Most of the search terms that you’ll typically target are either transactional or educational. Trying to rank for everything, especially in the initial phases of your SEO/content marketing process, is futile. For instance, focusing effort on ranking product pages for ‘software’ related commercial intent terms is not worth it. Before reaching that level, a SaaS business needs to build a certain level of authority in its niche.

When you’re still in the nascent stages of marketing, it makes more sense to acquire product page and home page links on the relevant software list posts and review sites. 

Gain the edge over the local competition by practicing proper and effective local SEO techniques. Capture the local market and get leads on customers nearest to you. Talk to the My SEO Sucks now to know how local SEO works.

Establish Content Quality Guidelines

Besides understanding user-persona and user-intent, a content team needs a set of content creation guidelines.

Did you know?

69% of B2B marketers have a documented content strategy.

Develop a Brand Voice

The first step is giving them a sense of your brand’s personality. Highlight some core emotional values make-up the backbone of your brand. Is it light-hearted, fun, and quirky, or is it formal, authoritative, and straightforward?

Creating a brand voice helps the content team to establish a distinct content tone. The tone usually becomes the distinguishing factor for your SaaS brand.

Pen Down the Writer’s Guidelinesc

Next, you need to create a set of writer guidelines along with visual content guidelines. These are a set of dos and don’ts for the content team. For instance, you need to guide them about the length of paragraphs and sentences. Tell them to include valuable statistics, graphs, and visuals to add weight to their argument.

Include details about not using filler words, adverbs, and passive voice. MailChimp’s content style guide is a good example:

Create a Reckoner for Visual Content

Visual content guidelines focus on creating consistency in the use of your brand logo and brand colours. A separate guideline helps the design team to create visuals that are in sync with your brand.

Have you observed Hubspot’s brand colour and logo usage across its web properties?

Make Blog Content Readable and User-Friendly

The company blog is a vital piece in your SaaS marketing puzzle. Most thought leaders and successful SaaS businesses have used informative and engaging blog posts to climb up the growth ladder.

Studies reveal that 73% of B2B marketers think that blog posts and articles are the most effective content types for demand generation in the awareness stage of the buyer’s journey, or the top of the sales funnel.

If the audience embraces your blog content, the search engines notice it and push your site higher on search results. Let’s look at some useful tips to make blog content more reader-friendly:

a. Keep it Simple

Make the language approachable and conversational. Well, sounding technical is the last thing that will help you display niche expertise. The use of jargon and complicated phrases tend to alienate the audience. A human approach to blog content is about decoding stuff that’s hard to understand; educating the audience is about simplification and not the other way round.

b. Use Visuals

One thing you should remember is that nobody wants to read a wall of text. Adding visuals in the form of graphs, charts, tables, videos, and even memes is an excellent way to hook the audience.

You can use bullet points and small paragraphs to add breathing space to your content.

Imbibe Storytelling Techniques

Creating content isn’t about selling a product or appeasing the search engines. It’s a zone where you build an emotional connection with the audience.

Storytelling is a powerful way to hook the audience, and it gets them to convert into customers.

Create Pillar Content

Pillar content is simply a blog post that offers users all the information about a specific topic.

Did you know?

B2B marketers who put their audience’s informational needs first make up 88% of the top performers in content marketing.

Let’s take a look at some of the key benefits of pillar content for SaaS businesses:

Here’s an example of a pillar page from Typeform.

The pillar page offers an in-depth understanding of brand awareness to marketing professionals and business owners.

Generate Leads with Gated Content

Gating premium content is one of the popular ways for SaaS companies to generate qualified leads. Gated content is a content type that isn’t accessible to everyone; it’s only available to those users who share their contact details by filling up a contact form. They also agree to sign-up for the company newsletter. Let’s look at some gated content types that you can use for growing your sales pipeline:

E-Books and White papers

This type of downloadable content is of tremendous value to prospective customers. A well-designed Ebook is an excellent content format to educate the audience and build a relationship with them.

Studies show that 51% of today’s B2B businesses are incorporating Ebooks into their content marketing campaigns. Take a look at this example of an Ebook from Autoklose:

Autoklose got 2000 leads, 54 demos, and 29 new clients from this content asset in a single week.

Video Courses

Becoming an authority in your industry needs to make a lot more effort than you imagine. A way in which SaaS companies help their potential buyers is through in-depth niche video courses. It’s a gated content format and a terrific tool for generating quality leads.


Many prospects will enjoy a more human way of learning. That’s when a live webinar with Q&A becomes a useful content format. It’s another gated content type that helps display niche authority and works well for SaaS lead generation.

73% of B2B marketers say a webinar is the best way to generate high-quality leads.

Tools and Templates

If you wish to go the extra mile to help the audience, try creating free tools and templates. Use a landing page to promote such giveaways and collect email addresses of potential customers.

Free Trial

Offering a free product trial is ideal for getting prospective customers to get a sneak peek of your product. You can limit the trail by features or by time. Collect a user’s email address lieu of the trial.

Most big SaaS companies have used the power of expert gated content to build up a robust database of prospective customers.

Scaling up Content Marketing Efforts

When you go out there to start publishing content, it may seem daunting and even disheartening to see established players occupying the coveted search engine real estate. A SaaS business’s journey to becoming a content authority can be an uphill climb. But here is the thing, if you’re disciplined about creating and publishing value-driven content, your online brand could eventually find the top-spot. Focus on building the best content pieces out there; don’t run after publishing too many of them.

Can you publish two epic blog posts every month? If yes, then that’s how you should start. Here are some of the essential strategies that will help you sail through:

Build a Team of Expert Writers

When creating SaaS content, two things matter most: quality and niche expertise. Make sure you’re hiring and training to build a team of creative rock stars who are also niche experts.

Create a Content Calendar

One of the things that differentiate SaaS successes from the failures is persistence. To maintain a consistent workflow, you need to put everything into a content calendar.

A monthly content calendar will help your team to work towards a clear-cut action plan.

Build Partnerships

As soon as you have a bunch of quality content assets, you can start building partnerships to get links and mentions. Connect with easy-to-get media outlets, complementary businesses, and influencers. Co-promotions and link-building should be a parallel exercise. Once you create a foundation for your content workflow, you’ll have a better idea of how you can move to the next level. Let’s now understand how you can fire-up your content game with some kickass SEO push.

Cracking the SaaS SEO Code

Search engine optimization remains a vital spoke of the SaaS marketing wheel. Google now processes over 40,000 search queries every second on average.

But you can’t rely on technical fixes to get site rankings. A typical SaaS website is tiny when you compare it with E-commerce and other B2C business websites. To get to the top of the search results, you’d instead focus energies on the non-technical aspects of search engine optimization. With further ado, let’s learn about the strategies that will help you get there:

On-Page Optimization

Basic on-page optimization is an essential SaaS SEO strategy. Here’s a quick checklist:

Internal Linking

One of the things that add to your content’s search relevance is creating links on your website’s pages. Internal linking can take different forms:

One of the key benefits of an internal linking strategy is that it adds structure to your site and its content. A sound internal linking strategy helps the audience find information with ease and adds to their overall site experience. Let’s understand this with the help of an example: Suppose you’re creating content pieces around the following related topics:

‘lead generation strategies’

‘building an email list’

‘optimizing a landing page for lead generation’

‘implementing live chat on a website’

Inter-linking these posts helps the audience get in-depth insights into the broader subject here: lead generation. Similarly, you can include a link to the most relevant product page, say, a ‘landing page creation tool’. A quarterly or a half-yearly internal-linking audit is a worthy technique to figure out if you have already linked all the relevant posts and pages.

Acquiring Quality Backlinks

With a string of Google Algorithm updates, it makes a lot of sense to build backlinks through quality content. Earn links through authentic relationships with authority niche websites. The process demands SaaS marketers to be a lot more creative and patient in the link-building approach.

a. Write Guest Posts

Writing high-quality guest posts is still the most effective way to acquire quality links. You can start with the low hanging fruit first. Pitch to and write for lower DR websites and slowly move up the ladder. As you move forward, aim to write for top tier niche sites. One of the things to note is that you need to understand each site you’re targeting. Read through their contributor guidelines and learn about their content-style.

b. Tip Journalists on Platforms like HARO

A brilliant strategy to earn quality links is to connect with journalists in your niche. You can sign-up for a free platform like HARO and browse through relevant queries. Reach out with case studies and tips to get featured on the best of niche publications. For every ten queries, you’re likely to earn at least one link or brand mention.

c. Co-Promote Complementary Businesses

This is a relatively new link-building technique, but it works quite well for some SaaS businesses. You can tie up with complementary businesses and exchange mentions. Try and make this as natural as possible. For instance, you can link to a guide published by another non-competing niche business in exchange for a similar link to one of your content pieces.

d. Publish Original Research

You must have come across B2B companies like HubSpot and Moz publishing original studies based on primary research. Such content pieces are aimed at understanding the current state of an industry or stuff like consumption patterns.

9 out of 10 companies who do original research found that it’s successful. 

When you publish original research, you’re diving deep into an industry’s problems and producing valuable data. Take a look at this example of a piece of original research from Redfin, a real estate platform:

Such data has the potential to create news and get featured in the best of publications. Do you get the drift? Original research does not come easy. You need to have a specialized team to produce one. Plus, you need a dedicated outreach team to ensure the right amount of visibility for it. Original research is a content type that can truly make you an authority in your niche.

e. Become a Guest on Niche Podcasts

Imagine yourself appearing in one of your favourite podcasts and sharing expert tips! Now, beyond the celebrity feel, this strategy is an excellent way to get quality links for your SaaS business. Podcasting is a trending content format, quite popular among today’s time-pressed audience.

55% (155 million) of the US population has listened to a podcast – up from 51% in 2019. 

Podcast guesting is a cool way to display your niche expertise and acquire links for your site. To start building links through this channel, you can hire a podcast booking agency to get you on top of industry podcasts.

Audit Content Regularly

Getting SaaS content to rank on search engines is no piece of cake. The first obvious step is to keyword optimize whatever you publish.

Did you know?

Thirty percent of Microsoft’s content had never been visited. And they wouldn’t have known until a content strategist conducted an audit.

To understand its worth, you’ve got to re-check branded content regularly. Here’s the stuff that you need to track while performing an audit:

You need to make a list of content pieces that won’t work so that the team can rewrite or edit them. Keep track of blog posts that are ranking or slowly moving up the organic search results. These are the best of the lot. Also, look for ways to upgrade existing pieces. Maybe you can replace outdated information and stats with the latest ones. Try including new examples and case studies to make old posts more valuable.

Content Amplification and Digital PR

One of the core strategies for reaching a SaaS audience is to promote and amplify your content. When every SaaS business is producing content, being aggressive about online promotions is vital to making your SaaS content stand out.

Let’s take a look at some proven content promotion techniques:

Social Media

You’ll find that there’s already enough noise on most social platforms. Many B2B SaaS companies choose to focus on one or two key social media platforms. LinkedIn is an incredible platform for promoting SaaS content. 75 percent of all registered LinkedIn users have incomes over $50,000, and 44 percent have incomes over $75,000.

Here’s how you use LinkedIn to promote expert content:

For instance, Autopilot, a marketing automation tool, used LinkedIn to generate over 575 marketing qualified leads in just three months. The SaaS product got these leads at 4X lower cost as compared with industry standards.

LinkedIn is a treasure-trove of precious SaaS leads. You need to focus on publishing thought-leadership content and building new connections. The platform also allows you to run paid campaigns and reach your audience in no time.

Repurpose Existing Content

One of the things that make SaaS content scaling effortless is content repurposing. According to a survey by Curata, only a third of leading marketers said they have a systematic process to reuse or repurpose content. 56% said repurposing was sporadic, with 2% not repurposing content at all.

The beauty of repurposing is that you can turn an existing piece of content into numerous content pieces and reach a bigger audience. Plus, content repurposing is a terrific way to earn more search real estate. Here are some exciting examples:

Content repurposing is the magic wand you need for scaling up SaaS content marketing.

Create a Newsletter

Approximately 40% of B2B marketers say that email newsletters are an integral part of their content marketing strategy. It would not be an overstatement to say that many SaaS businesses succeed because they have a robust newsletter strategy.

A newsletter makes SaaS marketing more human. It’s that essential way to deliver personalized content to your audience—something to make them feel special.

Run Paid Ad Campaigns

If you’re looking for quick lead generation for your SaaS business, running a paid ad campaign is probably the best route you can take. Some of the top platforms to run such campaigns include LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and Google.

The ideal way is to create a landing page for one of your gated content pieces. Run ad campaigns to promote such landing pages. The technique helps generate paid traffic to premium content assets—it’s the right way to connect with a specific audience and generate leads.

Embrace PR Outreach

The recent Google Algorithm updates have meant the SEO can PR have merged. So the ideal way to build links and get visibility for your brand or branded content is to acquire value-driven editorial coverage. Let’s take a look at some PR tips that can work for your SaaS business:

1. Focus on Building Relationships

Whether it is niche influencers, podcast hosts, or blog editors, you need to show how you can bring value to the table. You cannot afford to be desperate for links. Go out there and share valuable content and tips with those who matter in your industry. Be proactive about building strong relationships. For instance, you can quote an influencer in your content or mention her in your social media update.

2. Do Something Newsworthy

Is there a product feature that is unique to your software? Are you using trending technology? Have you published a piece of original research or training material? Have you recently received funding for your product? Are you sponsoring a business conference?

There could be numerous reasons to get featured in the news. You can find out yours and then reach out to the relevant media outlet for coverage.

3. Personalize Your Outreach

When building personal relationships with journalists, you must remember that a bulk outreach is a big no. Make the interaction personal and honest. Journalists are busy working on many stories, so you need to follow up a few times before starting a conversation. Remember, one successful collaboration opens doors for many more to come. You can use media pitch templates to customize your outreach campaign and optimize the results from it. Here is a sample email pitch template:

A focused outreach strategy targeting niche media outlets is a tremendous content promotion strategy. Earned media helps you move beyond owned content assets like a company blog or a YouTube channel, an excellent way to expand your footprint and achieve higher search rankings.

Final Thoughts

The core strategy behind promoting a SaaS product is to attract relevant customers through persistent content marketing efforts. Publish quality content and be aggressive about your link-building efforts.

Have a clear-cut intent of building and growing an audience; start thinking like a media company. Generate leads and nurture your prospects to create a sales pipeline that converts into dollars. Replicate your successes to move to the next level. That’s your roadmap to becoming an authority in your niche. Are you ready to market your SaaS business?
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Company websites are important for any brand navigating the currents of the digital era. The websites serve as a modern, dynamic, and even interactive tool for marketing businesses to target customers online.

But, for brands to reach new clients through their websites, they need an effective content marketing strategy.

A 2013 analysis shows that conversion rates are higher for companies using content marketing strategies than those that don’t. This highlights the importance of an effective content marketing strategy.

To reap this benefit, you must have the right content marketing tools. These innovative tools can be the key to your brand’s successful content marketing campaign.


Ahrefs is a well-known toolset for backlinks and SEO analysis. It is a software company that develops online SEO tools and free educational materials for marketing professionals.

  • Competitor research
  • Link Building
  • Keyword Research
  • Website Audit
  • Rank Tracking
  • Mentions Monitoring

Our Top Picks


Ahrefs is a well-known toolset for backlinks and SEO analysis. It is a software company that develops online SEO tools and free educational materials for marketing professionals.

  • Competitor research
  • Link Building
  • Keyword Research
  • Website Audit
  • Rank Tracking
  • Mentions Monitoring


Trello is a content team collaboration platform. It’s a great organization and productivity resource to schedule tasks like content writing, publishing, and sharing.

  • Well-organized board and card system
  • Detailed card overview
  • In-line editing
  • Progress meter checklist
  • File attachment
  • Tags, label, and comments sections
  • Searchable database


ClickFunnels is a sales funnel creation tool that provides users with a shopping cart, auto-responder, and email service, among others.

The platform is a sales funnel builder that helps entrepreneurs to list, sell, and deliver their products online.

  • Sales funnels
  • Drag-and-drop web page editor
  • Smart shopping cart
  • Payment gateways
  • Email integrations
  • A/B testing


SEMRush brands itself as an all-in-one marketing toolkit. The platform provides billions of keywords and runs in-depth website audits for businesses.

  • Access to over 20 billion keywords
  • Supports 130 countries
  • Competitor website tracker
  • Pay-Per-Click campaign management
  • Social media monitoring


SEMRush brands itself as an all-in-one marketing toolkit. The platform provides billions of keywords and runs in-depth website audits for businesses.

  • Access to over 20 billion keywords
  • Supports 130 countries
  • Competitor website tracker
  • Pay-Per-Click campaign management
  • Social media monitoring


SEMRush brands itself as an all-in-one marketing toolkit. The platform provides billions of keywords and runs in-depth website audits for businesses.

  • Access to over 20 billion keywords
  • Supports 130 countries
  • Competitor website tracker
  • Pay-Per-Click campaign management
  • Social media monitoring


SEMRush brands itself as an all-in-one marketing toolkit. The platform provides billions of keywords and runs in-depth website audits for businesses.

  • Access to over 20 billion keywords
  • Supports 130 countries
  • Competitor website tracker
  • Pay-Per-Click campaign management
  • Social media monitoring


SEMRush brands itself as an all-in-one marketing toolkit. The platform provides billions of keywords and runs in-depth website audits for businesses.

  • Access to over 20 billion keywords
  • Supports 130 countries
  • Competitor website tracker
  • Pay-Per-Click campaign management
  • Social media monitoring


Top Content Management Tools Comparison

HubSpot Squarespace WordPress
Product Summary HubSpot is a marketing tool that offers users the features they need to create engaging content. The platform also enables content marketers to deliver web content faster to their target audience. Squarespace is an ideal platform for individuals and small businesses that want to sell their products and services online. The platform can be used for building online shops and to start personal websites and blogs. WordPress is a content creation platform with excellent functionalities, powerful features, built-in plugins, and impressive customer service and support.
Product Summary
  • Integrated social publishing
  • Search engine optimization
  • A/B testing landing pages
  • Blog analytics
  • Event-based automation triggers
  • Easy DIY website builder
  • Built-in mobile websites
  • A/B testing landing pages
  • Custom WYSIWYG editor
  • Automatic image scaling
  • Streamlined website publishing
  • Numerous publishing tools
  • Search engine optimized sites
  • Full standards compliance
  • WordPress plugins
Price Hubspot starter packages is available for $35 a month Squarespace plans begin at $12 per month Depending on your needs, the price can range from $100 to $500 to $3000, to even as high as $30,000 or more.
HubSpot is more than just a content management software platform since it lives on top of your CRM. Try out HubSpot with their free trial at If you want a simpler way to manage your portfolio site, SquareSpace will be a top content management system to consider. Learn more at As a free and open-source CMS, WordPress is virtually limitless. Visit their site at h ttps://
Product Summary HubSpot HubSpot is a marketing tool that offers users the features they need to create engaging content. The platform also enables content marketers to deliver web content faster to their target audience. Squarespace Squarespace is an ideal platform for individuals and small businesses that want to sell their products and services online. The platform can be used for building online shops and to start personal websites and blogs. WordPress WordPress is a content creation platform with excellent functionalities, powerful features, built-in plugins, and impressive customer service and support.
Key Features HubSpot

  • Integrated social publishing
  • Search engine optimization
  • A/B testing landing pages
  • Blog analytics
  • Event-based automation triggers

  • Easy DIY website builder
  • Built-in mobile websites
  • A/B testing landing pages
  • Custom WYSIWYG editor
  • Automatic image scaling

  • Streamlined website publishing
  • Numerous publishing tools
  • Search engine optimized sites
  • Full standards compliance
  • WordPress plugins
Price HubSpot Hubspot starter packages is available for $35 a month Squarespace Squarespace plans begin at $12 per month WordPress Depending on your needs, the price can range from $100 to $500 to $3000, to even as high as $30,000 or more.
HubSpot HubSpot is more than just a content management software platform since it lives on top of your CRM. Try out HubSpot with their free trial at Squarespace If you want a simpler way to manage your portfolio site, SquareSpace will be a top content management system to consider. Learn more at WordPress As a free and open-source CMS, WordPress is virtually limitless. Visit their site at h ttps://

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