Strategies for Boosting Your Visibility on SearchEye

As a publisher or writer on SearchEye, understanding how to fine-tune your visibility and attract the right businesses for potential collaborations is key to making the most out of our platform. It’s also important to remember that we operate on a double opt-in system: we never force writers or publishers to collaborate with specific businesses. This approach maintains the integrity of our platform and ensures mutually beneficial partnerships.

It’s also important to remember that we operate on a double opt-in system: we never force writers or publishers to collaborate with specific businesses.

Here’s a breakdown of various strategies you can employ to maximize your opportunities:

Compensation Type

No Compensation (Highest Visibility)

By choosing to offer content without a fee, you’ll significantly increase your visibility, attracting a broader range of businesses looking for budget-friendly solutions.

Flat Rate Links (Medium-High Visibility)

This is a recommended choice. In this model, you receive a set fee based on the Domain Rating (DR) and the monthly search volume of the site you’re creating content for. Here are the details:

Site SpecificationFee (Compensation)
DR 50 – DR 70, Minimum 1k Searches / Month$150
DR 70 – DR 90, Minimum 2.5k Searches / Month$195
DR 90 +, Minimum 4k Searches / Month$220

Businesses on our platform purchase tokens in bulk, which they can then exchange for links & quotes in your articles.

Set Your Fee (Low-Medium Visibility)

In this model, you set a fee based on the site and topic you’re addressing. While this might lower your visibility, it allows you to attract businesses that are willing to meet your specified price point.

Domain URL Visibility

Show Domain URL (High Visibility) – Recommended

By opting to display your domain URL, all users on the SearchEye platform can see exactly which publisher(s) they’re collaborating with before checking out.

Hide Domain URL (Low Visibility)

For those seeking a more private experience, you can choose to conceal your domain URL. This ensures brand confidentiality and keeps your URL visible only to our vetted Links Pro members.

Article Requirements

Your selected parameters will impact your visibility by dictating the types of businesses that can interact with you:

Niches / Industries

Selecting specific niches or industries helps you attract relevant businesses looking for content within those specific areas. The more targeted your selection, the better the chances of aligning with the right businesses. However, there will also be a smaller pool of businesses who will have access to this opportunity.

Domain Rating (DR)

A higher DR generally attracts businesses that value established sites for their links and mentions. While this may restrict the quantity of businesses that interact with you, it ensures quality by aligning you with businesses that appreciate and pay for premium placements.


A site with high traffic tends to attract businesses interested in reaching larger audiences. Although this might limit the quantity of businesses you interact with, it ensures you connect with those interested in your particular audience size.

At SearchEye, we value the autonomy and decision-making power of our publishers and writers. Our double opt-in system guarantees that both you and the business mutually agree before initiating any collaboration, ensuring a beneficial partnership that respects your individual preferences and maintains the integrity of our platform.

Remember, the goal is quality over quantity. By aligning with the right brands and maintaining control over your collaborations, you enhance your chances of more meaningful and profitable partnerships. Your success on our platform is not just about attracting orders, but attracting the right orders that add value to your writing career.

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