Resource Page Template

A resource page is a list of the most useful resources in your space. It includes links to blog posts, articles, slides, videos, products, tools, and other resource related to the website’s niche. These pages are a creative way of sharing and organizing information to provide a map of the topic.
A resource page is a library where all the useful content distributed across different websites is compiled. Done properly, these are helpful pages that boost user engagement, elevate your brand by demonstrating usefulness to your audience, and can also lead to partnership opportunities with the resources you’re sending users to.
There are several ways you can build a strong resources page, and we give you the templates and frameworks you can use to make sure your resources page achieves its goal.
Reasons to use a Resources Page Template on Your Website
You’re likely already familiar with the other types of pages on your website: product landing pages, the homepage, pricing pages, pages with functionality like calculators, and so on. Resource pages are different to each of these pages.
A resource page, also called a recommended links page, allows visitors to find useful and relevant resources. It serves as a useful reference page that generates value for web users. It lays down your recommended articles, ebooks, products, videos, blogs, and photos posted on other websites. By placing all relevant information on this important page, visitors understand the products and services you provide.
But there is still more than meets the eye. Here are the best reasons to integrate resource pages into your website.
Provides Value to Customers
Logic is important to visitors, so remember that they check out your website for a reason. They are looking for information or resources to help them solve a problem or satisfy their needs. You can share concise information with a great resources page, such as how-to or need-to-know blogs and other articles.
Makes for a Sticky Website
Resource pages may work better for first-time visitors. They may find information that they do not look for but that appears relevant and entertaining. They click the links and other resources to view other pages and return later to find more information, making them stick around your website.
Drives More Traffic to Your Site
A large number of users find a website through search engines. They may type keywords that may include your web in the search result, so resource pages with rich keywords are at a greater advantage. Meaning resource pages are your avenues to add content to your website and boost search traffic.
Types of Resource Pages With Samples
Now that you know why you need resource pages on your website, the next step is to learn their types and format them to gain more attention. Essentially, there are two main types of Resource Pages: the open and the gated resources page.
The open resource page is open to all web visitors. Resources can be accessed without restrictions or requirements, such as an account or email address. Meanwhile, the gated one is, of course, the opposite of this. Readers must provide personal information to access the resources, including an email address or a phone number.
Once deciding which kind of resources page works better, choosing and presenting topics is crucial. You may provide a lot of resources to attract users with different interests. You may post only a few so they will not get overwhelmed. Here are the types of resource pages to choose from:
One Topic on a Single Page
Single topic pages focus and delve into topics you often blog about. You may opt to use three topics for the resource pages to avoid posting hundreds, and visitors will not get overwhelmed.
The Garden of Eating presents an excellent example of a single-page resource page. They zeroed in on food photography, providing various products needed to create magnificent images of dishes.
Start Here Page
The start here page guides new visitors through the information they need to understand your website better. It helps make them feel valued and be more aware as if resource pages are created for them.
The City of Victoria is an example of this resource page type. It provides links to sites people could click if they want to help in building back the city after the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
All Topic Page
This resource page type covers a broad range of topics to attract and provides tips to visitors of different backgrounds. This type makes the website a go-to source to get the most reliable information.
A perfect example of this is Weber State University. It presents all topics related to its website on a single page. Web visitors may find different video tutorials and playlists for their fitness sessions.
How to Format Attention-Grabbing Resource Page Templates
By now, you may already know what type of resource page template you need for your business. So the next thing on your mind is how to create one to draw in your target audience and make them stick around. Here are several pointers to consider:
Don’t forget to use these elements:
- Subheadings for easier scanning
- Images for visual appeal
- Different text formatting to catch attention (bullets, numbered lists, or brief paragraphs)
The perfect combination of these elements can create a beautiful resource page design. It will entice readers more to check out for relevant information.
Create it for your audience
You and your audience may be using different tools, so you are a hundred steps ahead of them. The goal of your resources page must be helping them and vice versa. Otherwise, they will hardly understand what you can provide them, leading to high bounce rates.
Provide tools and products, even those connected to affiliate programs
Regardless of the platform, people visit websites for relevant resources. It is wise to add tools connected to affiliate programs. For example, a fitness coach creates a help section for various products, such as gear and food supplements.
Create Your Resource Page for Your Customers Now
Show your customers you care. Provide them with a resources page that serves them. Make it so that it answers their questions and solves their problems. This will make them come back for more.
A resource page done right will give you the repeat customers you want for your business. It will provide you with a website so sticky it will decrease your bounce rate considerably. This will lead to a better return on investment than you ever expected.
Visit SearchEye now to learn more about Resource Pages and get the kind of content that will make them stand out. Want a ton of link opportunities that will help strengthen your marketing efforts? We can help. Contact us today.
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